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Anonymous and others start leaking


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If 1000 of these files cause this much I can't really imagine whats inside that insurance file. I wonder how it feels like if you know all this already like some wl staff seems to do. maybe this would make everybody here doing what they do / did

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If anything serious happens to him, he'll release the password to the extremely damaging stuff...


Dude's blackmailing the world... :beer:


i doubt it would be seriously damaging, or else wikileaks would have released it already. from what i've heard, the diplomatic cables are a portion of what is on the insurance file, so we could probably expect more things like that.



I think it's very possible Wikileaks is holding some things... This is a very sensitive situation... What makes you the expert? :orly:


i'm not an expert, obviously. but think about it: if wikileaks is holding back very important information for the sake of blackmail, they're being hypocrites. i'd like to think the insurance file would be the cables and other documents but maybe without names removed, you know? or maybe evidence of the governments of the world trying to fuck over wikileaks through espionage. i sincerely doubt it's something like a video of george bush sucking osama's cock (in other words, something groundbreaking and related to world politics).




i know... i posted that earlier in the thread. lol.


another consideration: perhaps the information is something that is too dangerous for them to publish now. what i mean is, if you have evidence of something like russia and china plotting the united state's destruction... well, putting it out there would be like dropping an atom bomb, yeah.


only 1060 of 251,287 files leaked so far


I think there is a process to releasing this information that will deem more beneficial to wikileaks' cause, than just dumping everything they got all at once. Speculating on why they haven't released hugely alarming documents yet is kind of pointless when we don't even know what they are. Its like complaining to a witness who didn't see the type of shoes the murderer was wearing because the murderers shoes were wrapped in plastic black garbage bags (terrible analogy but its early) lol

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If anything serious happens to him, he'll release the password to the extremely damaging stuff...


Dude's blackmailing the world... :beer:


i doubt it would be seriously damaging, or else wikileaks would have released it already. from what i've heard, the diplomatic cables are a portion of what is on the insurance file, so we could probably expect more things like that.



I think it's very possible Wikileaks is holding some things... This is a very sensitive situation... What makes you the expert? :orly:


i'm not an expert, obviously. but think about it: if wikileaks is holding back very important information for the sake of blackmail, they're being hypocrites. i'd like to think the insurance file would be the cables and other documents but maybe without names removed, you know? or maybe evidence of the governments of the world trying to fuck over wikileaks through espionage. i sincerely doubt it's something like a video of george bush sucking osama's cock (in other words, something groundbreaking and related to world politics).




i know... i posted that earlier in the thread. lol.


another consideration: perhaps the information is something that is too dangerous for them to publish now. what i mean is, if you have evidence of something like russia and china plotting the united state's destruction... well, putting it out there would be like dropping an atom bomb, yeah.


only 1060 of 251,287 files leaked so far


I think there is a process to releasing this information that will deem more beneficial to wikileaks' cause, than just dumping everything they got all at once. Speculating on why they haven't released hugely alarming documents yet is kind of pointless when we don't even know what they are. Its like complaining to a witness who didn't see the type of shoes the murderer was wearing because the murderers shoes were wrapped in plastic black garbage bags (terrible analogy but its early) lol


i'm not complaining, i'm just speculating what may or may not be in the insurance file.


here's another interesting cable, which i found on reddit.com:


basically, the rich people in saudi arabia don't abide by the rules of islam. who would've thought?

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Guest Helper ET

we already know about those


the elite killed jfk


9/11 was them too


alien spacecraft crashed in nevada in 1947




...i want to know about the lizard people

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Guest hahathhat

i want to know which presidential offspring were caught smoking the doob on white house premises -- will this be in the cables?

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Anybody else want this all to erupt already? I'm feeling completely overwhelmed and desensitised by all the leaks already. Sure, there are some shocks, but a lot of these are going to be instantly lost as juicier stuff arises.

WikiLeaks has it's ideals and wants to publish everything before they get to the nugget of it, but I don't understand it as a gameplan.


It makes me wonder if they're knowingly holding the US to ransom. Giving a taster of all the dirty stuff they know and allowing time for a bargain to be made before the shit hits the fan.


I could only see it ending a couple of ways, either the US miraculously sweeps this under the rug somehow, WikiLeaks is silenced and becomes a martyr. There's a couple of years of apathy and dissent before everybody carries on again.

Or something significant happens to halt WikiLeaks and Assange, but the Insurance File still gets released. I don't believe the information would be anything big enough to lead to revolutions or a massive change in culture, but it could certainly reset American politics.

The most likely outcome I can foresee out of all of this is the internet is cordoned off into distinct camps and depending on who you pay, or want to give your money to, you'll be somehow shut off from everything else. Which is a terrible future, but honestly, if the US is as psychotic as we all predict then they've probably been building up to this.




Edit: What is probably at the centre of my feelings is that; I've been working my first ever 9to5 office job for about 8 months now and I think I want the fucking world to end. LOL.

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Guest Scrambled Ears

nah I think it could be the start of some gradual change. most people are apathetic/easily misinformed.

maybe theyll start using condoms

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Edit: What is probably at the centre of my feelings is that; I've been working my first ever 9to5 office job for about 8 months now and I think I want the fucking world to end. LOL.


9-5's will do that to you.

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its true. hold on to your hats ladies and gentleman...this could be the beginning of "it"

the truth is becoming unavoidable and undeniable yet there will still be those who will try.

those who will try what?


god your grammar is so terrible.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

nah I think it could be the start of some gradual change. most people are apathetic/easily misinformed.

maybe theyll start using condoms

and stop using their body weight to hold lasses down during intercourse. only have sex lying on your side from now on

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I couldn't possibly have cared less about Wikileaks or Assange until I noticed he is a rapist. Now he's got my attention.


How come so many people are suckling at his nipples when he's a sex offender? Is this one of those left wing things?

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This is stupid and you are probably trolling (if not, i will pray for you) but i cant help but admiring the fact that you wrote couldn't care less properly. I feel this is a huge breakthrough for UK-US relations, somewhat ironically brought about by wikileaks.

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