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Kakapo banned

Guest Iain C

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Guest sirch

sorry sirch !


but can we trade sirch for kakapo


make a poll . lol



aslong as i'm not banned from the subforums i don't really care tbh :)


also, bring back the downloads section!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that, the subforums and the new releases section, was/is why a lot of people still come here!!


truth hurts i guess. *shrug*

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Guest hahathhat

i would never start such a poll


it's more like portal 2. i'm wheatley, and you, sirch, are space core

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Guest sirch

sirch is




nice, nice.


still searching............... outta space and inner space........ with a game face

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Also, that Hitler 'Downfall' parody he made complaining about the LTM forum was hilarious.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

my point is i dont mind you banning people capriciously as long as you do it openly. banning people under the guise that it somehow benfits the forum (when in fact it's just because you don't like them) means there is one less person to contribute and donate to this site and every time someone is banned this site gets a little bit shittier.


What, do you want some sort of 'public execution' of sorts where the accused crimes are posted for all to see?


that would be awesome

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Guest Calx Sherbet

i guarantee five more members are getting banned by the end of the year, at least


that would happen in any given year. please think about what you just said.




you grow up, get wiser, be less twatish



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as some of you may have noticed I took issue with sirch pretty much from day one. he is a comprehensive twat. unforunately he won't be reading this as he has me on ignore. kakapo on the other hand was a great and very witty member who I shall genuinely miss around here.

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perhaps bans for serious offenses should start off at 1 month ban from watmm, and upon return from 1 month ban continue as follows:

  • 2nd offense - 2 month ban
  • 3rd offense - 3 month ban
  • 4th offense - 6 month ban
  • 5th offense - 12 month ban



A bit too lenient, and if people knew they had several 'chances', they'd either see how much they could get away with before the hammer dropped, or not take the early warnings seriously.


Typically I will warn someone, and if it's repeated, tell them they will either be banned or suspended the next time something happens. Very rarely will I outright ban or suspend unless it's something really egregious.


Support the idea of suspensions, it's a reasonable middle ground and I'm honestly baffled as to why JR doesn't already employ them


I do - and I'll see about using it more in future, but an outright ban usually has good merit behind it, so I don't know what a suspension would do in place of that other than giving the offender a second chance, which if they're being banned, they probably already had enough of those or did something serious enough there shouldn't be a second chance.

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i like the idea of three-warns-and-you're-suspended, three-suspensions-and-you're banned idea (after the three warns/initial suspension, any additional offense would immediately result in a suspension rather than another warning).



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he is a comprehensive twat.

if i was a twat i'd want to be a comprehensive one. tie all those loose ends together and really get being a twat done in full.

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OK, since this really isn't going anywhere, I'm gonna close the topic - anyone with specific questions regarding kakapo's banning or ideas on how to improve the warning system can PM me.

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