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closing on a new house tomorrow


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mowing lawns is worse than moving. let the grass grow i say. let the wildflowers grow as well. you belong among the wildflowers.



WOW Sorry , i got the wrong forum.


I wanted we are the music makers not we are the middle-aged suburban husband.


what's the median age of the feature artists i wonder?



i like mowing the law. maybe not in hellish heat though

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my wife's uncle is giving us his old riding mower. I was hoping to have enough in the budget to hire a lawn service during the summer but that was a pipe dream anyway. now I'll be forced to use the rider. I wonder if I need a John Deere trucker hat to start it. either way I hope it has a cup/beer holder on it.


first I have to get through the winter. it's already snowing here and there is another storm coming next week. I have an old shovel and a bad back. no money for a snow blower this year. but that is a must for next winter.


can someone invent a kick ass quad that has snow plow and lawn mower attachments on it?


and a cupholder.

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not long now jules! this time will fly.





actually i got a lot like this too. (drinking copiously to make up for the impending drought).


a man needs beer to undertake all that diy.


in fact a man just needs beer.

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mowing lawns is worse than moving. let the grass grow i say. let the wildflowers grow as well. you belong among the wildflowers.

Huzzah, say I. Nay!! say the municipal codes and the bitch retiree neighbors who worship their chemical-drenched manicured laws. I got a citation from the city one time. NO GRASS OR WEED SHALL EXCEED 6 INCHES. ABATE THE NUISANCE OR THE CITY WILL DO SO AT HOMEOWNER'S EXPENSE. That shit was not over 6 inches but citations are based on "neighbor complaint" alone, which is worse than the fucking Stasi. I should ask the city if there are codes related to dry cunts or sodden Depends undergarments; I'd take her to the cleaners on those nuisances.


I mowed it with seething rage, called the code enforcement division and hissed I ABATED THE NUISANCE!. I guess home ownership is grand but I think the joke's on us because home values won't stop falling through the fucking floor. I feel like I'll be 75 and say "well, she's back up to what we paid for her" except it will be in 2040 doll---fuck it, 12/21/12 amirite? Apocalypse as final mowing of the lawn.


if you REAALY hate mowing, and not saying you do, you could pour concrete on your whole front yard.. :emotawesomepm9:

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i remember when we did this when we moved to florida. it was a stressful and exciting time. we had a pool, nice front yard that i took pride in mowing... shirtless! then we moved back to california and threw it all away. that is part of my depression lately.

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I'm going to be afraid of blasting some tunes in my ears while drinking a beer on the riding mower, oblivious to the world, only to look up to see a bear right in front of me.


not long now jules! this time will fly.





actually i got a lot like this too. (drinking copiously to make up for the impending drought).


a man needs beer to undertake all that diy.


in fact a man just needs beer.



you must be all settled in by now. adjusted yet?

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I'm going to be afraid of blasting some tunes in my ears while drinking a beer on the riding mower, oblivious to the world, only to look up to see a bear right in front of me.


not long now jules! this time will fly.





actually i got a lot like this too. (drinking copiously to make up for the impending drought).


a man needs beer to undertake all that diy.


in fact a man just needs beer.



you must be all settled in by now. adjusted yet?


yeah we're doing great. at the weekend she slept for 10 hours straight... she normally manages at least 8 hours every night so i've had no problems with sleep deprivation since the early days. friends of ours with new babies can't believe it, they're up every 2 hours without fail. the biggest adjustment for me is the time it takes to just go out and the amount stuff you have to lug around.

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yeah we're doing great. at the weekend she slept for 10 hours straight... she normally manages at least 8 hours every night so i've had no problems with sleep deprivation since the early days. friends of ours with new babies can't believe it, they're up every 2 hours without fail. the biggest adjustment for me is the time it takes to just go out and the amount stuff you have to lug around.



wow, i dont think im going to be that lucky. good for you man.


i have heard that from everyone that you need to leave 45 minutes before you think you need to just so you are on time.

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what a god damned stressful event. I have never experienced anything like this in my life. when I closed on my first home it was when you could get mortgage by having a pulse. how far things have changed here since. my drinking habit has gone off the charts and my stress level has been sky high. all this and I haven't even gotten to the hard work of redoing the entire kitchen and painting rooms, etc. I still have to get a nursery in order in less than 5 weeks.

Took me 8 months to close on my house. I did luck out though, as this was about 2 years ago, when the market was in the complete shitter with home prices dropping almost daily - saved me about $70,000 over the course of the entire process. Insane amount of stress, and daily dissappointment, filing piece of paper after piece of paper. Lucked out in the end, and got the place for a steal.

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on my street it is encouraged to let it all hang out as far as the lawn is concerned. i should take pictures this summer. my neighbor has the lawn equivalent to essines' hair.


So, no HOA I'm guessing, right?

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yeah we're doing great. at the weekend she slept for 10 hours straight... she normally manages at least 8 hours every night so i've had no problems with sleep deprivation since the early days. friends of ours with new babies can't believe it, they're up every 2 hours without fail. the biggest adjustment for me is the time it takes to just go out and the amount stuff you have to lug around.



wow, i dont think im going to be that lucky. good for you man.


i have heard that from everyone that you need to leave 45 minutes before you think you need to just so you are on time.


it's more that you have to start getting ready 45 mins earlier cos your little one is likely to puke or shit all over the place right before you leave.

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damn xxx that sucks, how did that happen?





at least you get to shovel out the driveway tomorrow so its not a complete loss.


my neighbor has been shoveling my driveway the last 2 storms. seems like a real friendly neighborhood. i am almost done with the kitchen and we should be in by the end of the month.

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