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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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psssh chengod

my parents have 2mb internet

i am going through torrenting withdrawal

am not used to taking a full 15 minutes to get a whole album!!!


I came from Korea where I had a 100Mb connection for 20 bucks a month. Came back to Canada to a shitty 1Mb connection. Upgraded to a 7Mb connection, which never came close to hitting that download speed. Now am supposedly on a 50Mb connection - last speed test gave me 1.5Mb average download speed - and that's at the ISP's own speed test!


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Just did a speed test.


Data: 15 MB

Test Time: 6.54 secs

Your line speed is 19.18 Mbps (19178 kbps).

Your download speed is 2.34 MB/s (2397 KB/s).


we're sposed to be 100 Mbps. But whatever. Another place is telling me 98.76 Mbps down 1.32 up Mbps

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Guest umop_apisdn

I found something yesterday that, to my knowledge, has only once been seen before...around 40 years ago. And I can't share it with the world because doing so would potentially ruin my PhD research.




Replicated cold fusion... while trying to disprove it? This is intriguing, is it something that goes against what you are researching, or is it something personal about somebody you work with maybe?


Damn! I thought there was no way anyone would possibly figure it out!


What I found is not the problem, per se. The problem would be announcing my find to the world.

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oh canada.


Blame canada.


Additionally, I am without headphones/earbuds for my iPod and can't afford new ones. They all break on the jack - wires are so goddamn flimsy. Now I'll to suffer on the bus listening to the peasant scum discuss their day-to-day dealings.

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I've gone through two pairs of sony earbuds, and one pair of klipsch. The standard iPod earbuds don't stay in my ear very well. I'm holding out until I can aford some proper headphones in the hopes that their cord might be a bit stronger. I would use my AKGs, but of course the right headphone doesn't work and anyways they're semi-open.

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i want to sign up for another (additional) forum but they have some dumb, fucked up "know the right person" sort of admission policy. weak

so i publicly messaged several board members on twitter, and they put together a series of screenshots on their forum aaaaand i'm kind of a laughing stock now. fucking hell, how does the internet make me feel embarrassed in my own skin too? shit

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I wouldn't worry, what they did is a lot more embarrassing imo.

thanks man. i don't know why i'm so embarrassed—it was obnoxious of me to do that, but forget it, ky. it's internet.

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Guest disparaissant

i just managed to break the headphones jack on my brand spankin new laptop and it isnt covered under warranty, technically. i told the support dude that i JUST STARTED USING IT and it came broken which is believable but if the decide that it was "misuse" im boned. $200 repair. i got the fucker for $400. also school just started and i can't really afford the 2-3 weeks a repair will take.

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i want to sign up for another (additional) forum but they have some dumb, fucked up "know the right person" sort of admission policy. weak

so i publicly messaged several board members on twitter, and they put together a series of screenshots on their forum aaaaand i'm kind of a laughing stock now. fucking hell, how does the internet make me feel embarrassed in my own skin too? shit


*insert ltm joke here*

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Guest Coalbucket PI

When you plug in an iPhone to charge is does exactly the same double vibration that it does when you get a text message. Would it be so hard to make a slightly different vibration pattern to help distinguish FOR FUCKS SAKE!<£<"!E£4r3rf4g If I plug it in on the highspeed trains that have plugs nowadays the electricity goes off every time the train stops at a station, and then the phone buzzes when it starts moving again and I think I have a message.... life is paaaiiinn

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i want to sign up for another (additional) forum but they have some dumb, fucked up "know the right person" sort of admission policy. weak

so i publicly messaged several board members on twitter, and they put together a series of screenshots on their forum aaaaand i'm kind of a laughing stock now. fucking hell, how does the internet make me feel embarrassed in my own skin too? shit


*insert ltm joke here*


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When you plug in an iPhone to charge is does exactly the same double vibration that it does when you get a text message. Would it be so hard to make a slightly different vibration pattern to help distinguish FOR FUCKS SAKE!<£<"!E£4r3rf4g If I plug it in on the highspeed trains that have plugs nowadays the electricity goes off every time the train stops at a station, and then the phone buzzes when it starts moving again and I think I have a message.... life is paaaiiinn

Can't you like...change the text buzz? On mine I can type in number values to make whatever vibrate pattern I want.


Kinda like this:

(on, off, on, off)

512, 512, 256, 256

for a long buzz then a shorter one, I could make a pretty cool rhythm with it if I wasn't so lazy.

Edited by couch
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Guest Coalbucket PI

When you plug in an iPhone to charge is does exactly the same double vibration that it does when you get a text message. Would it be so hard to make a slightly different vibration pattern to help distinguish FOR FUCKS SAKE!<£<"!E£4r3rf4g If I plug it in on the highspeed trains that have plugs nowadays the electricity goes off every time the train stops at a station, and then the phone buzzes when it starts moving again and I think I have a message.... life is paaaiiinn

Can't you like...change the text buzz? On mine I can type in number values to make whatever vibrate pattern I want.


Kinda like this:

(on, off, on, off)

512, 512, 256, 256

for a long buzz then a shorter one, I could make a pretty cool rhythm with it if I wasn't so lazy.

a quick google suggests that is an iOS 5 feature... can I not get that on a 3GS or is it not out yet? Apple related news in a google search is such a minefield of rumour and stranglewanks that I couldn't figure anything out

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I was trying to check my facebook and update my status when the fire alarm went off... so I had to go outside for 5 minutes before I could update

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I was trying to check my facebook and update my status when the fire alarm went off... so I had to go outside for 5 minutes before I could update

most people would be pleased about that rather than see it as a problem, and put it as their status using their mobile outside.

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