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I maybe ate some moldy bread


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I might have eaten moldy bread. I burped and got the earthy taste of mold in my mouth and now my tummy hurts. But on the other hand I am not sure if I had already a belly ache before eating the bread. Maybe I am dying. :trashbear:

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You need to call an ambulance before your gut explodes, releasing the spores and propagating bread-borne moulditis to everyone within a 43 metre radius.

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does the mould not attract toxic spores or something




You need to call an ambulance before your gut explodes, releasing the spores and propagating bread-borne moulditis to everyone within a 43 metre radius.


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You need to call an ambulance before your gut explodes, releasing the spores and propagating bread-borne moulditis to everyone within a 43 metre radius.


LOl, I read that as mouldy tits.




You ever heard of penicillin azoatoth?

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The stomach has super natural abilities to rid itself of bad stuff it doesnt want...this is what vomiting is all about.So,youll either be tripping balls by the time you read this or vomiting profusely.If you can still read this,if the screen is devoid of puke and not wavering like a mirage,drink plenty of water to make the passage of aforementioned icky stuff even easier.Once your puke is green...congratulations youve reached the bile stage and should now eat something dry like a biscuit or toast made with non mouldy bread and again make sure you keep your fluids up.

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came for the 5 paragraph xxx explanation, left disappointed.



Mold on bread can't be too bad because the pH of your stomach would obliterate all spores and active cultures. The dose some bread would provide can't be that bad unless you necked the whole loaf--in which case you have bigger problems than mold.


Mold gets dangerous when you inhale spores because fungus really can take hold in the hot dark depths of a lung and cause pneumonia. Mold is also a correlate of generally unclean indoor conditions, which is why it gets attention at all.


If you don't have end-stage cancer, AIDS or take steroids or chemotherapy and are a reasonably tuff buck, sack it up. If you keep perseverating and worrying, your anxiety really will manifest nausea and vomiting purely from the amplification and general freak-out process.*


*still not a gastroeneterologist/mycologist/epidemiologist so get yourself to l'hopital if fever, vomiting, diarrhea, hallucinations begin...well if you start trippin', consider yourself lucky, put Drukqs on a Walkman and take a stroll through the meadow


One paragraph short :(

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