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Chillis / growing

Solo Strike

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I love these little firey bastards, has anyone here grown them before from scratch? About to have a wander into town and pick up some interesting seeds. I've had plants before (that got decimated by whitefly), but I've not started from germination before and I'm quite looking forwards to it!


I also love trying as many varieties as possible. Really want to give these a go, chocolate haberneros.... pure fire



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I believe plstik has some experience. I always buy my habaneros, either at the wholesale or at that little Indian shop where I met that insane African chick two months ago.


I only know "standard-habaneros", take the yellow ones mostly as I find they give off more flavor than the red ones - what makes the chocolate ones special?

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I grew some dwarf birdseye chillis from seed last year, and they really were dwarf! They grew to plant and flowered really quickly, and the actual chillis that emerged were probably only about 20mm long at most, around 20 per plant. They were quite hot, but also slightly bitter. Dont forget you can freeze the chillis that you dont eat straight away....


I will grow some more this year and hope for better things - I think I seeded them too late (May).

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at your service!

I love these little firey bastards, has anyone here grown them before from scratch? About to have a wander into town and pick up some interesting seeds. I've had plants before (that got decimated by whitefly), but I've not started from germination before and I'm quite looking forwards to it!


I also love trying as many varieties as possible. Really want to give these a go, chocolate haberneros.... pure fire

They´re really quite easy to grow. But its almost too late now. The best time to start is around january. Just put them in some soil and wait until they start growing. Then split them im individual pots and give them enough light until its warm enough outside. You can usually harvest them around august. (there are numerous guides in the internet)


In germany its quite hard to buy Habanero seeds in a regular shop, I got mine from friends/internet. My favourite: Fatalii and of course those brown delicious bastards you mentioned :emotawesomepm9:



Last year I could use my parents garden and had about 10 plants(I think 4 different kinds of C.chinense), my new flat has just a small balcony with almost no sun. But I´m gonna try it anyway :cat:

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As I understand it, chocolate ones can be hotter than normal habs. Also there is the rather cool novelty factor of their colour, something a little different!


I'm rather sad to learn I should of really started in Jan. I assumed that would be far too early here in the UK. I might still have a try anyway, do you think other types of chilli would be more fruitful to start now (excuse the pun!)

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She used to be my avatar, remember? My guess is she is immune to pain in general, otherwise she wouldn't be able to pull it off like that, without any serious reaction.


Thinking about it - since "hotness" is just the plant tricking our body, if no pain stimulus gets triggered, it's just a piece of plant, like eating a dry leaf. No reaction, no irritation, no problem. She's just missing out on the sensation. She could rub them under her skirt too and be fine. :wacko:

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Well, got my seeds today - I went for chocolate jokolias, Trinidad scorpions, and another milder one which I can't remember off the top of my head. Gonna germinate them tomor, might do a little photo update on this thread if anyone is bothered?


Just made a curry with a load of Naga in. Was unbelievable

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Guest fiznuthian

this has inspired me to start cultivating indoors again...


i'll have to pick up a good HPS lamp soon.. are the trinidad or jolokia seeds expensive?

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Nah, not really. I'm lucky enough to have a good shop for all this kind of stuff about a 40 minute walk from my house, so I had a stroll there along the seafront today to see what they had.


I think there's about 7-8 per bag, and each one was £1.50 each. Away for a few days from tomorrow morning, but will get on it when I'm back. Step one is to put them in some wet kitchen towel/loo roll, put that in an airtight bag, then whack it all in the airing cupboard to germinate!

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Nah, not really. I'm lucky enough to have a good shop for all this kind of stuff about a 40 minute walk from my house, so I had a stroll there along the seafront today to see what they had.


I think there's about 7-8 per bag, and each one was £1.50 each. Away for a few days from tomorrow morning, but will get on it when I'm back. Step one is to put them in some wet kitchen towel/loo roll, put that in an airtight bag, then whack it all in the airing cupboard to germinate!

I just realized I live in a big city now and theres a small chance of having a similar shop somewhere. And I found two, fuck yes.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

Also, anybody has some nice chilli sauce recipe ? Not necessarily the hottest sauce, but a tasty one ?

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