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Sure. Can anyone tell what kind of treatment the leaker of the Vietnam-files got DURING the cold war? 23 hours of solitary confinement a day? This sounds more like brainwashing. At this point it wouldn't matter if Manning was jailed in Iran or in the US. This is beyond reason.


qft, regardless of what you think of what he is accused of doing (we still havent been given any proof whatsoever just hearsay) the man should still be given the same constitutional rights and treatment that any other prisoner would get under the law in the united states.


and i know i sound like a broken record but it needs to be emphasized again.... Obama being in control of this country is blinding people from understanding how this (and many other things he's allowed to happen) is morally wrong

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Formally the country is under Obama's control, but as long as the deficit remains at the current levels, Obama's locked in the S&M basement of the Republicans. I wouldn't be surprised if the Reps allow Obama to stay another 4 years waiting for the economy to reach healthier levels. In the mean time it's very useful for them to have a black scapegoat in a white house.

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Perhaps I posted in too reactionary a manner because I don't believe holding someone the way he is being imprisoned is morally right.


yeah, I mean, when I think about if this punishment would be inflicted on me for any reason, I feel terrified. It is terror. It isn't like a jail sentence, with a least some finality to what is going on. It is a constant and unending ignorance to how YOU, YOUR conscious existence is going to be decided by cold institutions. The fact that he is a human being with feelings and a sense of personal identity...going through this kind of dehumanizing treatment, it makes me nauseous.

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Guest Babar

WTF a victim? He knowingly leaked classified documents, if we were still in the cold war everyone would be screaming for his execution. I don't think he deserves the death penalty, but he did break the law in a rater severe manner.

hi Bill


jump at 0:35 if you can't stand belgian accent ;-)

THe victim was employed by the rapid transit company. They attacked him for nothing. Now the guy is (almost) a "vegetable". Loss of memory (both short and long term), aphasia, wheelchair etc.

They were sentenced to 20 months of prison.


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i heard a report on npr that he was being held during a particular incident naked in his cell...which apparently is a grevious violation regardless of his crime...anyone know more about this?

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Guest Z_B_Z

i heard a report on npr that he was being held during a particular incident naked in his cell...which apparently is a grevious violation regardless of his crime...anyone know more about this?


Brig officials refuse to say why they forced Manning to remain nude, telling the NYT that Manning's "privacy" rights precluded comment (these are the same people who forced Manning to remain nude for hours and then stand that way for inspection; now they cite concerns for his "privacy" as to why they can't comment on why they did it).



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garg, and we're allies with this administration. The same one that is running guns to the libyan rebels who they created in the first place. So that they can skim/steal libyan assets that are held in their banks + reset all the oil contracts.


i hope ghaddafi wraps this up quickly.

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The case of Khaled el-Masri, a German citizen seized in Macedonia in 2003 by officers who mistook him for an al Qaeda agent with a similar name. He said they turned him over to U.S. authorities, who flew him in shackles, a blindfold and a diaper to a prison in Afghanistan, where they beat him, injected him with drugs and interrogated him. Five months later, he said, he was flown to Albania and dumped on a remote hillside without explanation or apology.


After German prosecutors issued arrest warrants for 13 CIA agents allegedly involved in el-Masri's abduction, a February 2007 cable quoted the deputy U.S. chief of mission in Berlin as advising a German diplomat to "weigh carefully at every step of the way the implications for relations with the U.S." if the agents were prosecuted.


The German government withdrew the warrants five months later.



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Guest inteeliguntdesign

yes but i think it's pretty safe to assume by whistleblowers he doesn't mean people who leak "his" secret military documents.




His hypocrisy effaces the potential killing of a man who's exposed how Shell is basically controlling Nigeria's government, and how the US has effectively placed their own copyright legislation in Spain's law books (or did, until they repealed it after his leaked all the shit).


It's like saying you're a social liberal, but only in regard to the rich educated Christians.

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Guest Adjective

bradley manning's father interviewed by Frontline


Pfc. Bradley E. Manning, the Army intelligence analyst accused of leaking classified government documents to WikiLeaks, has been held at the naval brig in Quantico, Virginia since last summer under "prevention of injury watch." Last weekend, the conditions of his confinement changed. Manning was stripped of his clothing at night, a move his attorney called "degrading treatment" that is "inexcusable and without justification." Quantico officials say that Private Manning is not being abused. His supporters contend he is being pressured to cooperate with prosecutors.


In his first media appearance, Brian Manning, Private Manning's father, speaks out for the first time. It's a PBS FRONTLINE exclusive interview with correspondent Martin Smith.

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is it out yet?


ok found these clips



cant find the whole interview



almost makes one wonder if John Mcain would treat aan american citizen like a north korean prisoner of war.... Not to say Mccain is 'better' than obama, but his own personal experience might make this offensive to him.

just a thought

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Guest Adjective

end of the month. hopefully it'll be good. i like the majority of the frontlines i've seen, some of the better investigative journalism on tv. curious to see how in depth they can get with this subject seem like there would be a lot of resistance... yet they say 2 upcoming episodes will be about manning

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hmm, from the clip i just watched his Dad seems to have a surprisingly reserved and laid back attitude about it. Either that or he's just not the kind of guy to open up to a reporter.


at the end the reporter tries to kind of get him to react more substantially and he responds 'what is wearing this on my sleeve gonna do, it's not going to help me or him anymore'

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Guest Z_B_Z

the white house just fired the state department spokesman for condemning mannings treatment. sometimes it feels like bush never left office. In any case, it's going to be fascinating to see how this whole thing plays out... whatever faith I had in the Obama administration is pretty much gone. glenn greenwald-


On Friday, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley denounced the conditions of Bradley Manning's detention as "ridiculous, counterproductive and stupid," forcing President Obama to address those comments in a Press Conference and defend the treatment of Manning. Today, CNN reports, Crowley has "abruptly resigned" under "pressure from White House officials because of controversial comments he made last week about the Bradley Manning case." In other words, he was forced to "resign" -- i.e., fired.


So, in Barack Obama's administration, it's perfectly acceptable to abuse an American citizen in detention who has been convicted of nothing by consigning him to 23-hour-a-day solitary confinement, barring him from exercising in his cell, punitively imposing "suicide watch" restrictions on him against the recommendations of brig psychiatrists, and subjecting him to prolonged, forced nudity designed to humiliate and degrade. But speaking out against that abuse is a firing offense. Good to know. As Matt Yglesias just put it: "Sad statement about America that P.J. Crowley is the one being forced to resign over Bradley Manning." And as David Frum added: "Crowley firing: one more demonstration of my rule: Republican pols fear their base, Dem pols despise it."


Of course, it's also the case in Barack Obama's world that those who instituted a worldwide torture and illegal eavesdropping regime are entitled to full-scale presidential immunity, while powerless individuals who blow the whistle on high-level wrongdoing and illegality are subjected to the most aggressive campaign of prosecution and persecution the country has ever seen. So protecting those who are abusing Manning, while firing Crowley for condemning the abuse, is perfectly consistent with the President's sense of justice.


Also, remember how one frequent Democratic critique made of the Right generally and the Bush administration specifically was that they can't and won't tolerate dissent: everyone is required to march in lockstep? I wonder how that will be reconciled with this.


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its playing out perfectly. i remember during the election thinking "obama will get elected no doubt, because its too convenient." He was never meant to succeed on reversing agendas to benefit lower and middle class voters. his failure will prime republican voters to surge forth in consequent elections, and his hypocritical platform will further divide Democratic swing voters towards third parties or Republicans.

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Guest Z_B_Z

its playing out perfectly. i remember during the election thinking "obama will get elected no doubt, because its too convenient." He was never meant to succeed on reversing agendas to benefit lower and middle class voters. his failure will prime republican voters to surge forth in consequent elections, and his hypocritical platform will further divide Democratic swing voters towards third parties or Republicans.


considering the republicans sweeping victory in the november elections, and the right wing extremist situation in wisconsin, this is pretty much on the mark.

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