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A decent singer who got way overhyped, and way overhated. All the shit about Elvis ripping off blacks is just that: shit. Sure he had strong influences, but a) he got that sound on the radio when black people couldn't at the time, b) he always expressed respect and admiration for the artists who influenced him and c) even Chuck D clarified his opinion on Elvis.



And blue moon is gorgeous.


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Guest tht tne

A decent singer who got way overhyped, and way overhated. All the shit about Elvis ripping off blacks is just that: shit. Sure he had strong influences, but a) he got that sound on the radio when black people couldn't at the time, b) he always expressed respect and admiration for the artists who influenced him and c) even Chuck D clarified his opinion on Elvis.



And blue moon is gorgeous.



chuck d sure was big in the music scene in the 1950s, i'll give you that

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"Elvis was a hero to most, but he never meant shit to me."


Chuck D may have taken it back in that article, Chen.. but his words still echo my sentiment.

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"Elvis was a hero to most, but he never meant shit to me."


Chuck D may have taken it back in that article, Chen.. but his words still echo my sentiment.


Why? Don't like the music? That's fine, I'm not a huge fan either. But the issue of race and stealing "black" music is bollocks.

See I'm gonna come off as an Elvis fanboi or something here, which again is pretty far from the truth, but the man (from what I've read about him) had obvious respect for the artists who influenced him. But here's the real thing - it was because of people like Elvis that the "black" music was able to make the radio. He helped break down cultural barriers. Now I know that wikipedia is no serious source, but the couple of paragraphs here are worth a quick read: Linkage


Plus his influence on music is pretty undeniable - the beatles, bob dylan, bruce springsteen (ok bruce springsteen is not the best example to cite...lol) fuck i dunno, the list is probably pretty big.

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I have no problem with Elvis, but I've never intentionally listened to his music.


i like his films, they're like a hypnotic experience that takes me to a calm place. Ironically i find the music in them horribly camp and barely listenable, but i persevere, because it's part of the progression of the film. This can be an insidious infection though, as once you've tried a few elvis films you start getting sold on the whole package.


That being said i don't own any of his music, nor have i ever put any on.




anyway, that's where i stand with the guy, bless him. ;-]

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