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Michelle Bachman is an evil cunt


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There's more to it than just foreign policy. He's taken troops out of Iraq, there aren't any US troops in Libya.

As an American citizen, you should be much more concerned about Paul's economic policies. Seriously. they will fuck you.


He's taken some troops out of Iraq, did you know 50,000 Us soldiers are still in Iraq? 'There aren't any US troops in Libya'... are you of the belief that NATO is somehow a joint effort? The idea that Libya is not an american war is purely propaganda. Here check this article out if you have trouble believing this - http://www.thedailyb...-it-or-not.html



As an american citizen im just tired of Americans or even people who aren't American apologizing for and making excuses for and trying to distract us from (by focusing on Paul or Bachmann) the horrendous murdering machine that is our empire. It's not a good look to defend the empire, but for some reason it's in style on watmm this season.


If what you say is true 'there is more to it than foreign policy' i would assume you know your foreign policy well. then why do you make 2 statements that seem to echo American talking points, which are not correct?


As a non America citizen who seems to understand very well the corruption of capitalism why do you find it in you to even remotely defend the president of the united states or try to cover for the clearly horrible foreign policy we have going right now?

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off topic? I thought this had to due with U.S. involvement in Libya?


Granted, if you are looking for a doctoral dissertation on a specific part of it, you won't be in luck.


I just did a news search and found very little up-to-date news info regarding this...I wouldn't be surprised if this is intentional.

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There's more to it than just foreign policy. He's taken troops out of Iraq, there aren't any US troops in Libya.

As an American citizen, you should be much more concerned about Paul's economic policies. Seriously. they will fuck you.


He's taken some troops out of Iraq, did you know 50,000 Us soldiers are still in Iraq? 'There aren't any US troops in Libya'... are you of the belief that NATO is somehow a joint effort? The idea that Libya is not an american war is purely propaganda. Here check this article out if you have trouble believing this - http://www.thedailyb...-it-or-not.html



As an american citizen im just tired of Americans or even people who aren't American apologizing for and making excuses for and trying to distract us from (by focusing on Paul or Bachmann) the horrendous murdering machine that is our empire. It's not a good look to defend the empire, but for some reason it's in style on watmm this season.


If what you say is true 'there is more to it than foreign policy' i would assume you know your foreign policy well. then why do you make 2 statements that seem to echo American talking points, which are not correct?


As a non America citizen who seems to understand very well the corruption of capitalism why do you find it in you to even remotely defend the president of the united states or try to cover for the clearly horrible foreign policy we have going right now?


Thanks for allowing me, a non-american citizen, to have a say (and if you can find a socio-economic system that is not open to corruption, please let the world know).

Why do i try to defend your president? Because i realize that A: your country needs a government to function. B: the other viable options currently on the table are worse.

I am not defending your foreign policy - I have repeatedly spoken against US (international) involvement in wars in the middle east. However, the fact is that we are involved. My feeling is that it would be irresponsible to simply pack up and leave. "hey - we fucked your countries up, and now you get to deal with it! Hah hah!" That is why I believe it is necessary to leave engineering corps on the ground that will be involved in construction projects.

Regarding Libya - I simply meant there are no US troops on the ground at the present, nor has there (to the best of my knowledge) been any shift of troops from Iraq/Afghanistan to Libya. Do I oppose the air strikes? Yes - they are indiscriminate. Do i support the rebels? I suppose so - for I support the spread of representative government. Is the best way to support the rebels through air strikes? No. Should we fund them so that they can buy arms, or should we simply give them arms? No. Should we allow them to buy arms from us with their own funds? Yes.

If Obama is smart he will follow his House's advice and continue the ban on troops in Libya http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303654804576347800981671470.html (yes I'm aware that WSJ is owned by News Corp.) - especially as the Libyan rebels seem to be doing well: http://aljazeera.com/news/africa/2011/08/2011819145519307139.html

And there seems to be talks in progress to reduce the troops in Iraq even further. http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/08/201182935304720.html

So my question is - If US troops remain outside of Libya, and if they are withdrawn from Iraq (and not shifted to another theater) will you still be calling Obama a baby killer?

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awepittance is like one of freshmen college students who is just getting out into what he thinks is the 'real world' and discovering how 'awful' everything is and everything the us are doing wrong - as if he has some kind of comprehension of the complexities of foreign policy.


next, he's going to lecture us on how NATO should be conducting SEAD.

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Jefferoo is right. We are all equally in the dark as to what any of this is.



The ghost of Wittgenstein will be over to elusive's house shortly.

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