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Amon Tobin - ISAM Tour - 2011


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It took 15 years for someone to top the best live performance I've ever seen, which was Download touring for The Eyes of Stanley Pain in 1996. This was an experience NOT TO BE MISSED. If my jaw wasn't dropped, I had a big grin on my face. Absolutely stunning.


I almost saw it in London as I was there during that date in June, but it was sold out before I could get a ticket.

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still contemplating the Brooklyn show. looks worth it even if the album is meh. maybe it will make me appreciate the album more.

I think it very well might. I like the album though - it's not his best but it's enjoyable. That reminds me, I haven't revisited Foley Room since ISAM came out.

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Well I really enjoyed this... How can one not? It's Amon Tobin really loud with awesome visuals.


That said... I have the same complaint about his live show as I did ISAM... There is no sense of forward motion in the set... I didn't feel build ups, or finales or just a sense of motion...


There were break downs etc, but it didn't feel dynamic... It didn't feel like there was a sense of form... It just wasn't all that exciting... Impressive and enjoyable? Yes.

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There were break downs etc, but it didn't feel dynamic... It didn't feel like there was a sense of form... It just wasn't all that exciting... Impressive and enjoyable? Yes.


that's kind of how his last 2 albums felt to me, an exercise in really hard worked on flashy sound design with not much thematic or compositional excitement. You could argue that Richard Devine's music shares the same characteristic, but i find his last 3 albums far more listenable than the last 2 amon tobin ones. this is why i ducked out of the $45 Isam show. The visuals looked awesome but judging by a lot of the video i've seen of it already i wouldn't be seeing much new footage. Also this tour of his seems like one of the least actual live tours he's done so far, it sounds like a barely different set than his album just playing off the CD

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have to say, i was actually yawning at the show because the music is just too over the top all the time thus rendering it a loud ass flat line throughout. but, if you are remotely interested in this type of thing because of all the hype about the visuals, you will not forgive yourself if you do not go. i know i'd be pretty bummed if i missed it. the encore was the most interesting part musically and visually for me. i wish the opening acts were ambient or chilled out big time, instead they were more over the top shit, by the time amon tobin came on i was like, jesus, now i have to endure even more?!?

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the encore was the most interesting part musically and visually for me. i wish the opening acts were ambient or chilled out big time, instead they were more over the top shit, by the time amon tobin came on i was like, jesus, now i have to endure even more?!?


im gonna give myself a free pass on this one and say, yes you have been forgiven. Thanks for the insight. I think you're referring to Eskmo.

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Eskmo was alright. But honestly, the show was pretty damn great and I'm not entirely understanding the negativity in this thread. Yeah, it was loud all the way through, but I thought that was perfectly OK. Just different tastes, I guess.

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Eskmo was alright. But honestly, the show was pretty damn great and I'm not entirely understanding the negativity in this thread. Yeah, it was loud all the way through, but I thought that was perfectly OK. Just different tastes, I guess.


yeah i think the different tastes part is where you hit the nail on the head. The visuals look fucking awesome, but i've been unable to enjoy Amon's music since Foley Room. Seeing awesome visuals ontop of bland music is something i didn't want to pay $40 for, and im glad i didnt.

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Well let me be clear: I love Amon Tobin. I've just been disappointed with his last two albums, because I feel like he has been moving away from what has made him great, and into the realm of trying to prove something. That's just my opinion. And since I paid $40, I think I'm allowed to voice my opinion about him!


I still throw on ISAM from time to time, because there ARE some really sick moments throughout, but as a person that really cares about musical form, buildups, tension, and release, I AM disappointed in his music, in those specific regards. And the show/visuals were not enough to distract me from that point... and in the end, I am going to a MUSIC concert, so my critique of the music should be valid.


I'd love it if Amon took his new production skills (which really have grown... and he was a fucking awesome producer before ISAM) and returned to more of the aesthetic that he composed with before... his current stuff is just a little too cold, and a little to flat lined (like someone else said). There is a lack of excitement. And that makes me sad... because he has excited me so much in the past...


that's all. He still ranks as one of the most creative producers out there... I don't say this as a shit talker, I say this as a fan that hopes his future endeavors grab me again, like his previous ones.

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Guest Mr Salads

Long time no see watmm. What's up. I wanted to check in here because I went to the Denver show. I agree with similar sentiments, about how the overall progression of the show seemed flat.


The visuals were outstanding. It looks like it's coming from one projector, which is all the more impressive to me. It looks like he's got some visuals rigged to his movements, there was one part where you could follow his movements with the visuals, and it really looked nice.


But I would have to say that despite the exciting visuals it didn't feel like it built up to anything. Which is what I thought would happen. I think if you have the slightest interest in checking this out, do it. This is state of the art stuff we're seeing. I saw some Android Jones show the week previous that was just as if not more impressive. It's great what artists are doing with projection these days.

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Guest jaysharpm7

Very cool use of the technology, at times very successfully, at other times maybe not to its full potential. And the show really becomes about the visuals, because he must be really tied to the program, so you have to view it as as big production. It was pretty amazing, but occasionally I felt like I wasn't totally absorbed by the experience, as I had imagined I would.


The stuff he played in the encore was pretty awesome though.

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I was at the Montreal show too.


And I completely agree the encore was the best stuff. The first encore when it wasn't about the visuals and more about the mixing was not surprisingly my favorite part.


But I was very impressed and had fun. To me it was worth it, however, I did leave feeling as though there could have been sooo much more explored than what we actually saw. There was so much potential with that thing that seems possible.

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Long time no see watmm. What's up. I wanted to check in here because I went to the Denver show. I agree with similar sentiments, about how the overall progression of the show seemed flat.


The visuals were outstanding. It looks like it's coming from one projector, which is all the more impressive to me. It looks like he's got some visuals rigged to his movements, there was one part where you could follow his movements with the visuals, and it really looked nice.


But I would have to say that despite the exciting visuals it didn't feel like it built up to anything. Which is what I thought would happen. I think if you have the slightest interest in checking this out, do it. This is state of the art stuff we're seeing. I saw some Android Jones show the week previous that was just as if not more impressive. It's great what artists are doing with projection these days.


good review. I would expect more people to be using some kind of real-time visual system like Amon Tobin's instead of a pre-rendered movie playlist (which from all appearances this is what the ISAM rig looks like)

I can't help but feel like the Amon Tobin performance would be much cooler if it didnt feel like he was just playing back totally precorded tracks from his album

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Just came back from the NYC show. I agree the encore was the best part musically. I found myself zoning out during the actual performance and not really paying attention at some points. The visuals were pretty amazing, and he did a good job incorporating himself into the act. Pretty amazing show.

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