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Making new friends


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Hey Internet friends.


Tonight, my wife was busy, so I went to see the Planet of the Apes movie by myself. It was depressing.


I'm just curious if any of you have ever relocated to a new town in your 30s.

If so, how did you go about making new friends?

I don't drink much, so going to bars is out. I have a lot of fair-weather friends here, but none of them really compel me to try to step up the level of friendship. The wife just doesn't cut it sometimes. I need bros.

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create a business, doesn't matter what kind of business, be creative. rent out office space somewhere cheap but buy plants and rugs for furnishing. post on craigslist and local newspapers you are looking for _____________ (personality/interest of new friends you wish to encounter). tell selected "new friends" that because the company is just starting up work doesn't begin for 2-3 weeks from today but offer to spend sometime out on the town to get to know everyone better. when time is up, close the company down, say you had an economic crisis regarding a terrible loss in the stock market and that to ensure financial stability you had to delay the business... the risks are too great. If you are successful throughout the process it would also be wise to network and find potential jobs for your jobless bros.

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I did, but I moved to the middle of nowhere, not one of the largest most sprawling cities in the world. I actually think you have it harder.


For me it was easy - meet the few people with similar interests, namely electronic music, synths and whatnot. There aren't that many people like that here, so you meet one and pretty soon know everyone. It still took a little while though.

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haha that is awesome advice


Yeah if I were in your situation I would do something like what karmakramer said, maybe start a punk band or whatever genre picks your fancy that doesn't need you to be too talented but be warned that it has to be with actual real world people (no computers), I don't do sports so I would try to get some dudes to teach me karate or something that allows you to immobilize people that are not chill.


Have fun and tell us how it goes!

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If you like having the wife around, don't get roommates. heh. Maybe some of the LA alum can tell you of some shows to go to that they'll be attending. But you don't drink. Hrmm.


Well we'll be seeing you around more on watmm then. That's a plus ;-]

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I'm thinking about moving to a place I've never been before in a few months. I sort of want to but I also don't.

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do it like the guy in Fight Club did, or more seriously, see if there’s some special interest club for your special interests maybe… or back to school? Is what i did (though i was only 27.. and i also have no wife.. but being single at art school is not the worst thing in the world exactly… so maybe get rid of wife and be an artist).

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Guest Coalbucket PI

When I moved away last time I got a bar job and made all my friends there, so if I go away again I'll probably have to do that. It's sort of like joining a sports club except you get paid and there's booze

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Guest Al Hounos

aren't there a bunch of LA-watmmers? terrible idea, you're right, i take it back.


do you have a job? go to some musical concerts/cultural events?


personally i think movin to a new city with no friends is a great kick in the ass that a lot of people probably need. i look at people who've stayed in the same town their whole lives hangin with the same people and just have to feel sorry for them. what a tiny world they live in.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I'm thinking about moving to a place I've never been before in a few months. I sort of want to but I also don't.


Spain ?? They do siestas. :rhubear1:

Ha! No such luck, but it would be Devon which is vastly closer to the IDM motherland

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Guest disparaissant

maybe start posting on some LA related facebook group that interests you? i've made friends from shit like that, meetups or w/e.

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I'm thinking about moving to a place I've never been before in a few months. I sort of want to but I also don't.


Spain ?? They do siestas. :rhubear1:

Ha! No such luck, but it would be Devon which is vastly closer to the IDM motherland


They do a good ham too, apparently.


heh. Sorry, i should go to bed now. niet evereewun ;-]


join a sports club, or hobby-club, people with similar interests.




good with their hands i hear. :rolleyes: But i'd worry about those spikey stick things. Be funny if they made a tea cosy for it though. hAH !! :sorcerer:

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I actually did take up knitting a year or two ago.

I've made a scarf and a hat so far.

Here is my scarf...



FYI. Knitting does me virtually no good in So-Cal. I can't wear anything I make.

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Guest disparaissant

anime club 4 lyfe yo


btw rad scarf jefferoo, vaguely bakerish i can see how that would be useless in cali tho. how about crochet? or macrame! :D

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Guest viscosity

join a club. I myself am fairly introverted but there are times when I need to feel connected with people, even if it feels like a chore sometimes

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