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Tottenham riots


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Speaking of abstract:



I think you're onto something here. Remember the wedding and how 'cold' it was? People in the streets are mad because of the balcony-kiss. There wasn't enough love for the people to see. And now they're looting the middle class, with the intention to fuck with the upper-class.


OK, I thought I was onto something. (at least i tried to understand... O_o?)


btw, riots in america? i thought detroit was one big riot for 20 years? or was it longer?

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Guest disparaissant


a friend of mine started this up, helping to raise money for the smaller labels affected by the PIAS fire


which is cool i suppose

though personally i'd give money to te people who lost their houses first, my two cents


oh right it doesn't need to be monetary support necessarily, if you're an artist or run a label (i know some of you do) i believe they are going to try to throw a few comps together. or something. i'm not really sure.

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people are being unfair on disparraisant. if not already in the criminal element these rioters are mostly poor, uneducated, prospectless and disillusioned. this IS down to politics. simple as that.

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I would add that children born in the UK (or any western country for that matter) to immigrant parents can suffer from an identity crisis. Which coupled with racism and poverty can lead to quite self destructive behaviour and a need to belong. Sometimes gangs fill this need. They lose connection with their heritage, and they don't feel British (or Australian/Canadian/American etc.). I get the feeling that this is the case for a lot of Lebanese kids here, as it was for some Vietnamese kids born from refugee parents during the war.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

people are being unfair on disparraisant. if not already in the criminal element these rioters are mostly poor, uneducated, prospectless and disillusioned. this IS down to politics. simple as that.


Yes, but let's not mix-up the causes (social-political) with the reasons. Unemployment, uneducation and lack of perspectives are what predispose the rioters to riot. The why they are rioting now is pure crowd psychology and opportunism, they have absolutely no political ideology in doing so.

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Guest Stoppit

good quote from The Guardian:


this is what happens when people don't have anything, when they have their noses constantly rubbed in stuff they can't afford, and they have no reason ever to believe that they will be able to afford it
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people are being unfair on disparraisant. if not already in the criminal element these rioters are mostly poor, uneducated, prospectless and disillusioned. this IS down to politics. simple as that.


Yes, but let's not mix-up the causes (social-political) with the reasons. Unemployment, uneducation and lack of perspectives are what predispose the rioters to riot. The why they are rioting now is pure crowd psychology and opportunism, they have absolutely no political ideology in doing so.


they are predisposed to this 'opportunism' because of the reasons stated. i know we're not watching young people with a political agenda here, but what i said (and what i think disp was getting at) is that "this IS down to politics."

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Yeah it is down to politics, but that is different to it being a political act. You could say any theft or murder ever has been a result of a failure of the state to protect people or to prevent people's lives from getting so shitty that they become that desperate, but there are just certain aspects of human nature that you can't eradicate even with the most perfect society.

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Guest disparaissant

i said it started as a political act (protest on saturday) and the underlying reasons for it's continuation are social and political. i never meant to imply that it was actually a conscious political act on the rioter's parts.

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i don't feel like continuing to argue this but i'm just gonna say


you can't boil this down to one reason. this is my point. al hounos said it pretty well, would these people be rioting as thoroughly if they had jobs? would the riots be spreading as quickly if people didn't feel oppressed, be it economically, or by the police, or etc.? maybe kakapo's right and they're all cunts and richard hammond types but i fail to see how that means there is literally no reason for this, like some of you are saying.

didn't you see the picture i posted of a Currys employee that was caught?


don't see the point you're making...


girl's probably on minimum wage selling expensive aspirational goods she can't afford.

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Guest disparaissant

a trip to bad korea will do him good

yes, it will illustrate quite clearly how the corrupted ideas of juche and years of iron-fisted and monarchal dictatorship can screw up a country that was doing alright until imperialism str- oh wait he knows all that already.

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a trip to bad korea will do him good

yes, it will illustrate quite clearly how the corrupted ideas of juche and years of iron-fisted and monarchal dictatorship can screw up a country that was doing alright until imperialism str- oh wait he knows all that already.

juche-like ideas and dictatorships is something every communist adopted, communism doesn't work, period.

first time in history where a part of korea was doing alright is toward the end of 80s

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All the Tottenham rioters have gone and shot themselves in the foot. Now Spurs Vs Everton will be called off so all the locals can't watch it on their nice new tvs.

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