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Hearing Problem

Guest Backson

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Guest Backson



i went to an industrial concert the other night, and now I can't hear very well out of my left ear. I wore some cheap foam chemist ear plugs, which were alright for sound protection, but for about two songs I had a speaker very very close on my left. having said that, I did spend most of the time at the back where it was quieter.


usually having bad hearing after a concert is normal, but its the third day and I'm still experiencing the problem, which I find strange. Is this normal, or did I just make a giant leap towards deafness?

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Bad News: You are gonna be completely deaf in 4 months

Good News: You can become the next Beethoven.

Trolling sure won't make you the next Aphex Twin...

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Guest disparaissant

ive had hearing loss go for 3-4 days before, but honestly if it goes much longer you mighhhhht wanna see a doctor! also, leads to tinnitus. and fuck tinnitus! ohmygodfucktinnitus.

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but if its this bad for me, what about all those goths who were in the front row with no earplugs all night?


A: Theyre goths and dont care about hearing.

B: Nobodies bodies are the same.

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Guest Backson



i was hoping for a simple, happy, non-doctor solution.


plus, I should probably invest in a piar of those awesome expensive earplugs.

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Guest Backson

okay, i clean my ears and my hearing has improved.


so my theory is that the earplugs were terrible (coupled with the fact i need to clean my ears more often) and pushed earwax close to my eardrum.


so my new plan is to get a device that will healp me clean my ears properly, and get some nice earplugs too.


thanks for the advice anyhoo.

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go to the doctor and get your ears syringed. you'll be surprised at what you can hear afterwards!


i saw sunn o))) a few years ago without earplugs. easily the loudest gig i've ever been to (om comes close but at least i could go somewhere less loud at that gig). my ears were ringing for at least two days afterwards. but returned to normal after a while, or i got used to it or something. now i take my expensive earplugs everywhere on my keychain, i even wear them at work (in a factory with lots of printing presses).

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i hurt my hearing once and for days I had the opposite effect. I could hear the two way conversation when someone was on the phone from the next room

are you sure that wasn't due to the metal plate in your head?
































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u can probably look forward to a lifetime of intermittent tinnitus. mine comes and goes quite rarely... no more than once a week or so, but it's the sort of thing that can only get worse, never better.


i've only been to three truly loud shows, too - Sunn o))) (remember that one dan?), Merzbow (remember that one dan?) and MBV (you didn't go to that one, dan). these days i'm more careful and wear earplugs if they're offered. and i avoid nightclubs like the plague.

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