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best movie about aliens - 2011

Rubin Farr

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'The Thing' better not suck. i have high hopes for that movie. atleast they're not remaking it.


yeah, knowing the ending to a film already, it better be damn intresting.



Then again, we might get at least one survivor. Besides the chap piloting the chopper.


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Guest drukqs

Battle: Los Angeles was utter shit. Predictable, the dialogue was awful, and it was the biggest piece of propaganda possibly since Red Dawn. The special effects were pretty well done, but special effects and explosions do not make a good movie.

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Battle: Los Angeles was utter shit. Predictable, the dialogue was awful, and it was the biggest piece of propaganda possibly since Red Dawn. The special effects were pretty well done, but special effects and explosions do not make a good movie.


Pretty much this. I thought it was a poorly done big dumb action movie (and I liked newTron).

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Battle: Los Angeles was utter shit. Predictable, the dialogue was awful, and it was the biggest piece of propaganda possibly since Red Dawn. The special effects were pretty well done, but special effects and explosions do not make a good movie.


Pretty much this. I thought it was a poorly done big dumb action movie (and I liked newTron).


But it's better than Skyline, right? *crosses fingers*

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

There is absolutely no feasible way it's nearly as terrible as Skyline, dear lord that movie was horrible. If I would have paid to watch that movie or been forced to watch the entire thing I would have murdered Gandhi's grandchildren.

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But it's better than Skyline, right? *crosses fingers*


Haven't seen Skyline, but it did sound pretty bad.

Battle: LA was basically like watching someone play one of those grey-brown duck & cover shooter games that are popular these days, but with worse graphics.

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Guest analogue wings

Skyline has a rep as a so-bad-its-good movie but except for the last 5 minutes of HAHAHAYOUAREFUCKINGKIDDING at the end its just so-bad-its-bad

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if only you understood whats going on. this isnt a game


during world war two, one of hitlers propaganda tactics, was to put a radio in the home of every german household. it was sold as a type of entertainment system, as well as a "news" medium. it was so popular, not only did every other family own one, but that if you didnt, you visited your friends house almost every night to tune in




get it?


ok, so now fast forward 70 years. suddenly theres nothing but alien themed movies, all at once. everyone has been watching discovery channels "ancient aliens". ive been watching ufo specials on discovery channel since i hardly remember creating memories. its everywhere now days


go have fun with that stuff, thats only the mainstream ufo / alien media. if you choose to delve into real ufo / alien data.......hahahahahaha!


guys, this is really happening. listen to me! wake up! this is really going on! we have to do something!


Yeah cos like until 2011, when has anyone ever made a movie about aliens? Or talked about aliens or UFOs on the news or on the internet? I mean, you hardly ever even heard the word 'aliens' or 'ufos' until a few months ago. I had to look the words up.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

as for skyline, i didn't dislike it. Don't expect much and you won't be disappointed.


.... No. Skyline was definitely NOT worthwhile enjoyable in any conceivable sense, except for what was said above: the ending was so fucking dumb it was kinda hilarious (but it didn't make up for the incredibly unbearable 95% of that hunk-o-donkey shit)

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Skyline has a rep as a so-bad-its-good movie but except for the last 5 minutes of HAHAHAYOUAREFUCKINGKIDDING at the end its just so-bad-its-bad


I didn't see it as so bad it's good, there will be no ironic viewing in this household.

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