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born-rich people


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Comparative poverty is a bitch, but I agree with elusive to the extent that no one in America is really poor.

Your wealth gap is fucking stupid though, you have a ridiculous GINI coefficient for such a wealthy nation.

Delet is right - people are increasingly getting less for doing more.


Your idea that recessions are necessary is a ludicrous fallacy propagated by neo-classical economists. The idea of a boom and bust cycle is entirely possible to avoid by using responsible fiscal and monetary policy.

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I was born rich but I'd like to think I'm no different than anyone else. In fact sometimes I think I try harder than others because I have more to prove, to myself and the world. I'm a competitive person; I try not to get soft and take my life for granted. I do my utmost to keep all my skills sharp, and am constantly measuring my performance compared to other executives in my field, for example when I invite them to my private island in the south pacific and hunt them for sport.

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Actually they are 'increasingly' getting less for doing more, that is how this wealth gap thing works. But you can continue to piss on reality from lofty heights whilst riding that flying pig around, go ahead, it'll be one less post to read.


the wealth gap thing works all right, as many continue to spend their money on liabilities and depreciating assets instead of investments.


Before people buy 'investments' they need somewhere to live. Houses used to be cheap, 3 years salary for most people. Now with 2 working people in the building they find housing out of reach. The market was allowed speculate on housing, driving the prices ever higher, forcing working families to lock themselves into crazy loans. But you'll be OK they were told, as property prices will never crash, so at least this now crucial life 'investment' is safe.


Don't blame the working man for being poor, when elections are bought and paid for, so even the voice they ought to have is rendered irrelevant, it's sad. And that dislocation from true empathy, will lead to a pretty nasty turn around in the fortunes of the current rich.

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Your idea that recessions are necessary is a ludicrous fallacy propagated by neo-classical economists.


im not sure i may have presented my communication properly. what was meant was, at times of utmost despair, one is pushed to no longer rely on another for employment, but to push one's self to take greater risk by taking one's own self-craft or capability and turning it into a source of income. ... which may lead to a profitable and income-generating small business.


point being, in this day and age, too many are fucking reliant on corp's to provide jobs and no one is taking risks for small biz start-ups/etc.


adding to my point:,



this country was and always will be built on small business and entrapeanuership. innovation OR DEATH.

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Your idea that recessions are necessary is a ludicrous fallacy propagated by neo-classical economists.


im not sure i may have presented my communication properly. what was meant was, at times of utmost despair, one is pushed to no longer rely on another for employment, but to push one's self to take greater risk by taking one's own self-craft or capability and turning it into a source of income. ... which may lead to a profitable and income-generating small business.


In short, you favour a survival of the fittest model. Whilst i, realising that most people born rich or middle class, or currently poor, aren't driven self made geniuses, actually they're mostly not exceptional in any way, they just slot into the norms of the social structure they find themselves in; i prefer a model that tries to help the most, for the greater good of all (lower crime rates, nicer place to live, less poorly educated (stupid) people).

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Before people buy 'investments' they need somewhere to live. Houses used to be cheap, 3 years salary for most people. Now with 2 working people in the building they still find housing out of reach. The market was allowed speculate on housing, driving the prices ever higher, forcing working families to lock themselves into crazy loans. But you'll be OK they were told, as property prices will never crash, so at least this now crucial life 'investment' is safe.


Don't blame the working man for being poor, it's sad. And that dislocation from true empathy, will lead to a pretty nasty turn around in the fortunes of the current rich.


the market was only allowed to speculate and drive up prices because middle and lower class people bought up said properties and real estate, anticipating their value to go up and trying to earn a quick profit. fuck you for trying to blame this on the very people who don't understand proper investment and were only looking to flip the homes for a quick buck.


fuck off with that bullshit remark. no one forced anyone to buy real estate during the boom. anyone can rent and rent is a part of the formula regarding your 'risk aversion'. eg, if you have a volitile job and you may need to relocate, you do not solidify yourself buy purchasing real estate. you rent so that in case you need to relocate, you are flat-out able to. PERIOD.


if the middle class did not buy up vacation homes and retirement condo's in florida/etc, with ARM/option financing (eg paying interest only and nothing on principal) because they expected to offload it 3 years later for 200% profit --- then none of that shit would have happened in the first place. speculation was mostly in part due to these fucks hoping to make a quick buck. who the fuck buys real estate without a down payment? suckers who think they're going to make a quick buck! that's who! just because that happens to be the lower and middle class does not make your point valid - it only solidifies the fact that they were speculators.


and your statement is even more worthless, as anyone today is getting the best deal on real estate since ive been alive. you dont have to be 'rich' to realize housing prices were in a bubble. you don't have to be 'rich' to realize something is a bad investment. now look how many of my friends from high school are married and scooping up homes at ridiculous prices --- good for them!


the fact you are attempting to pin this on wealthy people or trying to offload the blame for poor fucking investments from the lower and middle class show just how gullible you are. no one forced anyone to sign any paperwork for a 500k home.


what's next - you want to blame all the cunts who invested during the tech-boom and lost everything on a $5billion speculative valuation of a watmm.com type affair on the wealthy? get real.

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In short, you favour a survival of the fittest model. Whilst i, realising that most people born rich or middle class, or currently poor, aren't driven self made geniuses, actually they're mostly not exceptional in any way, they just slot into the norms of the social structure they find themselves in; i prefer a model that tries to help the most, for the greater good of all (lower crime rates, nicer place to live, less poorly educated (stupid) people).


you're attempting to equate or somehow draw correlation of entrepreneurship to "survival of the fittest"? sorry, m8 - but you are too off base to continue. maybe you need a slight of hand more understanding of small business and america as a whole - and what she provides and can offer to those who are willing to innovate.


helping the greater good of all would be nice. why don't you join me in detroit and you can work your ass off, collect your paycheck, and then you can come with me to spend your hard-earned money on these baby-mama's who would love to take hand-outs. talk is cheap. put your money where your mouth is.

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Before people buy 'investments' they need somewhere to live. Houses used to be cheap, 3 years salary for most people. Now with 2 working people in the building they still find housing out of reach. The market was allowed speculate on housing, driving the prices ever higher, forcing working families to lock themselves into crazy loans. But you'll be OK they were told, as property prices will never crash, so at least this now crucial life 'investment' is safe.


Don't blame the working man for being poor, it's sad. And that dislocation from true empathy, will lead to a pretty nasty turn around in the fortunes of the current rich.


the market was only allowed to speculate and drive up prices because middle and lower class people bought up said properties and real estate, anticipating their value to go up and trying to earn a quick profit. fuck you for trying to blame this on the very people who don't understand proper investment and were only looking to flip the homes for a quick buck.


You actually don't need very many speculators (not going to live in the house) in a tight housing market to have a very big effect on price. They were helping push the price up along with the banks, that were ever loosening their lending standards and a fed that made money very cheap.


But of course these ideas don't fit in with your world view so you won't begin to understand them. It's not a shame though, well it is but only for you. So as i stated earlier, i'll just bypass the little hissyfit pussy with his over-inflated sense of his own ability to comprehend what is going on around him.


ta ;-]

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Before people buy 'investments' they need somewhere to live. Houses used to be cheap, 3 years salary for most people. Now with 2 working people in the building they still find housing out of reach. The market was allowed speculate on housing, driving the prices ever higher, forcing working families to lock themselves into crazy loans. But you'll be OK they were told, as property prices will never crash, so at least this now crucial life 'investment' is safe.


Don't blame the working man for being poor, it's sad. And that dislocation from true empathy, will lead to a pretty nasty turn around in the fortunes of the current rich.


the market was only allowed to speculate and drive up prices because middle and lower class people bought up said properties and real estate, anticipating their value to go up and trying to earn a quick profit. fuck you for trying to blame this on the very people who don't understand proper investment and were only looking to flip the homes for a quick buck.


You actually don't need very many speculators (not going to live in the house) in a tight housing market to have a very big effect on price. They were helping push the price up along with the banks, that were ever loosening their lending standards and a fed that made money very cheap.


But of course these ideas don't fit in with your world view so you won't begin to understand them. It's not a shame though, well it is but only for you. So as i stated earlier, i'll just bypass the little hissyfit pussy with his over-inflated sense of his own ability to comprehend what is going on around him.


ta ;-]


of course you dont need many "speculators" to push up the price! you only need stupid fucking poor and middle class people (and lots of 'wealthy people' got caught up in this too! you cant 'time' the market!) who are hoping to "catch in on the action!" .e.g why the fuck would ANYONE purchase a home or real estate with $0 down and an option ARM paying interest only (and no principal) unless they were planning on offloading it in a year or two for twice the price! HOLLY FUCK- THAT'S CALLED SPECULATING.


face it - you have nothing to prove here. you brought up real estate and i fuking shut you down. fact.

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I think elusiv4 is aptly describing situations (consumerism, the public being caught in bubbles) where middle class / poor people get affected but the problem is that he blames this on some sort of natural stupidity of the masses and things are not that simple. We are force fed a certain set of ideas since the day we are born and not many have access to the kind of education that allows you to see through scams like these. This is not casual. Someone makes the decisions to transmit these values on school, TV, Internet, corporate world, etc.


And back to topic. Yes, it is fucking hard to see 'non-deserving' rich people having 'awesome lives' on 'no effort whatsoever' but you have to realize this is are lower instincts that you have to recognize and find a way to conquer otherwise you end up doing bitter rationalizations, making yourself feel like a loser and look bad in public. Guys on the thread have already provided answers.


It is not fair that there people born into obscene wealth when others are nearly denied the possibility of having a decent life from the start. Is this nature or are we responsible for this? If it's the second - and I believe it is - what are you going to do about it?

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I think elusiv4 is aptly describing situations (consumerism, the public being caught in bubbles) where middle class / poor people get affected but the problem is that he blames this on some sort of natural stupidity of the masses and things are not that simple. We are force fed a certain set of ideas since the day we are born and not many have access to the kind of education that allows you to see through scams like these. This is not casual. Someone makes the decisions to transmit these values on school, TV, Internet, corporate world, etc.


And back to topic. Yes, it is fucking hard to see 'non-deserving' rich people having 'awesome lives' on 'no effort whatsoever' but you have to realize this is are lower instincts that you have to recognize and find a way to conquer otherwise you end up doing bitter rationalizations, making yourself feel like a loser and look bad in public. Guys on the thread have already provided answers.


It is not fair that there people born into obscene wealth when others are nearly denied the possibility of having a decent life from the start. Is this nature or are we responsible for this? If it's the second - and I believe it is - what are you going to do about it?


humans are not sheep.

almost everyone in this great country of ours has access to internet. so it is apparent that if one can operate a computer than one can use a search engine to ask general questions.


therefore- how can one say that people "may not have access to the kind of education that allows you to see through scams like these". we have a blank text box of which we can enter any question? is that not enough for people? "am i getting fucked in this IPO scheme" .... "this company has yet to post a profit , yet wall st. rates their valuation at $2 billion - should i invest??" ... "should i be buying a $500k home with $0 down payment, and $40k/yr salary, when i cant even afford the PMI" ... google, please HANDLE that shit.

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And back to topic. Yes, it is fucking hard to see 'non-deserving' rich people having 'awesome lives' on 'no effort whatsoever'


ah, but you much too much assume! how do you not know these 'rich' people are not under massive amounts of stress? how do you not know they are just as overextended regarding credit and debt as many middle class americans are? how do you know they are having such 'awesome' lives when you can only see what's on the surface?


this is exactly my point.


again and again. all speculative assumption.

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Your fantasy that America was built on small businesses and entrepreneurship is exactly that - a fantasy.


Additionally your placing the blame at the feet of the people who got those shitty mortgages is misguided. Place the blame at the feet of the mortgage brokers who lied to the people that they gave mortgages to when they shouldn't have. Then lied to the investment banks (who should have done due diligence), who then lied to their investors who then lied about the quality of the liabilities they flipped their mortgage bundles to international clients. The idea of ownership society is one which is embedded in America - and frankly speaking renting a house is fucking stupid as a family - you want to be building equity. Now of course not everyone should be buying 500,000 homes, but when you're in a bubble you don't have much choice. When mortgage brokers are offering you low interest rates with no fixed terms, it's easy to get sucked in.


Not everyone is educated enough to understand what those terms mean, even if they google them. Those mortgage packages were complex instruments of finance that fooled even professional bankers and investors. There was no transparency, and too little information for any meaningful regulation. Additionally you had the situation where ratings agencies were hired and paid by the brokers they were supposed to rate. If you can't see the conflict of interest there, then you need to pull your head out.


So you can continue blaming the "stupid" people who overextended themselves, but it's not really that simple at all.

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chenGOD gets +1.


I think elusiv4 is aptly describing situations (consumerism, the public being caught in bubbles) where middle class / poor people get affected but the problem is that he blames this on some sort of natural stupidity of the masses and things are not that simple. We are force fed a certain set of ideas since the day we are born and not many have access to the kind of education that allows you to see through scams like these. This is not casual. Someone makes the decisions to transmit these values on school, TV, Internet, corporate world, etc.


And back to topic. Yes, it is fucking hard to see 'non-deserving' rich people having 'awesome lives' on 'no effort whatsoever' but you have to realize this is are lower instincts that you have to recognize and find a way to conquer otherwise you end up doing bitter rationalizations, making yourself feel like a loser and look bad in public. Guys on the thread have already provided answers.


It is not fair that there people born into obscene wealth when others are nearly denied the possibility of having a decent life from the start. Is this nature or are we responsible for this? If it's the second - and I believe it is - what are you going to do about it?


humans are not sheep.

almost everyone in this great country of ours has access to internet. so it is apparent that if one can operate a computer than one can use a search engine to ask general questions.


therefore- how can one say that people "may not have access to the kind of education that allows you to see through scams like these". we have a blank text box of which we can enter any question?


The end result of good childhood education is that you should be able to think for yourself. And if you don't have that, then you won't be asking the right questions. Also, Google isn't some bastion of unending knowledge. It's a goddamn search engine. If you ask it about a legal issue, it will most likely be in legal jargon. If you ask it a music question, it will be in music jargon. If you ask it a business question....so on and so forth.



And back to topic. Yes, it is fucking hard to see 'non-deserving' rich people having 'awesome lives' on 'no effort whatsoever'


ah, but you much too much assume! how do you not know these 'rich' people are not under massive amounts of stress? how do you not know they are just as overextended regarding credit and debt as many middle class americans are? how do you know they are having such 'awesome' lives when you can only see what's on the surface?


this is exactly my point.


again and again. all speculative assumption.


This thread is about rich peoples' kids. Not rich people.


And I find it hard to have sympathy for the wealthy.

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By the way, I was under the impression this country was built by wealthy plantation owners :shrug:

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Guest AcrossCanyons

my parents generation is one thing - another generation back is exponential. we really have it easy in this day and age.

erm... no we don't. please explain how in any way this generation 'has it easy' (excuse me if you've covered this but I didn't read past these two posts because the walls of text bored me)


point being, in this day and age, too many are fucking reliant on corp's to provide jobs and no one is taking risks for small biz start-ups/etc.

okay, you're definitely misguided...

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Your fantasy that America was built on small businesses and entrepreneurship is exactly that - a fantasy.




america runs on small business. - a fact.


Additionally your placing the blame at the feet of the people who got those shitty mortgages is misguided. Place the blame at the feet of the mortgage brokers who lied to the people that they gave mortgages to when they shouldn't have.


do tell -what was the exact 'lie' that was told to them as they were making the biggest purchase in their entire life? it doesn't matter how it was being sold - at the end of the day they signed the paper work. at the end of the day, they didnt do enough research or stop to think to themselves whether or not they really could afford a 500k home on their 40k/yr gross home income - with zero down payment and chosing a loan type of which their payment is interest-only; not building equity. just because someone is willing to sell me something doesn't mean i automatically should take it. it was lots of speculating, pure and simple. people saw home values rising and wanted in on the action. look at how many vacation homes/condos/etc were scooped up by the middle and lower class. the bulk of the blame is on the home-buyers, period. at the end of the day they are the only ones who are responsible for their own actions.




Then lied to the investment banks (who should have done due diligence), who then lied to their investors who then lied about the quality of the liabilities they flipped their mortgage bundles to international clients. The idea of ownership society is one which is embedded in America


the financial crisis and credit crunch issues are related and at fault from the investment banks packaging sub-prime and getting ratings agencies to sign off AAA on it. not sure why you bring this up or how the rest of the issue here has anything at all to do with a single person or family choosing to purchase a home of which they cannot afford. stick to the topic and try not to go off on tangents. you can impress your watmm mates elsewhere that you have an understanding of how the financial crises unfolded.


- and frankly speaking renting a house is fucking stupid as a family - you want to be building equity.



renting a house with a family is not fucking stupid. you're fucking stupid for blatantly ignoring risk aversion. purchasing a home only makes sense if that family plans to stay there for 5+years. you also are paying mostly interest in those early years if you actually cared to read at an amortization table. if you have unstable income, may need to pack up and move to the other side of the country in the short-term, etc ... you rent. you do not purchase a home, and you certainly do not purchase a home that forces you to overextend yourself. renting a house is a very wise move for many families, but it comes down to risk aversion and stability. also, while you cannot 'time' the market, many knew that we were in a bubble and thus stayed away from the housing market and rented. and you want to call that 'fucking stupid'? get real. building equity? how much fuking equity you plan to build if you're only staying in the home for a few years. you waste money on closing costs, fees, and interest payments. especially since these fucks had $0 money down and doing option-ARM's where their payments were interest-only. how the fuck you gonna build equity? most of those fucks drew equity out of their homes (at the newly inflated bubble price) and turned around and went on fuking shopping sprees and vacations.


Now of course not everyone should be buying 500,000 homes, but when you're in a bubble you don't have much choice. When mortgage brokers are offering you low interest rates with no fixed terms, it's easy to get sucked in.


you don't have much choice? sure you do - you don;'t fucking buy the house! im curious to know what your investment portfolio looks like, or how much real estate you own and operate with an attitude like this. who gives a fuck what interest rates are with no fixed terms and getting sucked in - if it's a bad investment or something you cannot afford, you simply do not overextend yourself and buy on credit! it's easy to get sucked in because (for the fourth time) - these fuckwits were speculators. someone who is buying their home to truly own it and live in it for 30 years is not going to take an option-ARM making interest-only payments, and then attempting to draw home-equity lines out, etc. .. no - they are there to pay off the mortgage as quickly as possible.




Not everyone is educated enough to understand what those terms mean, even if they google them. Those mortgage packages were complex instruments of finance that fooled even professional bankers and investors. There was no transparency, and too little information for any meaningful regulation. Additionally you had the situation where ratings agencies were hired and paid by the brokers they were supposed to rate. If you can't see the conflict of interest there, then you need to pull your head out.


oh, so you're about to make the biggest purchase of your life and you dont want to take the time to research just what you are getting yourself into? are you fucking serious? and no, it wasn't so complex for the individual buyer. they could have purchased a traditional 15 or 30yr mortgage, but instead they got the option-ARM because they were speculating that the house would only go up in value and they could then flip or draw equity out of it at the newly appraised price. the CDS' and whatnot sold to investment firms and repackaged were very complex, but that's an entirely different subject and im not sure what relevance it has to the individual user/buyer. oh, and lastly - when you purchase a home ... at closing you sit down with the lawyers and go over everyfuckingsingle piece of document. that is your final chance to ask any questions, no matter how simple or complex, and as you have to take 3 hours to sign everysinglefucking page, you god damn better believe that is the buyer's fault for not stepping up to ask questions or one final chance to decline the purchase.


So you can continue blaming the "stupid" people who overextended themselves, but it's not really that simple at all.


yes, it is quite simple. speculation and everyone wanting to get in on it and make a quick buck. there is no reason why a non-speculator would take an ARM over a traditional mortgage. anyone who bought with a traditional mortgage did not have any issues when interest rates started to climb.


you can argue all you want about the cheap credit causing this mess, and i will absolutely agree. but at the end of the day these fuckwits should have known they couldnt afford that 500k home no matter how hard the banks pushed. the bank is not unlike any other salesman in any other store.

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chenGOD gets +1.


The end result of good childhood education is that you should be able to think for yourself. And if you don't have that, then you won't be asking the right questions. Also, Google isn't some bastion of unending knowledge. It's a goddamn search engine. If you ask it about a legal issue, it will most likely be in legal jargon. If you ask it a music question, it will be in music jargon. If you ask it a business question....so on and so forth.


clearly you've never purhcased real estate because you go over everything at closing with the lawyers, and you have all the time in the world to ask questions regarding EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF PAPERWORK YOU SIGN YOUR FUCKING NAME ON. you're making the biggest purchase/liability in your life and you aren't going to do due diligence on what the fuck you are getting yourself into? ha! you deserve it then.


This thread is about rich peoples' kids. Not rich people.


And I find it hard to have sympathy for the wealthy.


no, this thread is about generalizing the wealthly and their kids because all the commentary in this forum is about "how every rich kid i see does this and this and this" ... and the class seems to think that just because every rich kid they see is wasting money/fancy cars/etc, that they think every rich kid must do that! huge logical fallicy and i had to step in to this and get cretin all over my shoe and point out that there are shit0tons of "rich kids" out there who do not flaunt anything, who are frugal, who invest wisely, etc. .. but you wouldn't know they're rich by looking at them because they dont waste their money on depreciating assets and look like any other normal or poor kid. for fucks sake!


no one asked for your sympathy for shit. you generalize and stereotype; fell into deep logical fallacy and i called you out on it. now i have to go wash off my shoes of this

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my parents generation is one thing - another generation back is exponential. we really have it easy in this day and age.

erm... no we don't. please explain how in any way this generation 'has it easy' (excuse me if you've covered this but I didn't read past these two posts because the walls of text bored me)



if i have to explain to you how our generation has it easy, you seriously need to spend more time with your grandparents and hear the struggles they (as ordinary americans) have had to go through. i feel bad that you take everything you have today for granted. clean and easy access to food and water; no world-war/draft; no disease; transportation is relatively cheap; communication is available and even a bum can afford a prepaid cell phone; very few do manual labor; working conditions are much better for the masses as a whole; internet allows unlimited knowledge if one puts their mind to it; i could go the fuck on for days.


what a shame. i apologize if you are not in touch with your family or if your (great)/grandparents have passed on - but for fucks sake man, go find an old man on the street and ask him some questions about his life and time growing up and the pains and struggles his family had to deal with --- you fucking twat.

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chenGod, seriously - how embarrassing to post such commentary and analysis with the 'moderator' status just off to the left.


you are tired.

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fuck these people. no character, no personality. just money. they get a free pass through life tho and will never have to deal with the shit people like me have to deal with so i hate them most of all for that.



yes but you can't blame them. it's just sheer luck.




couldn't be bothered to read this thread. in the first few posts - these 2 quotes above pretty much sum up how i feel.


david cameron was born wealthy


che guevara was born wealthy



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couldn't be bothered to read





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I think because there is so much corruption involved with the very wealthy, it creates an us. vs. them situation. I have zero problem with someone who discovers their passion, pursues them by working hard, and then reaps the rewards (this is fantastic actually). But when you see inconsistencies with overdraft fees from the banks (yet no accountability for them when they caused the recession) and this, it becomes clear where their ethics and morals are... and how selfish you would need to be, to continually behave like this. These sweeping generalizations about people are a bit baseless though. I don't give a crap what kind of personality anyone has that I don't really know. They could be as dreadfully boring as flies fucking /georgecarlin for all I care. I don't have control over that kind of shit and if its shit I don't want much to do with it. But the intent of this whole system, at least from a more romantic perspective, is to provide equality and fairness to everyone. And when the "highly intelligent" wealthy kids, young adults, middle aged old farts push down on fairness for their own gain... thats some satanic cuntyness of the highest order!

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