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where would we bee without jorex??f

Guest Ricky Downtown

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Guest Ricky Downtown

;oisten guyst i jiust want you all tp know that i really ovw they all. even joyrex kan i really love you!!!!!!! yo8 kkeep this seit running man and where would we be without joyrex?\


joyrex i really aprrexciate everyintg you do


i ove yuou abuxive groeagre


,ike really georeg, i love yo,u. vin shitty times you've hell[ped =me and i really appreiate it


man i am drunk. just that i love watmmm



this is from my heart"


i lovw yu all!

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Guest tht tne

non-drunk translation in hopes that this thread doesn't get locked:


listen guys i just want you all to know that i really love you all. even Joy Rex (?) i really love you! you keep this site running man and where would we be without Joy Rex?


Joy Rex i really appreciate everything you do


i love you abusivegeorge


like really george, i love you. in shitty times you've helped me and i really appreciate it


man i am sober. just that i love watmm


this is from my heart


i love you all!



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Guest ruiagnelo

i wonder


if these av-585.jpg drunk writen threads are actually from people who really are drunk or simply want to get some attention

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Guest Ricky Downtown

d\all of you needdto listn to the tht tne impression bexciuase thta

's wwhat i menat for yiu all


list i just ear=lly love you all, you've all hepled me through a tough time


i m very drunk rivht now


but stiilll you guys helped


u=it doesn't matter th substance


because i was sad but you all made me be happy again

so herei s a a miixtape i subit

it's called spanish joint

the spanish joint i\s the fouth song

grthe eaainisses i lovre youa nd your beard


cap i flo eve uyoou di lovw you i lovw you i love you cp!!!!!!!!

io love tou joyreex is lo e you osossosososo much!!!!!


i judty wis h do'angelo would put oput anew album sp that i could sucik som dick


but listen i lov you george


,ik,e tell m ee what' s up b/c i love you!


the thing abouit george is that he doesn't liket to show his cok so muchd


but i love yo so muh george






don tdrunjk

ok here's the update



i fucked that up here's the update


i love my ex-girls roomate

i love hrr

i am going to fu k eher


it's in thewiorks


joxrex i hope you don't feel like your work is under-appreciated


this is my worst fear


joxrex everthying you do for the communtiy is apprectiate grately


i love you joyrex


because verything you do seems to hel[ me


and i justw want yo to now that even if some don't liket he muxif cthtat dosn't mean i dont


"whenever it rains

i feel this way

little something to get me though this day

give me a little of that

no time flat

gonna be a good thing"



seamus you can live without girls

i am trying to and it 's not workint

b ut oh well

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wtf. lol


it is hard trying to type when you're wasted though.. so respect for persevering lol


get another shot down you..


there's gotta be something said for a happy drunk person.. lol. fucking hate boring old control freaks.

doesn't matter how old or professional you are you should still be able to party!


this thread is a thumbs up from me lol :)

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wtf. lol


it is hard trying to type when you're wasted though.. so respect for persevering lol


it's actually very easy ... but then again, not everyone can have the mad drunken skills of a dleetrboi.


edit ----- *-puts a moustache on his post for good measure-*


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oh god damn, i've passed my 10'000 post from the arbitrarily determined re-beginning at the early 1000's, that happened the other year. And i missed it !!


curse these hidden user info's, curses.

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yea man never to old to party if your idea of partying is getting fucking blasted and going on the internet.


i'm sure he only stopped by to give his love. Lol


or is maybe at home now with nothing better to do..

fuck, everything is on your phone nowadays anyway though, you don't have to be on your couch with a laptop and one of those beer hats anymore.

you can be at a club with a bottle full of bud and still hang out on watmm.com! i do. lol

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i wonder


if these av-585.jpg drunk writen threads are actually from people who really are drunk or simply want to get some attention


Hey man, keep me out of it! I am however drunk all the time.

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