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Who created us?


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I posted this idea in another thread where it seemed to belong but decided to create its own for either a really interesting thread discussion or a quick and hasty end via bs comments being thrown around. Whatever happens ultimately it doesn't matter.


I believe I may have the answer to that question.


Knowing Quantum Computers will be in existence (hopefully) not very long from now and knowing how powerful (In terms of computational power) they will be consider the following.


Consider a program on a Quantum Computer that simulates life; life that interacts, makes decisions and even dialog all on its own simply because its programed that way. Now if you think this is far fetched then know that we already have games (Stars Wars Forced Unleashed Euphoria Engine) where the NPC's are programed to doge objects thrown at them and to grab the nearest object when they fall, its all a matter of algorithms and technological limitations. Once we pass the technological limitation we can code programs so that anything is possible.


Now imagine that an NPC from this program (or game if you will) asks the question (all on its own) "Who created me?". Well now we find something very interesting, the game seems to have developed some sort of consciousness. Now lets imagine that NPCs of this game start learning and gaining knowledge based on the environment programed/set around them and over time they too starts developing their own game starting of with a game like that of Pong. Eventually the Program advances its self so much that it develops a game much like the game we humans created using Quantum Computer. In effect we see Us creating a game that creates a game within a game and so on and so forth.


Now we can't see our creator but we can see the consequences of us being a creator and use that to answer some of the most daunting questions of all time, who created us? Well... We created us. Itz us creating a reflection of us upon a refection of us.


As we try and learn the physics that govern our world we are just learning the programs code and as a result use what mathematical equations we learn in our real world and apply them in the "Virtual World" which could actually very well be what our reality is, at least when compared to the higher realty which created us.

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Glad to see I'm not the only one to have thought of this, even though I wasn't the first. Someone else always gets to be the first... This time via the post and the idea.

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Guest Pennywise

yeh well if we are in a computer simulation, who the fuck made the computer? its a crappy explanation for our existence. Same thing about God, what created God?

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What is matter? Never mind. What is mind? Doesn't matter.


A common way of defining matter is as anything that has mass and occupies volume.[3] In practice however there is no single correct scientific meaning of "matter," as different fields use the term in different and sometimes incompatible ways.


Mind is the aspect of intellect and consciousness experienced as combinations of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will, and imagination, including all unconscious cognitive processes.
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I read the article underlining the concepts stated by me and my ideas far expand what they have to offer.


But knowing the attitude of WATMM and the attitude of the current posts. I'll just keep my thoughts to myself where they belong.



yeh well if we are in a computer simulation, who the fuck made the computer? its a crappy explanation for our existence. Same thing about God, what created God?



Imagine a circle now imagine that we follow the trend of a circle with one end meeting the other end forming a recursive never ending loop. That is what we are a part of. We are one reality in another reality in another reality in which the last reality is really containing the first for this loop/paradox of reality.

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yeh well if we are in a computer simulation, who the fuck made the computer? its a crappy explanation for our existence. Same thing about God, what created God?


There still no other theory that makes sense.


What was before the big bang? Where did the matter in the universe come from?

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What was before the big bang? Where did the matter in the universe come from?


if you think too long on this shit you'll go mad. trust me.

you either believe in a 'divine' creator of the Universe/Universes or you don't.

i'm not saying what i think, but have you ever been into space? and looked back at the Earth?

i'm guessing not. only a bunch of people apparently have, and we have to trust what they say about it.

we also have to trust what they say about landing on the Moon. but unless you saw it with your own eyes how can you know fo' sure?

how can you know anything for sure? how do you even know there's a Universe out there?


just a thought.. :)

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And of all places you're asking this question to WATMM?


I realized that before I posted, thats why I said no matter what the end result of this thread it doesn't matter.

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As humans become more and more able to create virtual realities capable of simulating intelligence, and when you consider that there could very well be more intelligent life in the universe also capable of simulating intelligence, it becomes more likely than not that we are not living in the top layer of simulation in the universe.


Think about it. Say, for example, there are seven layers of simulation, six below us. We, world A are simulating world B, which is simulating world C, all the way down to G. The intelligence in each layer does not know about the intelligence in the layers above (unless it starts to ask philosophical questions like us). As we look down on the lower layers, who's to say that we are in the uppermost layer? If the bottom layers don't know what is above them, surely it is possible that there are layers above us that we are not awake of?

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As humans become more and more able to create virtual realities capable of simulating intelligence, and when you consider that there could very well be more intelligent life in the universe also capable of simulating intelligence, it becomes more likely than not that we are not living in the top layer of simulation in the universe.


Think about it. Say, for example, there are seven layers of simulation, six below us. We, world A are simulating world B, which is simulating world C, all the way down to G. The intelligence in each layer does not know about the intelligence in the layers above (unless it starts to ask philosophical questions like us). As we look down on the lower layers, who's to say that we are in the uppermost layer? If the bottom layers don't know what is above them, surely it is possible that there are layers above us that we are not awake of?


Yes in essence I think there is no Top Layer each layer feeds off of each other layer in an infinite loop of layers that may very well just circle back to each other. The question then of course would be who started the loop? Typically no matter what explanation we try and give for the origin of everything, for instance the Big Bang theory with its infinite series of expansions and contractions we always come to the same paradox (Zeno's paradoxes). However, I think the program theory for the existence of everything makes the most sense because when you think of the Big Bang and ask yourself ok sure it had stuff in it and it explodes but what put the stuff in it? Well if everything is programed then the same way we put content in games/programs would be the same answer to how everything got to be where it is in our reality. Also you could think of our inability to find a definite answer to this paradox as a limit or parameter brought upon by the coder or maybe even the possibility of less and less "RAM" as a result of a never ending/running loop.


For example, something to this effect.



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