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never heard of this Deak guy but i am absolutely convinced that David Kelly (one of the biggest gov critics of the UK involvement in Iraq) in the UK and Bruce Ivins (fall guy for anthrax) in the US was the victim of some kind of hit squad


Assange will just be another name on a long list

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never heard of this Deak guy but i am absolutely convinced that David Kelly (one of the biggest gov critics of the UK involvement in Iraq) in the UK and Bruce Ivins (fall guy for anthrax) in the US was the victim of some kind of hit squad


Assange will just be another name on a long list



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yeah there are tons of women from still "developing" countries that will take advantage of men's inability to control their dick. My brother got done by a lithuanian chick. literally the month she got her citizenship - divorce papers. fucking cunt. and my brother doesn't run wikileaks. lol




though I think there is SOME truth to what hes saying about "civilized" women as inane shallow consumers.


its a generalization, but not a completely incorrect one.


To say that there are only inane consumers in "civilized" cultures is fucked though. Like go read "Nisa: The Life and Words of an !kung Woman" and see how the women from a kalahari tribe act. They're not sitting around discussing ontology, they talk about how to raise their kids, and who's fucking who in the tribe.

And you've been to South Korea. There's a country that's been through some political turmoil in its very recent past, yet bitches be all kinds of crazy for the latest Louis Vuitton handbags.



tribal women talking about men fucking people=normal, happens in every culture


western women talking about marrying somebody who makes 30k more than her third husband, plans to divorce him for the annulment= something is wrong here


do people marry in the tribe to escape the tribe? my guess is no, but i havent read it.


and I wouldn't consider South Korea to be a third world country, I saw some horrible parts but the fact that they are crazy for handbags indicates the onset of "progress"


and I didn't say there are ONLY inane consumers, just that there are way too fucking many of them.


Sorry to others to be way off topic here, but my point is: culture doesn't mean shit in determining whether or not there's inanity, nor does the advance of capitalism. It's ludicrous to think that back in the day when all the serfs were sitting around drinking mead that they were discussing "Leviathan".

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yeah there are tons of women from still "developing" countries that will take advantage of men's inability to control their dick. My brother got done by a lithuanian chick. literally the month she got her citizenship - divorce papers. fucking cunt. and my brother doesn't run wikileaks. lol




though I think there is SOME truth to what hes saying about "civilized" women as inane shallow consumers.


its a generalization, but not a completely incorrect one.


To say that there are only inane consumers in "civilized" cultures is fucked though. Like go read "Nisa: The Life and Words of an !kung Woman" and see how the women from a kalahari tribe act. They're not sitting around discussing ontology, they talk about how to raise their kids, and who's fucking who in the tribe.

And you've been to South Korea. There's a country that's been through some political turmoil in its very recent past, yet bitches be all kinds of crazy for the latest Louis Vuitton handbags.



tribal women talking about men fucking people=normal, happens in every culture


western women talking about marrying somebody who makes 30k more than her third husband, plans to divorce him for the annulment= something is wrong here


do people marry in the tribe to escape the tribe? my guess is no, but i havent read it.


and I wouldn't consider South Korea to be a third world country, I saw some horrible parts but the fact that they are crazy for handbags indicates the onset of "progress"


and I didn't say there are ONLY inane consumers, just that there are way too fucking many of them.


Sorry to others to be way off topic here, but my point is: culture doesn't mean shit in determining whether or not there's inanity, nor does the advance of capitalism. It's ludicrous to think that back in the day when all the serfs were sitting around drinking mead that they were discussing "Leviathan".


Success in capitalism by no means makes it above and beyond social criticism; its incredibly frustrating to me for people to get offended whenever a critique of consumerist culture comes up, no matter how minute. Culture certainly depends on the level of inanity, why else do I constantly hear non-Americans bitch about how fat and stupid Americans are? Certainly there is something within American culture that suggests such a thing.


And certainly they were not discussing Leviathan, they were cut off from modes of obtaining knowledge. Nor did they have time to engage in any sort of reflective thought on that level. Numerous and often subtle problems arise from the incorporation of any type of economic ideology, and even more so when that ideology is claimed to be the exact same thing as democracy/republicanism/whatever you want to call it.


I don't think capitalism is pure evil, but on the same token I am not going to endlessly praise it, or to conveniently neglect its many perversions.


To say culture or advancement of capitalism has nothing to do with inanity is just as silly as making the blanket statement that all poor people are smart and noble because they have nothing.

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If I had time (two finals left after that I'll be free for three whole weeks!), I would get into it with you. However I'll simply leave it at this: capitalism has allowed for more free time. Whether or not that alone can be a significant factor in cultivating inanity is an exercise for a sociologist to take up.

I am not defending consumerist culture. I am simply saying that capitalism does not have to equate to consumerist culture. Assange's assertion that inane women exist in greater numbers in a "civilized" country simply because the country is capitalist is ridiculous.

My example with Nisa was that given the opportunity, the women in the !kung are just as likely to talk about ridiculous inane shit, (as in talking about sex an inordinate amount of time (seriously, it's not like guys shooting the shit in the locker room about sex) and when deciding upon distribution of food who should get what for the most petty bullshit reasons). Under communism, you can bet there were Russian women sitting around talking about whose clogs were prettiest, and men sitting around talking about football and hockey.

I am not saying capitalism is perfect, nor should it be exempt from critique. Indeed, it needs critiquing, but in a serious manner, not the assertion that "X is a causal factor for Y" with no empirical evidence to back it up.


Again, I wasn't saying South Korea is a third world country, far from it. In fact i would consider them to be more advanced than Canada and the US in many ways (reasonable health care system, excellent public transportation, excellent IT infrastructure). I was merely offering up the observation that they have recently endured "political turmoil" (they only became a democracy in 1987 remember), yet there is much inanity among the women and men who took part in that political struggle.


So for the tl;dr: Assange is an idiot.

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If I had time (two finals left after that I'll be free for three whole weeks!), I would get into it with you. However I'll simply leave it at this: capitalism has allowed for more free time. Whether or not that alone can be a significant factor in cultivating inanity is an exercise for a sociologist to take up.

I am not defending consumerist culture. I am simply saying that capitalism does not have to equate to consumerist culture. Assange's assertion that inane women exist in greater numbers in a "civilized" country simply because the country is capitalist is ridiculous.

My example with Nisa was that given the opportunity, the women in the !kung are just as likely to talk about ridiculous inane shit, (as in talking about sex an inordinate amount of time (seriously, it's not like guys shooting the shit in the locker room about sex) and when deciding upon distribution of food who should get what for the most petty bullshit reasons). Under communism, you can bet there were Russian women sitting around talking about whose clogs were prettiest, and men sitting around talking about football and hockey.

I am not saying capitalism is perfect, nor should it be exempt from critique. Indeed, it needs critiquing, but in a serious manner, not the assertion that "X is a causal factor for Y" with no empirical evidence to back it up.


Again, I wasn't saying South Korea is a third world country, far from it. In fact i would consider them to be more advanced than Canada and the US in many ways (reasonable health care system, excellent public transportation, excellent IT infrastructure). I was merely offering up the observation that they have recently endured "political turmoil" (they only became a democracy in 1987 remember), yet there is much inanity among the women and men who took part in that political struggle.


So for the tl;dr: Assange is an idiot.


oh yeah hes a knob no doubt.


maybe what I am getting at is, like with the advent of consumerism (ie., all the choices one can make on what to consume within the market), the ways of portraying our proclivities for stupidity/shallowness expand along with it....to quantify it outside of those terms would be like you said pretty unreasonable...sorta like Adorno's critique of pop culture (which thanks to a user here whose name i forgot, i re-read). So in short, maybe what I am saying is that westernized or capitalist societies are not by any means MORE shallow, but the means by which to express this innate shallowness is markedly expanded from pre-capitalist days. I think this could be demonstrated a number of ways, but like you said, the finals thing.

my mind is pretty burnt out.

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Who cares if Assange is bad in the personnel department... He seems pretty good in others...


Remember he's gotten most things right with the direction of Wikileaks...

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set up


they just want him shut down, first girl who filed allegations of rape charges held a party for the guy a week after , also the girl has known CIA affiliations....? other girl, fuck knows, but im betting its a similar story.


he'll get off on the charges but 4 or 5 months down the line he'll be assasinated/die in some horrendous accident, my personal opinion on it.

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A guy i know described him as a genius in social networks theory. it seems like he also had a good academic reputation prior to all this.


before he got involved in wikileaks, he contributed a couple of patches to FreeBSD and NetBSD, along with a couple of lol quotes to its fortune file.


he doesn't like stallman/GNU. i particularly like 'the cathedral versus the bizarre'


NetBSD - free yourself from all Stallmanist thought!

-- Julian Assange


NetBSD - the cathedral versus the bizarre.

-- Julian Assange


NetBSD - the power to swerve (penguins, worse than cane toads).

-- Julian Assange


this wiki talk page is the very definition of clusterfuck.

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itt: people dick all over the man who is singlehandedly bringing down the US government to feel better about themselves


i can't recall a bigger news story than the combined wikileaks/assange stuff in recent memory (because let's face it, in the eyes of the media they are one and the same to a degree). it is a story with global impact.


are you saying it doesn't deserve a thread?

i think most people here aren't denying that he's an egotistical fuck.

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itt: people dick all over the man who is singlehandedly bringing down the US government to feel better about themselves


if the u.s. government is going down, the fault obviously lies with the u.s. government and no one else.

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itt: people dick all over the man who is singlehandedly bringing down the US government to feel better about themselves


if the u.s. government is going down, the fault obviously lies with the u.s. government and no one else.



this. it blows my mind how some in here are against total transparency...isn't that the entire point of elected government, to be completely 100% transparent and beholden to its electorate? I mean for fucks sake, if revealing these facts which were not meant to be transparent endanger lives.....is it the revelation of such facts that is endangering these lives? Or the machinations placed into being that CAUSED such a leak of information to be considered threatening or endangering lives?


Is leaking information on US positions in Iraq endangering lives? Sure, but what caused these positions to exist in the first place? What caused opposing actors to take violent advantage of such an information leak? I could just as easily argue that by the military SIMPLY BEING THERE lives are incredibly endangered.


I mean, lets settle the double standard. Either you are for a legitimate and total idea of republicanism/democracy and therefore complete transparency, or you are bullshitting and don't want to be concerned with these matters on a daily basis, let the government choose for you, and better yet, keep it from you so that you aren't even bothered.


Am I making sense? Christ. Ill just facepalm myself.



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So what is up with Openleaks?


Their just going to create supply routes so leaked information can get to the media?


I'm not completely informed on the details of Openleaks and how they operate but aren't the media either bad guys or nice guys with no balls...


Makes more sense to me to keep the info in private hands and leak it out in hypersmart ways...

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this. it blows my mind how some in here are against total transparency...isn't that the entire point of elected government, to be completely 100% transparent and beholden to its electorate?


? The point of elected government is that you elect the officials.


I mean, lets settle the double standard. Either you are for a legitimate and total idea of republicanism/democracy and therefore complete transparency, or you are bullshitting and don't want to be concerned with these matters on a daily basis, let the government choose for you, and better yet, keep it from you so that you aren't even bothered.


Again, ?


Where are you getting this? Since when does democracy = total transparency?


Am I making sense?


Not really.


Christ. Ill just facepalm myself.




OK then.

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