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it happened again

Guest Helper ET

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As I'm not that well versed with the legal system (let alone that of a different country) do you get charged with 'intoxication' just if the police stop you and you happen to be drunk or do you get charged if you're doing something stoopid or illegal and when they catch you doing it and you also happen to be drunk they stick that charge on top ?

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Guest Helper ET

As I'm not that well versed with the legal system (let alone that of a different country) do you get charged with 'intoxication' just if the police stop you and you happen to be drunk or do you get charged if you're doing something stoopid or illegal and when they catch you doing it and you also happen to be drunk they stick that charge on top ?


this is whats so horrible about it. the decision is left to the police. if you are obviously a little drunk, and you decide to test them, they fuck you. if you are obviously a little drunk, and show them exaggerated respect, they might fuck you. either way, if they fuck you, in court the judge always rules in favor of the police, because they are smart and im dum!


at least over here we get done for drunk and disorderly conduct.


not just public intoxication. lol that sucks.


i am a slave

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at least over here we get done for drunk and disorderly conduct.


not just public intoxication. lol that sucks.

Ahh that's what I thought - we can't get done over here for just being drunk if we're not actually doing anything wrong yeah ?

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they forced me in their car (with the threat of taking me away), drove me home, and of all fucking nights, my keys are missing, and so they did not believe that i actually lived where i do. after an incident on my back porch, which i will not discuss for legal matters, im desperately shoving my hands in my pockets, and im finding everything but keys in my pockets, when i find that the swine is suddenly standing behind me in my own backyard watching me, and started questioning me, and then does something i find absolutely appalling, but cant talk about.


These statements are of interest to me.

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Guest Helper ET

holy shit. this just in! this just fucking in!


so i went out to the crime scene (backyard) and i found the most interesting thing!


the thing i didnt want to talk about (due to legal implications) was that at my backdoor, i tossed my pipe and stash next to the porch as i was searching for my keys. the cop who was creeping on me saw this, and was all over it. my inner detest towards the individual was unspeakable


until this point i thought he grabbed the whole kit and kabootle, but no! he grabbed my pipe, yes, this much i remember. i just went outside, and to my fucking surprise, my big new fat bag of weed that i bought mere hours before the incident, was lying on the snow right beside where the cop took the pipe









what a day

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Guest Helper ET

music has always been my favorite escape, and something i love, to unspeakable degrees. then when i realized that i was a slave, i desperately attempted to free myself. when i inevitably failed, my emotions disappeared and i hardened inside. ever since, ive been living in a dissociative state where nothing seems real and everything feels like a movie. my life has since become an obsessive attempt to regain past insights, despite obvious signs that it is impossible to go back


this has somewhat effected my ability to write music

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for future reference, if stopped by the pigs, never try to throw away your drugs/drug paraphernalia, you're much more likely to get caught. better just to keep in on you and be honest about it if they find it. by throwing it away, you just piss them off - like you're trying to outsmart them - the police do not take kindly to this. and you're just as guilty whether the police find weed on your person, or just near your person on the ground - if they have good cause to suspect it's yours (whether in your pocket or not) then I'm afraid it's yours, like it or not.

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As I'm not that well versed with the legal system (let alone that of a different country) do you get charged with 'intoxication' just if the police stop you and you happen to be drunk or do you get charged if you're doing something stoopid or illegal and when they catch you doing it and you also happen to be drunk they stick that charge on top ?


this is whats so horrible about it. the decision is left to the police. if you are obviously a little drunk, and you decide to test them, they fuck you. if you are obviously a little drunk, and show them exaggerated respect, they might fuck you. either way, if they fuck you, in court the judge always rules in favor of the police, because they are smart and im dum!


at least over here we get done for drunk and disorderly conduct.


not just public intoxication. lol that sucks.


i am a slave



You were drunk in public. It doesn't matter if you were being wild/crazy/calm or whatever. It's up to the officers discretion because "Being publicly intoxicated makes a person vulnerable to robbery, assault, and a number of other difficulties."

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

yeah i've seen the tv show cops. you cannot hide drugs from those guys. throwing it they see (usually), hiding in your jock, sock or wherever, they always find it. then you're sitting in a cop car looking sad in a white vest.


why do you even take a pipe out with you? no wonder they are "after" you

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tried to send you the following PM but your box is full


normall watmms skip new age tripe belowe




i read your thread about being harassed by the police. in it you said you've become hardened and immune to past insights and emotions. i was like that too, and i'm still getting better, but i want you to know it's entirely possible to recover completely from that and to live a life you're proud of.


it's an uphill battle for someone with an active mind - the mind is a great tool but it is the worst enemy of the human population. what you need to do, first and foremost, is take care of your body. be in your body. though i constantly go back and forth, i know what my body really wants is peace, and love. when you're going to sleep at night, concentrate on one body part at a time, and relax it. when you wake up, stretch, feel your fingers and your toes. the morning is the easiest part of the day for me to be grabbed by my head and not let go.


as far as i know, we'll never get a banner telling us what our purpose is, and how we're meant to live our lives. but i strongly believe this: you are where you're meant to be. try something - anything - to overcome your problems instead of living them out over and over. you will elevate the whole human race with your effort and good energy.


it's totally possible you're trolling but i think i hear real stuff in your words. even if you are trolling, i'm glad i wrote this, because it helps me remind myself how i want to live.


good luck dude, and feel better. i'm sorry you are suffering. just remember, everything goes away - even on your worst days, this, too, shall pass.



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