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The Dark Knight Rises

Rubin Farr

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Watched it, loved it. Entertained throughout, and a satisfying conclusion to a great trilogy



I don't really understand the ending. did Alfred really see Bruce, or was it just something he imagined?



Lucious?(Morgan Freedman's character) asks the scientists about a grey/silver Bat...... (I assume that it was another Bat? as the main one would have been blown up by the nuke) and they confirm that Bruce Wayne had installed a software update to fix the auto pilot. Implying that he jumped out of The Bat and the autopilot took the nuke out into the ocean


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Watched it, loved it. Entertained throughout, and a satisfying conclusion to a great trilogy



I don't really understand the ending. did Alfred really see Bruce, or was it just something he imagined?



Lucious?(Morgan Freedman's character) asks the scientists about a grey/silver Bat...... (I assume that it was another Bat? as the main one would have been blown up by the nuke) and they confirm that Bruce Wayne had installed a software update to fix the auto pilot. Implying that he jumped out of The Bat and the autopilot took the nuke out into the ocean






Just got out, gotta sleep for work tomorrow. Lots of criticisms and praise from me, had a blast watching it with my friends and some of their kids. Forgot thats the best part of it.



ps. Anne Hathaway did a fantastic job with her role. Plz give her some credit for once.

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yep, thoroughly enjoyed this.


It was so unfaithful to the Batman franchise though....


so fuck you nerds!


Bruce, Bane, Blake, and Selina all were entertaining as fuck.


You nit pickers should dig a grave, crawl into it and pull the dirt over your head. Or just quit fucking with my emotions. ntrnt = srius bznis


And all of you making fun of the shootings are fucked up and that will never be funny, whatever the fuck you all have said.


A 3 month old baby died from being shot in a fucking movie theatre.






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There is a part of the movie that has been bothering me. Could someone please enlighten me?



How did Bruch reach Gotham once he climbed out of the pit? He was in the desert and there was no access to Gotham whatsoever. Then Bruce managed to find Selena in this big city.


And Bane's death was random as hell.


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ps. Anne Hathaway did a fantastic job with her role. Plz give her some credit for once.


i was ready to hate the shit out of her role but she was good.

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There is a part of the movie that has been bothering me. Could someone please enlighten me?



How did Bruch reach Gotham once he climbed out of the pit? He was in the desert and there was no access to Gotham whatsoever. Then Bruce managed to find Selena in this big city.


And Bane's death was random as hell.



I have this odd memory of seeing the destroyed football field right after he crawls out, but that can't be right. Was also bothered by the abrupt news that all of a sudden 3 months had passed since the police were trapped, was that as off-putting for anyone else? Felt like important details were thrown in at random.

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There is a part of the movie that has been bothering me. Could someone please enlighten me?



How did Bruch reach Gotham once he climbed out of the pit? He was in the desert and there was no access to Gotham whatsoever. Then Bruce managed to find Selena in this big city.


And Bane's death was random as hell.



I have this odd memory of seeing the destroyed football field right after he crawls out, but that can't be right. Was also bothered by the abrupt news that all of a sudden 3 months had passed since the police were trapped, was that as off-putting for anyone else? Felt like important details were thrown in at random.



The snow was a hint that time had passed, but it was indeed off-putting.


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Guest Coalbucket PI

There is a part of the movie that has been bothering me. Could someone please enlighten me?



How did Bruch reach Gotham once he climbed out of the pit? He was in the desert and there was no access to Gotham whatsoever. Then Bruce managed to find Selena in this big city.


And Bane's death was random as hell.



I have this odd memory of seeing the destroyed football field right after he crawls out, but that can't be right. Was also bothered by the abrupt news that all of a sudden 3 months had passed since the police were trapped, was that as off-putting for anyone else? Felt like important details were thrown in at random.



The snow was a hint that time had passed, but it was indeed off-putting.



There was a town in view when he walked away. I don't see how he would have had a problem getting back in to the city

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The snow was a hint that time had passed, but it was indeed off-putting.




Batman: How long till the bomb goes off?

Officer: 24 Hours.

Batman: Great, just enough time for me to make a flaming logo across the entire bridge.



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one thing that really did bug me in this one though was Batman still sounded ridiculous...though not as bad as the past two titles.


The other problem was that Bane's voice was WAAAAAY too loud in the context of the scenes...sounded like his face and vocal chords were larger than the rest of his body.




But on a good note, fuck I loved the "happy ending". I was pissed off that Michael Caine had to cry near the end. But it was redeemed...who doesn't want a happy ending for Batman for once? Also, who doesn't want Batman to finally hook up for good with Catwoman? I like this butchery of the comic series, tbh.


The other thing I really liked was the tone of the movie. Nolan was finally putting in those little injokes and throwbacks that get a giggle out of the audience now and then...critics can tear the plot or the dialogue apart in some parts of this, no doubt, but if they still fucking claim that Batman has "taken itself too seriously" on this fucking movie, they are officially retarded.


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one thing that really did bug me in this one though was Batman still sounded ridiculous...though not as bad as the past two titles.


The other problem was that Bane's voice was WAAAAAY too loud in the context of the scenes...sounded like his face and vocal chords were larger than the rest of his body.




But on a good note, fuck I loved the "happy ending". I was pissed off that Michael Caine had to cry near the end. But it was redeemed...who doesn't want a happy ending for Batman for once? Also, who doesn't want Batman to finally hook up for good with Catwoman? I like this butchery of the comic series, tbh.


The other thing I really liked was the tone of the movie. Nolan was finally putting in those little injokes and throwbacks that get a giggle out of the audience now and then...critics can tear the plot or the dialogue apart in some parts of this, no doubt, but if they still fucking claim that Batman has "taken itself too seriously" on this fucking movie, they are officially retarded.



Yeah... Not a big fan of Bane's voice.


But they did brilliant job of making him intimdating. And I loved the first scene with Batman and Bane fighting.. so intense. Pretty well made when you think it's a PG-13 movie.

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My problems with this movie (actual spoilers):



It was disorganized and not deep enough. It tried but failed to put in themes about the truth and fear of death (I think). The characters were all one dimensional - as opposed to the characters in the second movie - and the only dynamic character was Catwoman, but her change in character was predictable and stupid. Also, what was her point in that movie? To look hot? It would've been better if Nolan had concentrated on something else with all that time spent on Catwoman, like making Bane more believable. Yeah, Anne Hathaway did a good job, but the character wasn't needed at all.


The plot curve was all fucked up and time passed at seemingly random intervals (we've got 3 months before that bomb goes off - next scene: we've got 24 hours before that bomb goes off). The plot seemed really cool at the beginning, but you figure out later that it's really simple and boring and all that convoluted stuff at the beginning didn't matter at all except to try to make you THINK that there was something cool going on. And then that lady betrays batman which doesn't make any sense. It was just a "cool" plot twist put in at the end that was so ludicrous it broke my willing suspension of disbelief.


To add to all of this, the action wasn't even that entertaining; it wasn't badass, it wasn't well choreographed, and ultimately, it was boring to watch. So it didn't even work as a "just entertainment stop whining about the plot" movie.



But then I'm a huge movie critic, so whatever.

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I thought Bane was incredible. I didn't understand everything he said though. His presence was overwhelming in most of the scenes, gave me chills.

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My problems with this movie (actual spoilers):



It was disorganized and not deep enough. It tried but failed to put in themes about the truth and fear of death (I think). The characters were all one dimensional - as opposed to the characters in the second movie - and the only dynamic character was Catwoman, but her change in character was predictable and stupid. Also, what was her point in that movie? To look hot? It would've been better if Nolan had concentrated on something else with all that time spent on Catwoman, like making Bane more believable. Yeah, Anne Hathaway did a good job, but the character wasn't needed at all.


The plot curve was all fucked up and time passed at seemingly random intervals (we've got 3 months before that bomb goes off - next scene: we've got 24 hours before that bomb goes off). The plot seemed really cool at the beginning, but you figure out later that it's really simple and boring and all that convoluted stuff at the beginning didn't matter at all except to try to make you THINK that there was something cool going on. And then that lady betrays batman which doesn't make any sense. It was just a "cool" plot twist put in at the end that was so ludicrous it broke my willing suspension of disbelief.


To add to all of this, the action wasn't even that entertaining; it wasn't badass, it wasn't well choreographed, and ultimately, it was boring to watch. So it didn't even work as a "just entertainment stop whining about the plot" movie.



But then I'm a huge movie critic, so whatever.


I agree with the action scenes being (mostly) underwhelming, but given the action in the past two movies I wasn't expecting too much.

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i do know this though; i am going to step up my weight lifting routine so that hopefully in a few years i can go up to some asshole, put my hand on his shoulder and say, Do you feel in control?

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thought the movie was shockingly good. the 'nolan verse' realism was completely thrown out the window in the 3rd movie with great effect. First proper comic book Batman nolan has done so far

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thought the movie was shockingly good. the 'nolan verse' realism was completely thrown out the window in the 3rd movie with great effect. First proper comic book Batman nolan has done so far


thank fuck someone else acknowledges this (the more comic style motif)



i feel safer now.

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yeah, not sure why people are not enjoying it as much.


Glad you dug it Robbie.


Definitely seeing it in IMAX the next time.

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i think it was my favorite of the trilogy, slightly better than Begins. Although Bane's voice as well as Batman's were very jarring at points, the rest of the movie was extremely well done. Catwoman was excellent, so many good elements in it that tickled the fan boy in me.

The visuals in this movie also were pretty amazing, even just subtle things like Catwoman driving away on the bat cycle while a turquoise pink sun rise was happening in the background. The snowy setting later on in the movie was nice.

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