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Call of Duty: Black Ops

Guest El_Chemso

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getting a bit fed up with getting blown up by remote controlled cars. Helicopters are really really quiet too. Most annoying thing is the re-spawn points, far too close to players.

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pretty underwhelmed by the variety of maps.. the gameplay style is mostly close quarter stuff, there arent any wide open areas like there were in WaW.. and even MW2 had some larger maps with open spaces..

not impressed at the moment..

yeah I agree with the long range comment, I haven't played all the maps yet but there's nothing like Overgrown, Wasteland or Derail in terms of hugeness.

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I've only just recently got MOH which I quite like. The levels are really small but it's still fairly enjoyable. I did always prefer Battlefield BC 2 online than MW. I'll probably get it when they reduce the price a fair amount. I'm sure there was some other game coming out soon that I was after as well but I can't remember what?

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getting a bit fed up with getting blown up by remote controlled cars. Helicopters are really really quiet too. Most annoying thing is the re-spawn points, far too close to players.


I knew that would be annoying as fuck. Are they kill-streak perks? If so, they ONCE AGAIN encourage players to camp in the corner...

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getting a bit fed up with getting blown up by remote controlled cars. Helicopters are really really quiet too. Most annoying thing is the re-spawn points, far too close to players.


I knew that would be annoying as fuck. Are they kill-streak perks? If so, they ONCE AGAIN encourage players to camp in the corner...

yep a 3-killstreak reward. to be fair they're quite fun to drive around, but yeah i agree that rewards that require you to camp are quite annoying.

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getting a bit fed up with getting blown up by remote controlled cars. Helicopters are really really quiet too. Most annoying thing is the re-spawn points, far too close to players.


I knew that would be annoying as fuck. Are they kill-streak perks? If so, they ONCE AGAIN encourage players to camp in the corner...

yep a 3-killstreak reward. to be fair they're quite fun to drive around, but yeah i agree that rewards that require you to camp are quite annoying.


MW2 was full of this kind of thing, but the 3 kill reward in that was cheaper/easier to use/ and more powerful.

it was a missile that shot down from above that you could control, so you just looked at the map and picked a target and boom.

i do like the loadout customization and yea it is a lot more balanced, but there just isnt enough variety of gameplay in the multiplayer. all the maps play more or less the same, and there arent any interesting choke points or designs that would make for really good battles. it seems like they kind of just made the maps by placing shit around randomly and not thinking about how it would actually play..

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getting a bit fed up with getting blown up by remote controlled cars. Helicopters are really really quiet too. Most annoying thing is the re-spawn points, far too close to players.


I knew that would be annoying as fuck. Are they kill-streak perks? If so, they ONCE AGAIN encourage players to camp in the corner...


I keep telling myself not to say anything, but well here it goes. I'm not trying to start some kind of war, because it doesn't matter, but I will say this. You must be one of those camper haters. Well, me being a 90% of the time camper, says tough shit. There is so much more strategy involved then just running around like a chicken with its head cut off and getting killed every other second. My experience is that once people realize im a camper, then everyone tries to kill me, and i have to come up with a strategy to defend myself, and for the most part i do. I think people hate campers because they KEEP getting killed by them, and cant figure a way to dispose of them. That being said, I can see why you, and everyone else hate campers, cause their is nothing more annoying than someone picking you off everytime you run by. My rant. I have a problem with no one who plays with whatever strategy, just as long as they havent exploited a glitch of some sort.


Just for good laughs especially at 3:25 mark


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getting a bit fed up with getting blown up by remote controlled cars. Helicopters are really really quiet too. Most annoying thing is the re-spawn points, far too close to players.


I knew that would be annoying as fuck. Are they kill-streak perks? If so, they ONCE AGAIN encourage players to camp in the corner...


I keep telling myself not to say anything, but well here it goes. I'm not trying to start some kind of war, because it doesn't matter, but I will say this. You must be one of those camper haters. Well, me being a 90% of the time camper, says tough shit. There is so much more strategy involved then just running around like a chicken with its head cut off and getting killed every other second. My experience is that once people realize im a camper, then everyone tries to kill me, and i have to come up with a strategy to defend myself, and for the most part i do. I think people hate campers because they KEEP getting killed by them, and cant figure a way to dispose of them. That being said, I can see why you, and everyone else hate campers, cause their is nothing more annoying than someone picking you off everytime you run by. My rant. I have a problem with no one who plays with whatever strategy, just as long as they havent exploited a glitch of some sort.


Just for good laughs especially at 3:25 mark


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Same guy


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getting a bit fed up with getting blown up by remote controlled cars. Helicopters are really really quiet too. Most annoying thing is the re-spawn points, far too close to players.


I knew that would be annoying as fuck. Are they kill-streak perks? If so, they ONCE AGAIN encourage players to camp in the corner...


I keep telling myself not to say anything, but well here it goes. I'm not trying to start some kind of war, because it doesn't matter, but I will say this. You must be one of those camper haters. Well, me being a 90% of the time camper, says tough shit. There is so much more strategy involved then just running around like a chicken with its head cut off and getting killed every other second. My experience is that once people realize im a camper, then everyone tries to kill me, and i have to come up with a strategy to defend myself, and for the most part i do. I think people hate campers because they KEEP getting killed by them, and cant figure a way to dispose of them. That being said, I can see why you, and everyone else hate campers, cause their is nothing more annoying than someone picking you off everytime you run by. My rant. I have a problem with no one who plays with whatever strategy, just as long as they havent exploited a glitch of some sort.


Just for good laughs especially at 3:25 mark


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I don't entirely hate campers. As a long time FPS'r, including competitive play (CAL), I've done it. I just don't find it fun. Ever get caught in those matches where you don't even see anyone because they're all camping? It's boring... Ooohhh awesome k/d ratio, who cares? My avg k/d anymore is over 2, so I'm not worried. Campers have long been loathed the world round. It's a good strat, just boring and skilless imo. I get my rocks off going into crazy firefights, not knowing what's around the corner gets the adrenaline going.


My issue is that the game rewards that weak tactic and not true skill, but that's why I play Battlefield :shrug: To each his own

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getting a bit fed up with getting blown up by remote controlled cars. Helicopters are really really quiet too. Most annoying thing is the re-spawn points, far too close to players.


I knew that would be annoying as fuck. Are they kill-streak perks? If so, they ONCE AGAIN encourage players to camp in the corner...

yep a 3-killstreak reward. to be fair they're quite fun to drive around, but yeah i agree that rewards that require you to camp are quite annoying.


MW2 was full of this kind of thing, but the 3 kill reward in that was cheaper/easier to use/ and more powerful.

it was a missile that shot down from above that you could control, so you just looked at the map and picked a target and boom.


The predator missile required 5 kills (4 hardline). In Black-ops kill streak kills don't count towards another kill streak. How are the maps? Are they fairly close quarters or are they comparable to MW2; open areas and close quarters with choke points? That's my only concern.

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getting a bit fed up with getting blown up by remote controlled cars. Helicopters are really really quiet too. Most annoying thing is the re-spawn points, far too close to players.


I knew that would be annoying as fuck. Are they kill-streak perks? If so, they ONCE AGAIN encourage players to camp in the corner...

yep a 3-killstreak reward. to be fair they're quite fun to drive around, but yeah i agree that rewards that require you to camp are quite annoying.


MW2 was full of this kind of thing, but the 3 kill reward in that was cheaper/easier to use/ and more powerful.

it was a missile that shot down from above that you could control, so you just looked at the map and picked a target and boom.


The predator missile required 5 kills (4 hardline). In Black-ops kill streak kills don't count towards another kill streak. How are the maps? Are they fairly close quarters or are they comparable to MW2; open areas and close quarters with choke points? That's my only concern.


all the maps are close quarters.. there are no wide open maps with good mixtures of long range and short/medium range combat. its mostly all just run around and hope you see a guy before he sees you when you meet him around the corner.

i havent seen much opportunity for strategy or interesting gameplay yet.. just your basic close quarters stuff.

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Yeah agree about the maps. Array seems pretty good, and I've had a few good games of S&D on Cracked. The others are a bit samey though apart from Jungle which is great but could do with some more range, along with the good higher parts.


I don't want to open up the whole camper vs run'n'gun argument, but I just get annoyed with kill streaks that require players to hide away while operating something remotely. It takes them out of the game and unlike MW2 it can take quite a while to find where players are. Maybe in time when I'm much more familiar with the maps it'll be better. Wager matches are superb, maybe a DLC will included a couple of new ones.


Another annoying thing is just how slow it takes to load up games. much slower than MW2.

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anyone notice how when you use lightweight and run on some surfaces your footstep sounds go STEPSTEPSTEPSTEPSTEP ....... silence.... as youre still running... STEPSTEPSETPSETPSTPESPTPSTSPTSP silence.......


really annoying.

yeah I did notice that, but I tend not to use lightweight. I wonder how much of these annoying things Treyarch will be able to patch?

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im starting to come around to the maps.. once you get used to them you realize they are actually qutie good medium/small maps.. the lack of open long range areas is a huge bummer but i suppose they were wanting to focus on this tight short/medium range gameplay which they definitely nailed.. it feels pretty balanced and when you get in the groove of it its a lot of fun..

i hope the community complains about the variety of the maps though, they could easily fix the state of things by releasing a map pack with like 3 of the maps of the type theyre missing.

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its ok, they'll just charge you for map packs. so add another £50 to the game. no game is worth more then £100.




i decided to stick with BFBC2 map pack 7 out soon (golf cart?! from BC1?) for free. its lush. and then veitnam. lush.

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i got bored of the call of duty franchise after world at war, which was the last cod game i actually loved. since playing BFBC2, call of duty just seems too fast and the amount of annoyances are 2nd to none on bfbc2... ill give CODBO a go when its not £45 as im slightly interested in wager matches and the customization. but BFBC2:VIETNAM is another thing alll together.


Indeed - BFBC2 Vietnam will show CoDBO how 1968 really was...


i played it, i wasn't impressed with the physics of how the characters collapse upon dying , the graphics, and the map lay outs. meh


Sounds like another typical half-arsed Treyarch release... and they had a real opportunity to make it 'theirs' after the whole IW fiasco...


getting a bit fed up with getting blown up by remote controlled cars. Helicopters are really really quiet too. Most annoying thing is the re-spawn points, far too close to players.


Respawning near your opponent who just killed you? You don't say! :rolleyes: Same CoDMW bullshit.


I'm enjoying the multiplayer thus far. It feels way more balanced than MW2.


That's only because the tidal wave of n00b tubers and shotgunner freaks haven't leveled up yet.


getting a bit fed up with getting blown up by remote controlled cars. Helicopters are really really quiet too. Most annoying thing is the re-spawn points, far too close to players.


I knew that would be annoying as fuck. Are they kill-streak perks? If so, they ONCE AGAIN encourage players to camp in the corner...


I keep telling myself not to say anything, but well here it goes. I'm not trying to start some kind of war, because it doesn't matter, but I will say this. You must be one of those camper haters. Well, me being a 90% of the time camper, says tough shit. There is so much more strategy involved then just running around like a chicken with its head cut off and getting killed every other second. My experience is that once people realize im a camper, then everyone tries to kill me, and i have to come up with a strategy to defend myself, and for the most part i do. I think people hate campers because they KEEP getting killed by them, and cant figure a way to dispose of them. That being said, I can see why you, and everyone else hate campers, cause their is nothing more annoying than someone picking you off everytime you run by. My rant. I have a problem with no one who plays with whatever strategy, just as long as they havent exploited a glitch of some sort.


Just for good laughs especially at 3:25 mark


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Here's my take on campers: Nothing wrong with it as a strategy per se, but in an 'arcady' fps like CoD, it takes the fun and strategy out of the run-and-gun style matches. Even snipers have to keep moving because of killcams and close respawn points. Camping is more suited to a game like BFBC2, with a slower, more strategic pace.


anyone notice how when you use lightweight and run on some surfaces your footstep sounds go STEPSTEPSTEPSTEPSTEP ....... silence.... as youre still running... STEPSTEPSETPSETPSTPESPTPSTSPTSP silence.......


really annoying.

yeah I did notice that, but I tend not to use lightweight. I wonder how much of these annoying things Treyarch will be able to patch?


Considering their past record on patches, don't hold your breath.



its ok, they'll just charge you for map packs. so add another £50 to the game. no game is worth more then £100.




i decided to stick with BFBC2 map pack 7 out soon (golf cart?! from BC1?) for free. its lush. and then veitnam. lush.


That's more Activision than the developer, and considering they sold 7 million copies the first day, they will refill their moneypits easily with half-arsed DLC maps recycled from WoW.

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actually the leveling system in this game is a lot different. you get the noob tube at like level 4 or 6 or something.. it doesnt take long, and yea i can see already that it is a lot more balanced than mw2. less varied, but more balanced. the noob toob takes much longer to reload, so if youre going to use it count on dying after your first shot a lot unless you can get to cover. theres also no danger close perk.


wager matches are fun as fuck.. the class customization is great, the weapons are balanced, the maps are good (even if they all cater to the same style of gameplay, they are some of the best call of duty maps ive seen for medium / close quarters), and as ive heard the single player is pretty great.


i wouldnt call this a half assed game at all. its good for what it is. they focused on making balanced close/medium quarters maps rather than doing ones that were varied probably because they wanted to get rid of campers sitting in the corner and shooting people who ran across the field.


maybe they will add those types of maps in DLC who knows, but i would not say this is a bad game because of one thing its missing. for what it is its good.

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actually the leveling system in this game is a lot different. you get the noob tube at like level 4 or 6 or something.. it doesnt take long, and yea i can see already that it is a lot more balanced than mw2. less varied, but more balanced. the noob toob takes much longer to reload, so if youre going to use it count on dying after your first shot a lot unless you can get to cover. theres also no danger close perk.


wager matches are fun as fuck.. the class customization is great, the weapons are balanced, the maps are good (even if they all cater to the same style of gameplay, they are some of the best call of duty maps ive seen for medium / close quarters), and as ive heard the single player is pretty great.


i wouldnt call this a half assed game at all. its good for what it is. they focused on making balanced close/medium quarters maps rather than doing ones that were varied probably because they wanted to get rid of campers sitting in the corner and shooting people who ran across the field.


maybe they will add those types of maps in DLC who knows, but i would not say this is a bad game because of one thing its missing. for what it is its good.


Hmmm. We'll see. Time will tell. At least they sold a fuckton to ensure the inevitable CoD 8 next year.

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waiting for this to show up in my mail, on one hand i was really psyched for it, but after seeing the mp videos i remember why i switched to BFBC2. hopefully between the zombie mode and the new BC2 maps and Vietnam mission, there will be a nice balance to the fps scene on Xbox Live. :pedobear:

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Seriously, wager matches are fucking amazing. This is exactly what COD needed. Also starting to get into some of the maps in a big way. Finding the clutch points and way to navigate to points via different routes. The main annoyance is at the moment it's impossible to join friends in matches, it's just not working.

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