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Rhombix is Banned From CHATMM


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My impression is that he's banned me because he thinks that if I go back to CHATMM, I'll end up reporting something to him.


This is why I'm making this sacred WATMM Vow:


  • Never to report any abuse to any moderator
  • Never to report an offensive post or thread, even if it has illegal pornography
  • Never to criticize the Father (Joyrex), the Son (chaosmachine) or the Holy Spirit (anything to do with WATMM/CHATMM) in any public threads.


And I suggest you all do the same, if you don't also want to get banned from CHATMM.

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My impression is that he's banned me because he thinks that if I go back to CHATMM, I'll end up reporting something to him.


This is why I'm making this sacred WATMM Vow:


  • Never to report any abuse to any moderator
  • Never to report an offensive post or thread, even if it has illegal pornography
  • Never to criticize the Father (Joyrex), the Son (chaosmachine) or the Holy Spirit (anything to do with WATMM/CHATMM) in any public threads.


And I suggest you all do the same, if you don't also want to get banned from CHATMM.

Rhombix, you seem to be confusing WATMM with some kind of school or college institution.


From the way you reacted to my "a wild troll appears" remark on CHATMM (which was being said by me to everyone that was entering CHATMM), you seem to be going off on knee-jerk reactions to things that are quite honestly being said in jest and not necessarily aimed at you.


people that frequent in CHATMM usually know what the deal is there, the same with WATMM.


if you can't stand the heat in the kitchen, you should either take a break or risk being removed.


i sometimes have to take breaks from WATMM myself because it stresses me out. it seems that you don't know where your limit lies, and thusly someone else needed to step in for you.


i think you should take a break from WATMM entirely for a short while so you can get things straight and get some perspective, but it should be at your choice.

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My impression is that he's banned me because he thinks that if I go back to CHATMM, I'll end up reporting something to him.


This is why I'm making this sacred WATMM Vow:


  • Never to report any abuse to any moderator
  • Never to report an offensive post or thread, even if it has illegal pornography
  • Never to criticize the Father (Joyrex), the Son (chaosmachine) or the Holy Spirit (anything to do with WATMM/CHATMM) in any public threads.


And I suggest you all do the same, if you don't also want to get banned from CHATMM.

Rhombix, you seem to be confusing WATMM with some kind of school or college institution.


From the way you reacted to my "a wild troll appears" remark on CHATMM (which was being said by me to everyone that was entering CHATMM), you seem to be going off on knee-jerk reactions to things that are quite honestly being said in jest and not necessarily aimed at you.


people that frequent in CHATMM usually know what the deal is there, the same with WATMM.


if you can't stand the heat in the kitchen, you should either take a break or risk being removed.


i sometimes have to take breaks from WATMM myself because it stresses me out. it seems that you don't know where your limit lies, and thusly someone else needed to step in for you.


i think you should take a break from WATMM entirely for a short while so you can get things straight and get some perspective, but it should be at your choice.


oscillik, I don't have anything against you. Have you read my PM yet?

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My impression is that he's banned me because he thinks that if I go back to CHATMM, I'll end up reporting something to him.


This is why I'm making this sacred WATMM Vow:


  • Never to report any abuse to any moderator
  • Never to report an offensive post or thread, even if it has illegal pornography
  • Never to criticize the Father (Joyrex), the Son (chaosmachine) or the Holy Spirit (anything to do with WATMM/CHATMM) in any public threads.


And I suggest you all do the same, if you don't also want to get banned from CHATMM.

Rhombix, you seem to be confusing WATMM with some kind of school or college institution.


From the way you reacted to my "a wild troll appears" remark on CHATMM (which was being said by me to everyone that was entering CHATMM), you seem to be going off on knee-jerk reactions to things that are quite honestly being said in jest and not necessarily aimed at you.


people that frequent in CHATMM usually know what the deal is there, the same with WATMM.


if you can't stand the heat in the kitchen, you should either take a break or risk being removed.


i sometimes have to take breaks from WATMM myself because it stresses me out. it seems that you don't know where your limit lies, and thusly someone else needed to step in for you.


i think you should take a break from WATMM entirely for a short while so you can get things straight and get some perspective, but it should be at your choice.


oscillik, I don't have anything against you. Have you read my PM yet?

i have read your PM, and i still take the same stance. my comments here are meant as advice.


your reactions to certain things being said to you on here are rather like that of a child. sorry to put it in such blunt terms, but i think those that know the situation would agree with me. if you cannot take the rolls with the punches on the internet (since we all should know that the internet, especially this forum, can be a rather vitriolic place) then you really should take a break to get some perspective on things.


WATMM isn't really real. it doesn't affect you really, and if it does then you should take a break until you feel that it doesn't affect you really.


for real.

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I don't quite understand this... I was receiving abuse, so I reported it, and now *I'm* the one who gets banned?


You wouldn't do this for no reason, I'm sure there's some logic behind it... but I honestly can't see it.


And for the record, CHATMM is moderated - IF a moderator is in there at the time, or if you report anything to us or the Mods via PM.


What, so they can get banned too?


I'm actually thinking of getting rid of it as honestly, it's a waste of 20USD per year...


I gave you 20USD this year, consider it upkeep for the chatroom I'm now banned from.


No, you paid 20USD for enhanced privileges on the site, none of which involve your use of CHATMM (anyone can use the chatroom as long as they're a member of the site), and a copy of WATMM Volume One.


You were banned from CHATMM (and publicly embarrassed by this thread) due to your inability to handle this situation in a mature manner. You didn't like my response or thought I wasn't handling things the way you thought I should, so you decided to air your dirty laundry for everyone to see, which only serves to give those very persons who were harassing you more ammunition - you're shooting yourself in the foot.


You didn't help matters by criticizing how this was being handled publicly, either - so, instead of continuing to help you with this matter, I removed your ability to access CHATMM, thus eliminating the problem at hand.


Rhombix, I wouldn't question the moderation here. It's incredibly inconsistent, has been for a long time, and it's unlikely to change. Roll with the punches, dude.


Although I wouldn't say your thread was "airing your dirty laundry" at all. If someone has an issue with the forum and it's not being addressed by the mod team, I think it's fair to start a thread to draw attention to it. I'm sure it's happened before without JR getting worked up about it like this - but like I say, don't expect any consistency here.


Also, I would question JR's wisdom in starting this thread - why not simply tell Rhomboix via PM that he's banned? You're just throwing a bone to the people who've been giving him a hard time. And given what he's been CHATMM-banned for, it seems slightly hypocritical.


We do the best we can, and at the end of the day, we make judgement calls you may not agree with. Nobody said life was fair. 'Roll with the punches' indeed!


You are incorrect his issue wasn't being dealt with, as he also incorrectly assumed. I told him I would speak with the individual concerned, which I did (and told him I had done so), and even went as far as issuing a warning to that person - Rhombix however continued to get harassed in CHATMM by others, so he (I suppose) thought I wasn't acting fast enough or doing enough.


I created a public 'shaming' thread like this to show Rhombix that like you said, why not PM me rather than start a public thread - by doing so (and only conveying part of the information, mostly based on his assumptions and opinions), he presents me and the moderation team in a bad light for a situation nobody is aware of, and should have been kept in PM communications.


I know JR has said before that he'd prefer people solve their stuff via PM instead of public threads... so, in response Rhombix publicizing a problem that he feels wasn't going to get taken care of privately, JR makes a thread publicly stating that he's banned Rhombix from Chatmm for... we don't know what. Right. :trashbear:


See above.


My impression is that he's banned me because he thinks that if I go back to CHATMM, I'll end up reporting something to him.


This is why I'm making this sacred WATMM Vow:


  • Never to report any abuse to any moderator
  • Never to report an offensive post or thread, even if it has illegal pornography
  • Never to criticize the Father (Joyrex), the Son (chaosmachine) or the Holy Spirit (anything to do with WATMM/CHATMM) in any public threads.


And I suggest you all do the same, if you don't also want to get banned from CHATMM.


I already explained why I banned you from CHATMM. And your 'sacred vows' are your own choice - and incredibly immature, I might add - you're once again shooting yourself in the foot (and unfortunately your foot is in your mouth at the same time) by again letting your detractors know you now have no official support from the moderating team here by your own design.


You've created the virtual equivalent of a 'kick me' sign. :cerious:

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im with you rohmbix this utter B******T. now tell me what rules rhom did break. :angry:


You don't have to break a rule to receive corrective measures by the moderating team - we are sole arbiters as to how we deal with situations on the forum, and while we try to deal with situations as fairly and impartially as possible, sometimes our decisions don't mesh with what you may think is 'fair'.

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My impression is that he's banned me because he thinks that if I go back to CHATMM, I'll end up reporting something to him.


This is why I'm making this sacred WATMM Vow:


  • Never to report any abuse to any moderator
  • Never to report an offensive post or thread, even if it has illegal pornography
  • Never to criticize the Father (Joyrex), the Son (chaosmachine) or the Holy Spirit (anything to do with WATMM/CHATMM) in any public threads.


And I suggest you all do the same, if you don't also want to get banned from CHATMM.


I already explained why I banned you from CHATMM. And your 'sacred vows' are your own choice - and incredibly immature, I might add - you're once again shooting yourself in the foot (and unfortunately your foot is in your mouth at the same time) by again letting your detractors know you now have no official support from the moderating team here by your own design.


You've created the virtual equivalent of a 'kick me' sign. :cerious:

i have been vocal regarding some previous moderation in the past, and usually i have been opposing your actions on the site.


but here i am in total agreement.

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My impression is that he's banned me because he thinks that if I go back to CHATMM, I'll end up reporting something to him.


This is why I'm making this sacred WATMM Vow:


  • Never to report any abuse to any moderator
  • Never to report an offensive post or thread, even if it has illegal pornography
  • Never to criticize the Father (Joyrex), the Son (chaosmachine) or the Holy Spirit (anything to do with WATMM/CHATMM) in any public threads.


And I suggest you all do the same, if you don't also want to get banned from CHATMM.


I already explained why I banned you from CHATMM. And your 'sacred vows' are your own choice - and incredibly immature, I might add - you're once again shooting yourself in the foot (and unfortunately your foot is in your mouth at the same time) by again letting your detractors know you now have no official support from the moderating team here by your own design.


You've created the virtual equivalent of a 'kick me' sign. :cerious:

i have been vocal regarding some previous moderation in the past, and usually i have been opposing your actions on the site.


but here i am in total agreement.


I have no problems with people disagreeing with me - but if something is a PM-based conversation, it should stay that way, or at least as a common courtesy, inform the other person(s) involved that they'd like to posit their situation to the community for input.


I will give Rhombix credit for at least removing the person's name he had an issue with in his thread.

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i think you should take a break from WATMM entirely for a short while so you can get things straight and get some perspective, but it should be at your choice.

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i think you should take a break from WATMM entirely for a short while so you can get things straight and get some perspective, but it should be at your choice.

yes. it should be at your choice. in other words, you should be adult enough and responsible enough for your own sanity to take that break.


if you cannot, then someone needs to step in, for the good of you as a member, and the good of the rest of the community.

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