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Louis Theroux - Miami Mega Jail


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Guest Space Coyote

This was a bit disappointing for me. I had heard that after the last couple of more serious topics, he was going to return to a bit more of the light-hearted, humorous and naive-sounding-questions Louis that we've enjoyed earlier on. There was a little bit of that, with the prisoners 'inferring' they would steal his shoes or that a recent fight had been over snitching but it didn't really reveal more than you'd expect which the approach has in the past when used on other interviewees. Out of the various prison visits he's and Ross Kemp have done, this seemed like the weakest and least insightful. Certainly the situation at this Miami megajail is not pretty and far from what an institution looking to legitimately rehabilitate criminals should be but it felt very samey and there wasn't really any revelations for me about prison life and the corruption/negligence that comes with it.


That said I was wondering why they seemed to have so many young black female guards? The first that they show prominently in this was actually pretty damn good looking considering the usual line up of prison guards. They did sort of address that when they talked about prisoners "masturbating at" those female guards from within their cells but I thought that was pretty benign compared to the sort of situations and harassment one imagines having those guards around might cause.


Next part also said it would be looking into the rehabilitation side of things which involves some sort of "boot camp" style approach. Can't say I'm looking forward to it but as long as it is not just more of the same of the first part, which didn't really seem to go anywhere, then we'll give it a go.

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Bonus Bibio!

Yeah, I also noticed that "Cry! Baby!" by Bibio plays in the documentary!

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i dunno what just happened but ill go and be jaded with my lonesome.


i think irari was referring to my political podcast, i respect him because he's been one of the longest members of this forum who contributes absolutely nothing of value or interest

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lol ok



i noticed watching idiocracy last night, how people aren't aware how shit their lives are in comparison with what could be accomplished...idiocracy is merely an exaggeration of that.....i almost feel that anyone that has emotional resonance with that affected family in the above video is in a very small minority around the world.

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Guest tht tne

i dunno what just happened but ill go and be jaded with my lonesome.


i think irari was referring to my political podcast, i respect him because he's been one of the longest members of this forum who contributes absolutely nothing of value or interest


dude i get shit on all day you might want to lay off

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Guest tht tne

This was good but depressing. I was most bothered by Robert Shaw, the triple murder novel writer facing death. He was clearly so much more intelligent than the average population and it was sad but poignant that he called himself a "slimeball". His description of growing up with "snakes" as role models makes you wonder how he might have turned out if his environment was different. Louie's woeful and solemn mug was really hilarious at points--particularly when he was wearing a scarf and watching the boot camp recruits get yelled at. When that guy was telling him about painting and how he might fare, he asked "Louie, are you a real nigga?" His perplexed eyebrow knitting was pure comedy :emotawesomepm9:


I think YLC should be subtitled GABOS or GAABOS as it were "Game Ain't About Sympathy". If your tracks get 1 star or heckled, GAABOS :nyan:



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one of my favorite parts is when that one guy who who was on crutches by the end admitted to Louie 'yeah its complete nonsense, none of it makes any sense but its the way things work around here'


I probably shouldn't be saying this on a public forum (knock on wood) but am i the only one who if wrongly charged with a crime and facing a prison sentence based on a Jury would be absolutely scared as shit and consider leaving the country (not for the actual time one would be spending in prison, but what happens to you in prison as Norm Macdonald says the judge always forgets to tell you about the 'Anal Rape')?


edit: that sexual assault sign up in the jail was laughable too, it's probably embarrassing enough to have to 'check in' when you get your ass kicked and you need medical attention, but i wonder how often rape or sexual assault actually goes reported, i would guess not very often.

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i dont think thats messed up.


in all honesty id probably take my life. if you think about it, with almost any imprisonment on any charge in America, even if you survive the constant ass rape and sucking on some 400 pound bear's horse cock,you are pretty much guaranteed not to make over the poverty line in income anymore..if you can even land a job.


so..yeah, serve your time, probably have some sort of STDs, make next to nothing the rest of your life and quietly wonder why you didn't do something crazier to earn such a punishment.



man i am depressed.

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i dont think thats messed up.


in all honesty id probably take my life. if you think about it, with almost any imprisonment on any charge in America, even if you survive the constant ass rape and sucking on some 400 pound bear's horse cock,you are pretty much guaranteed not to make over the poverty line in income anymore..if you can even land a job.


so..yeah, serve your time, probably have some sort of STDs, make next to nothing the rest of your life and quietly wonder why you didn't do something crazier to earn such a punishment.



man i am depressed.


Yeah, this is pretty much it, from what I've read. When inmates report a rape, they aren't greeted with much sympathy. "It's best to just accept things, you probably have AIDS now." And if they don't get into protective custody, they get rewarded with more rape. And if you try to sneak by without kicking anyone's ass or being someone's bitch, you are viewed on the same level as a child molester.


So avoid prison yep.

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always made me wonder, and im probably overthinking this, but:



1)inmates are trained to be completely desensitized and ruthless in all and every manner

2) ordinary citizens fear inmates and the system that makes them so

3) the govt keeps the scary inmates away from us



with the huge prison pop we have...i could imagine some sadistic future where if the govt is threatened with collapse they release this prison population, making the general populous beg for the govt's thirst for order.




ill write a comic book series based on this.

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I just feel really bad for that little guy with the glasses in that documentary. 3 years in and it seemed like nobody had gotten to him yet, maybe he has hope...








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Guest Coalbucket PI

That guy on part 2 who was doing well in the boot camp was the most interesting to me, because he said something about trying to get out of the criminal life style but that basically he had to stay doing grimey stuff just to be able to get through the sentence. Then Louis asked him about GABOS and his 'no sympathy' rule and he hardly seemed to notice that that was the state of mind he was trying to get away from.


A few times I felt like Louis wasn't really getting what people were saying, I can't remember what it was exactly but that ponytailed guy who was getting put in solitary after confessing to beating that other guy. I thought he was being frank and Louis didn't seem to get him.

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Generally unpleasant at best. I've seen on other forums people looking up the details of the little guy with glasses, it appeared that he tried to kill his ex when she left him for another woman. I had sympathy for him in the sense that he was so clearly disadvantaged, but jail is never going to be an easy ride and if you go shooting up cars then what else can you expect?

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presumed innocent!!!! This is a doc about a jail. That is the key issue here. They are awaiting trial! This is a crime!! Fuck this country.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

presumed innocent!!!! This is a doc about a jail. That is the key issue here. They are awaiting trial! This is a crime!! Fuck this country.

I suppose the whole documentary was doomed to only raise questions outside of it's scope, like why these people are awaiting trial for so long, why the jails are run that way

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