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Guest Franklin

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Guest Franklin

1. First, I am incredibly lazy and unmotivated. I don't really have a drive besides for avoiding doing what I have to do. If I could only convince myself that fun and work were reversed. And believe me I love my job... it's not that. It's just that I like doing absolutely nothing like cruising internets and then playing my drums for like 45 mins and then eating some food and then having a nap with my cat and then checking shit out on kijiji, listen to music and chill with online/offline friends, eat, smoke weed and watch "platoon" or read Tolstoy while drifting to sleep, more than working in my sweet profession.

2. I don't try to be the best at anything. I just get good enough that I can privately say to myself that if I really put in some work I could defo be the best. And I really do believe that. Is this just some weird acceptance of my lack of motivation?

3. I lie a lot. I lie a lot even when it's the stupidest of things sometimes but I can't help but juice the stats. e.g. my wife asked me the other day how long it took me to get somewhere of no real consequence. Instead of saying the real answer I said real answer + about 40% more. I also always lie to make myself look better to others.


that shit's weird eh. It's strange that I do all that and know it at the same time. Is this normal?


So the above was told to me by a client of mine this afternoon. And when he said it I thought to myself... jesus this guy is fucked... who watches Platoon before bed? I told him he was OK and that he ought to smarten up and pretend that his dead ancestors were watching his every move and that when he died he had to live in the same house as them.


Does that make me a bad therapist?



post composed listening to 13 loops of this:





also, do you guys want more of these kinds of posts from me in the future?

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Guest hahathhat

It's just that I like doing absolutely nothing like cruising internets and then playing my drums for like 45 mins and then eating some food and then having a nap with my cat and then checking shit out on kijiji, listen to music and chill with online/offline friends, eat, smoke weed and watch "platoon" or read Tolstoy while drifting to sleep, more than working in my sweet profession.

who doesn't


2. I don't try to be the best at anything. I just get good enough that I can privately say to myself that if I really put in some work I could defo be the best. And I really do believe that. Is this just some weird acceptance of my lack of motivation?

perhaps you feel you could do better, but you've settled. avoiding becoming your true self, conflicting goals/desires, etc.


3. I lie a lot. I lie a lot even when it's the stupidest of things sometimes but I can't help but juice the stats. e.g. my wife asked me the other day how long it took me to get somewhere of no real consequence. Instead of saying the real answer I said real answer + about 40% more. I also always lie to make myself look better to others.


vanity, i guess. just make sure it's getting less, not more. hack away at it, like a fat man works to avoid the fridge.

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Guest Adjective

other than number 3, it all sounds like me. or am i lying about number 3?


and yes posts like this would be a good read... but part of me thinks that if you do, maybe you should merge the patients, toss away the specific problems, and talk about the ones a few of them share.

feels a little wrong, to get access to one person's life, even if they remain a silhouette, but a crowd of silhouettes i get less guilt about. maybe i have guilt issues?

*lays down*


oh and at first i thought this was your confession, like you were laying on watmm's couch.

do your patients ever have issues that mirror ones in your own life, and do you ever work out your own issues while working with your patients?

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Yeah i'm lazy as fuck and really unmotivated.


Now I don't necessarily lie a lot but I do exaggerate from time to time.

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Guest underscore

i'd think you were being a cock if you responded to me like that. no idea what kind of response i'd want to hear, though.

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yeah I think the dead ancestors thing is a pretty odd thing for a therapist to say to someone. the guy sounds like there's nothing wrong with him anyway apart from perhaps the lying thing...and that's not really a big deal by the sound of it. I think you should strike yourself off.

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You think that shit is weird? Yeah, you're a bad therapist. What do you want to hear btw? Wether we're interested to hear what your patients/clients are troubling? Of course! Whatever feeds my narcissistic tendencies and misplaced feelings of superiority. It's all good.

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So the above was told to me by a client of mine this afternoon.



the client told you points 1-3 about you or himself? is it you or him who is lazy, lying, etc? i, confused.



also, do you guys want more of these kinds of posts from me in the future?





ps. platoon IS a great movie.

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i can identify a lot with 1 and 2. i've even thought about going to therapy for it. this thread makes me realize it would just be a waste of time and money, and confirms my opinion that therapy is bullshit.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I think 1 and 2 are very common states of mind, to a greater or lesser extent in different people. I also agree that the OP is very confusing and that indeed this does sound like a terrible therapy service you are providing. But I like the thread.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

yeah, i'd be pretty annoyed if you told me to imagine my dead relatives were watching my every move.

And also it's not that encouraging to think that your therapist is thinking "jesus this guy is fucked" when you tell him which films you like

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Guest Dirty Protest

My psycho the rapist girlfriend would be appalled by your post and attitude. Are you sure youre in the right job?

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Guest Franklin

lol. guys i was unbelievably stoned last night.


none of that is true. It would be hilarious if a therapist told a patient that though! like Larry David's therapist telling him to give Cheryl the Ultimatum.

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Great! Now post another story. Something we can endlessly bitch and moan about. How about a hot girl who gets hit on by dorks the entire day and sees them as ants to poop on.

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