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tycho visuals


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I don't see how some of you here notice how dark BoC is, I know were all numb to "darker" sounds but to most people BoC sounds insane to them.


Tycho's sound has not a lick of evil in it really if you listen to it. I really question some of the haters listening skills but hey I kind of like reading this stuff because its fun to show it to people.


Joyrex, thanks for dealing with this at the beginning, it started off as a gang bang I see, I wish I saw it early. I'll see you online on the PS3 one day soon I hope.


i consider myself willing to consider the impossible at times, but this is very hard to believe. Melancholic yes. shifting of emotions? certainly. but to differentiate between saying BOC is a dark musical act and Tycho is almost the inverse of it is one of the most ridiculous things i've ever read on this forum.

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Guest Valued Customer

I'm just enjoying all the:


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get in there guys! make that point, yeah, mhm, yeah, ...wait I gotta say this!

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i'm not embarrassed by the fact that i edit the shit out of my posts, but why do you insist on trolling this thread by saying BOC makes dark music? my mental vocabulary can't comprehend if you were serious or not


edit: a person named 'Tycho' was just actually reading this thread, no bullshit

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brb i'm going to check out your guys' music



can you maybe respond to some of the posts like an informed gentleman rather than a trolling twat? there have been points made and questions asked and I'm very curiously awaiting your response.


and feel free to edit your posts, that's why the button is there...

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Guest arcanum

Valued Customer is such a little prick. I love the completely unnecessary joyrex shout-out.


I don't see how some of you here notice how dark BoC is, I know were all numb to "darker" sounds but to most people BoC sounds insane to them.


Tycho's sound has not a lick of evil in it really if you listen to it. I really question some of the haters listening skills but hey I kind of like reading this stuff because its fun to show it to people.


Joyrex, thanks for dealing with this at the beginning, it started off as a gang bang I see, I wish I saw it early. I'll see you online on the PS3 one day soon I hope.


i consider myself willing to consider the impossible at times, but this is very hard to believe. Melancholic yes. shifting of emotions? certainly. but to differentiate between saying BOC is a dark musical act and Tycho is almost the inverse of it is one of the most ridiculous things i've ever read on this forum.


Maybe he's only ever heard Geogaddi, or something.

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Guest Valued Customer

Scott asked me to post this here:


Sorry I'm late to the party -- was just linked to this -- but wanted to throw in my 2 cents as I've appreciated the support from this community in the past. Judging from some of the posts I've read here (the best one descibed me as "pure evil"), most of this will fall on deaf ears but I have an hour at the airport to kill and I figured I'd put down my thoughts anyways. Why not just leave it alone? I don't really know, guess I felt it neccessary to offer some sort of response when confronted with such a large amount of commentary on something that means so much to me.


First off, of course, absolutely I am inspired by BOC, no question about it. Years ago perhaps I was overly influenced and it showed. But, as is often the case in a situation like this, I was too close to the subject and I don't think I fully understood how my work related to BOC and so I made two key misteps in citing them as my main influence. One was here on this forum (for which I paid dearly, well I guess I just got a lot of people calling me names on an internet forum, still stung), and another was at a Q&A at one of my first shows outside Sacramento (where I lived at the time) and someone called me out on it. I regret having omitted BOC as influences in both those instances and have made every attempt to make up for it since. I certainly didn't do it out of malice or any deisre to decieve people, I think at the time I just didn't see the connection, as hard as that might be to understand. But If you've ever been to one of my shows you'd know that if I have anything to do with the music or DJ who goes on before, there is a healthy dose of BOC in the set list. And in every interview when asked my musical influences, the first thing out of my mouth is BOC. But of course I don't see myself as the sacreligious monster some of you have made me out to be. Yes, BOC opened up for me a new way of thinking about music and what it could be -- just as Full Cycle/Dope Dragon and DJ Shadow did years earlier -- but I see myself as having taken that initial influence and pushed it in my own direction, later to evolve into something entirely different. I know many of you will disagree vehemently with that statement, but it's how I feel.


But, that's all sort of concerning my last album, which came out 7 years ago. (http://www.discogs.com/Tycho-Sunrise-Projector/release/346801 , this was the original release, Merck re-released it 2 years later) I have since put out a couple singles on Ghostly which were mostly stuff I wrote at the tail end of Sunrise Projector / Past is Prologue. In the years since I have been working here and there on a new album, but like everyone else I have a lot of other stuff going on so music is secondary most of the time. I guess the point is, some people said they felt I haven't made an effort to change my sound. My question would be, what are you using as a reference point? I haven't released any significant body of work in over 6 years. I guess you're right to a certain extent though as I haven't made a concious effort to change my sound; things have just evolved organically the way I think they do for most artists and I think that will be evident on the new album. At any rate, I would honestly love to hear what you guys have to say about the new material once it's out.


At a certain point though I find it hard to take some of this seriously when you're referencing stuff I did so long ago while ignoring my more recent output. Have you listened to Coastal Brake? The Daydream? Disconnect? Hours? (the song in the video the OP posted). If you think these are dirivative of BOC then I guess we're never going to agree on this. I feel like if an artist you had never heard of put these songs out you would never have even considered BOC as a potential influence. It seems like your initial perceptions are coloring everything you hear from me regardless of it's content. I guess I just don't see the overlap of ambient/psych house music (or whatever you'd call my recent stuff) and BOC. And if your answer is "warbly analog synths", please... Yes, I use analog synths, so do a lot of other musicians.


And yes, I use guitars...in music. There were guitars on Sunrise Projector and there were guitars on Science of Patterns, the EP I put out prior to that in 2002. I started learning guitar around that time and it has steadily played a bigger role in my music. In fact, most of my music since Sunrise Projector was written on guitar (I find it more intuitive for writing melodies) and then either kept (e.g. The Daydream) or converted to synth / piano parts. The new album is filled with guitar and electric bass (as opposed to synth bass), and the album after that (which is pretty well sketched out already) will be a decidedly guitar-centric album. I listen to mostly guitar/vocal music, have since I started listening to music. Keyboards were easier for me to learn but it was only a matter of time before I picked up guitar. I also play drums, which are interspersed throughout most of my music released to date, I heard BOC do this too. Also, every band ever.


As for my design work, I'm not sure how many of you are graphic designers or follow design in general, but if you have followed my work you would know I've been pursuing the same style for my entire career and I can honestly say it has nothing to do with the work of whoever is designing BOC's stuff. I know a lot of you will disagree with that, but it's just the truth. What does this (http://blog.iso50.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/Tycho-Coastal_Brake_Cover-ISO50-650.jpg), this http://blog.iso50.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/iso50-analog_visions-blogd1.jpg, or this http://blog.iso50.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/ISO50-Nocturne-blog1.jpg have to do with BOC or the image they project? Honestly, I would love to hear a decent explanation.


As for the surf imagery, I live < 1 mile from the beach. I've lived in California my whole life. I grew up bombarded by imagery from surf culture. I don't think I owned one piece of clothing as a kid that didn't have a surf or skate company logo on it somewhere. Of course, living in the valley, I skated/skimboarded. The particular video segment I posted is part of a two part set for Hours and Costal Brake which are very surf-inspired songs -- if you spent a day driving down Highway 1 and put on Coastal Brake, I think you'd see this. The visuals are divided into three parts. The first are some old nature films (I know this is an illegal operation according to many of you, don't know what to tell you, I like nature and films on nature, always have), the second is animated versions of some of my design work, and the third is some ocean / surf imagery which was recently given to me by a close friend and avid surfer for whom Hours is named for (the final album version has a different name). The new footage was the impetus for me reworking the visuals set.


So yeah, I love music, I think BOC are great. I also think Yes, Giorgio Moroder, Air, B&S, Tame Impala, and Can are great. I spend what little free time I have making music because it's something I truly enjoy doing and is a very cathartic experience for me. I regret that I have offended some of you to such an extent, it was never my intention. I am not trying to slay your heroes and stand in their place. I am not trying to impress / appease you or any other music critics. If you don't like me or my music, I know nothing I could ever say will change that. But I didn't write this to try and change your mind and the idea that you don't agree with my choices as an artist is fine with me, I just wanted to explain my thoughts on things so you would at least know where I was coming from. And after all is said and done, I really do appreciate your feedback and look forward to hearing more when the new album comes out.



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probably needed to carefully think it out, like you did



anyway, I never said Tycho had NO BoC influence, thats fucking retarded...what Im responding to is the immediate torrential downpour of "TYCHO STOLE BOC MUSIC OMG BUT HES MUCH WORSE WTF TYCHO"



and I gotta give it up to Scott on his reply...earlier in this thread I wanted to post every single image he made and ask how they all ripped off BoC....since everyone is saying how blatantly and irrefutably obvious it is, it should be incredibly easy to find a BoC design to match every single one of Scott's.



And when I posted Coastal Brake, I still didn't hear anyone explain to me how that was a BoC ripoff...that shit sounds closer to most house songs than BoC.


anyway, as I stated earlier on, I could go on and on and on about how ridiculous this is, but I think Scott defended himself pretty well.


btw Awe, it might sound like im jumpin on your shit man, but Im really not. I value a lot of what you say on this forum, I just happen to disagree on this matter.


alright, i sound like harky now. last post.

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Guest Valued Customer

He tried to log in earlier under his old acct but it didn't work so he made a new acct and he wasn't allowed to post so I just did it because there's less dicking around

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Guest arcanum

Valued Customer, if you're actually communicating with Tycho please ask him to tweet something for confirmation. I want to know that these are really his words.

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probably needed to carefully think it out, like you did


not to harp on this issue but i still don't see why 'valued customer' had to post for him when he has an account on this forum

edit: ok i see maybe the moderators should take a look at that problem


anyway, as I stated earlier on, I could go on and on and on about how ridiculous this is, but I think Scott defended himself pretty well.


btw Awe, it might sound like im jumpin on your shit man, but Im really not. I value a lot of what you say on this forum, I just happen to disagree on this matter.


alright, i sound like harky now. last post.


i honestly didn't think that you were and i do think Scott's response was the best possible response one could make.

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Guest arcanum

you really took getting in there, to a whole new level.


give me until the new boc album releases for me to read all that


Oh come on - it takes a couple of minutes to read, if that. But I guess that's our generation.


And again Valued Customer, please ask Scott to tweet some kind of reference to watmm

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I appreciate that response as well and it's very well thought out. I have no doubt that's from Scott. for me personally, I'm not attacking him at all and I have tried to make that very clear. I think maybe he doesn't realize how much he has bit a style though.


I'm only talking music here, not his graphic design which I think he excels at.


I personally like coastal brake and don't hear boc in it it at all. it almost sounds very jamband influenced to me, but I do think it's very good. I do find that his first two albums were very very boc based and it's confirmed. I find this curious and I'll just repost an earlier post of mine. I just don't see how you can defend it.



ok so all of tycho's music pre campfire headphase was very boc inspired, we all know that.. even the titles are generic knockoffs. so he hasnt released anything in awhile, then campfire headphase comes out and whoa, there are acoustic guitars ion this now! holy crap.


then tycho puts this out







but other people have used acoustic guitars before so i guess this was just pure coincidence.




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you really took getting in there, to a whole new level.


give me until the new boc album releases for me to read all that


Oh come on - it takes a couple of minutes to read, if that. But I guess that's our generation.


And again Valued Customer, please ask Scott to tweet some kind of reference to watmm



I will first point out that because I didn't read it, I didn't realize it was tycho himself talking... so the reason I made this comment was because the real poster on that account was mocking this thread for a lengthy opinionated thread...


by responding with that much text I thought it was worth pointing out


also I generally have little interest in this thread or how tycho wants to be perceived or how watmms perceives him. I will eventually get around to hearing more of his music and make my own mind up on how I feel. I mean no ill will towards him, and I hope he continues to create whatever it is he loves to create.

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Guest arcanum

I appreciate that response as well and it's very well thought out. I have no doubt that's from Scott. for me personally, I'm not attacking him at all and I have tried to make that very clear. I think maybe he doesn't realize how much he has bit a style though.


I'm only talking music here, not his graphic design which I think he excels at.


I personally like coastal brake and don't hear boc in it it at all. it almost sounds very jamband influenced to me, but I do think it's very good. I do find that his first two albums were very very boc based and it's confirmed. I find this curious and I'll just repost an earlier post of mine. I just don't see how you can defend it.



ok so all of tycho's music pre campfire headphase was very boc inspired, we all know that.. even the titles are generic knockoffs. so he hasnt released anything in awhile, then campfire headphase comes out and whoa, there are acoustic guitars ion this now! holy crap.


then tycho puts this out







but other people have used acoustic guitars before so i guess this was just pure coincidence.





Not hearing it.

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Guest arcanum

not hearing campfire headphase guitars in that song???


I'm hearing a guitar, sure, but I think the overall sound is definitely different.

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also too I would have never posted this thread if I knew it was going to turn into this as well. I expected a few eye rolls and a few wisecracks and that's about it.


I did get an lol out of his response about people calling him pure evil. that's a bit out of hand, it's not like he has a hidden agenda.

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Guest arcanum

It was a good response. He was very open about his feelings on the subject, even apologetic, and he did have a few good jabs in there as well. I gained a lot of respect for him and his work.

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Guest arcanum

I will say though, that his place in my music collection is still not much more than an occasional supplement to my BoC listening. I've always thought that his sound is noticeably more techno-influenced (I guess, at least that's how it sounds to me), and I'm not all about that. I understand that many people see his similarity to BoC as some kind of irreverent affront, but it doesn't bother me at all - and they are actually quite different, even if the influence is pervasive.

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Guest arcanum

not hearing campfire headphase guitars in that song???


Actually come to think of it I don't really recall acoustic guitar in any songs on Campfire Headphase... isn't it all electric, albeit mostly clean?

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