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Condescending grocery bags


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this shit



Fuck you, when i see some asshole in the store in birkenstocks and some frilly hippie faggot dress holding one of these bags full of organic quinoa and peppermint oil i buy the shittiest, most environmentally offensive products i can and ask for each product to be double bagges in it's own set of plastic bags. then when i get to my car, i start it, crank the ac and let it idle while i remove each item from it's respective bags and throw the bags into the wind before i use my aerosol air freshener to burn rubber. fuck you.




i can hardly afford the food i buy never mind paying for some shitty, snide bag to put it in.

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Haha those walmart bags are pretty condescending.


But most places I know take a few cents off everytime you use one (or whatever the cost of a paper/plastic is). So you might end up saving money using them in the long run.

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Best thread title in a while!


I love reusable bags. But I have been wondering lately whether there are now more of these manufactured than plastic bags. They're such a fad that everyone -- including the post office, I learned this morning -- is looking to make a quick buck off.

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wow that's great, you're such a great supermarket. how about paying [british] farmers some money for their produce now eh? or do ethical carrier bags entitle you to free milk to sell in your shop?


"we donate 1p to our contract farmers every time you reuse a bag" would be good

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Do you have to pay for plastic bags in other countries? Ireland has like a 22c tax on plastic bags.


Sucks balls, no shops stock paper. Id gladly take paper if the fucking well had it. Wankers.

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Guest disparaissant

the walmart ones are especially hilarious considering how badly their business practices are fucking over everyone. way to go! you stopped a plastic bag from being thrown out into the wild! never mind all the fuel oil it took to get your poorly made chinese chintz to the walmarts so you could wheel around the store in a rascal and oh blah i hate walmart.

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I use these often but I actually re-use plastic bags and paper bags for other things. Personally I don't like the smugness because MY CITY WANTS TO BAN PLASTIC BAGS :facepalm:




the walmart ones are especially hilarious considering how badly their business practices are fucking over everyone. way to go! you stopped a plastic bag from being thrown out into the wild! never mind all the fuel oil it took to get your poorly made chinese chintz to the walmarts so you could wheel around the store in a rascal and oh blah i hate walmart.



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Don't get me wrong, reusable bags are great, i've nothing against the idea of a reusable bag. I take my backpack fucking everywhere and only get bags for shit if there is too much shit to put into my backpack. I also reuse the plastic bags. i don't want my reusable bag to tell me how great it is and how fucking smug and cunty i am for owning it. fuck you.



i hate these so much.


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I would agree with you but i still don't really know what you're getting at with the pictures of cash machines. pls asplain? is it just grocery stores blatantly labeling ATMs as ATMs as if no one has ever seen em before?

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Ah, I see. I kind of just ignore that shit nowadays. most simple things are clearly spelled out for people as if we are all from a different planet. It's annoying but at least the ego of the ATMs in Canada isn't as swollen as the ego of shitty grocery bags.


*cops a feel*

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