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Condescending grocery bags


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I don't see why plastic bags are so awful. You can recycle them right in the store. And my family uses paper bags to put our paper recycling in so we recycle them too.


I guess less energy would be used to make these bags, but I bet at this point there are assloads of them in landfills.

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Guest disparaissant

ya know if you care. you don't have to save the world but you know, you'd be a much better person if you tried and all...

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We use the plastic bags and then just keep them all under the sink in case we need to re-use them. Eventually the gf gets tired of the large number of plastic bags under the sink and takes them to the bag recycling area they have at the grocery store.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Yeah man fuck these arrogant bags.


I don't even see the point. I don't use plastic bags, when I go shopping I take an empty backpack and put stuff in there. I don't knwo why you would need a specific shopping bag. Any sort of bag works.

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Tell you wut, I think we might have to pay for all these plastic bags with our minds someday. To keep them from sticking together, a slip agent is applied to each bag. This agent is derived from beef tallow and while bovine central nervous systems are banned from the food supply in most countries (re: BSE/mad cow), I don't think there's anything stopping them from rendering the delicious myelin (fat) from the brains and spinal cords to butter up your bag. Prions are real motherfuckers because they don't even act like a decent, upstanding virus. They just hang around and fuck your shit up...sometimes years and years after getting inside you.

I love your posts because I always end up googling something and reading about it on Wikipedia. In this case it was "prion."


Yeah man fuck these arrogant bags.


I don't even see the point. I don't use plastic bags, when I go shopping I take an empty backpack and put stuff in there. I don't knwo why you would need a specific shopping bag. Any sort of bag works.

These are easier to clean than a backpack.

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this shit



Fuck you, when i see some asshole in the store in birkenstocks and some frilly hippie faggot dress holding one of these bags full of organic quinoa and peppermint oil i buy the shittiest, most environmentally offensive products i can and ask for each product to be double bagges in it's own set of plastic bags. then when i get to my car, i start it, crank the ac and let it idle while i remove each item from it's respective bags and throw the bags into the wind before i use my aerosol air freshener to burn rubber. fuck you.




i can hardly afford the food i buy never mind paying for some shitty, snide bag to put it in.


Ya! I mean get over it!

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Guest drukqs

I don't see why plastic bags are so awful. You can recycle them right in the store. And my family uses paper bags to put our paper recycling in so we recycle them too.


I guess less energy would be used to make these bags, but I bet at this point there are assloads of them in landfills.


It's not only energy we're using to make plastic bags, but oil is used in plastics, and if we never started this whole "let's put everything in 1-use plastic containers" fad, our oil problem would be delayed massively. By the way, a lot of the things you recycle end up going into a landfill sometime in the future.

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Yeah man fuck these arrogant bags.


I don't even see the point. I don't use plastic bags, when I go shopping I take an empty backpack and put stuff in there. I don't knwo why you would need a specific shopping bag. Any sort of bag works.


Exactly. I don't even bring a backpack, I just put stuff in my pockets and don't pay for it.

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Using reusable bags is one of the easiest and best things you can do to reduce the demand for plastics, which take considerable resources and energy to manufacture, and are hazardous to environments they get littered or dumped into


I don't see why plastic bags are so awful. You can recycle them right in the store. And my family uses paper bags to put our paper recycling in so we recycle them too.


I guess less energy would be used to make these bags, but I bet at this point there are assloads of them in landfills.



Recycling is no gimmie / freebie. It takes energy to run the factory, labor, trucks and transportation. Reusable Bags displace this constant carbon drain.

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In reality, Essines designs re-usable grocery bags and has started this thread to test wether his bags can stand the WATMM-death-trial squad. I'm afraid holes have been shot in re-usable bags. And pin-machines. Hybrid cars are still in denial at this point. It seems.

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I don't see why plastic bags are so awful. You can recycle them right in the store. And my family uses paper bags to put our paper recycling in so we recycle them too.


I guess less energy would be used to make these bags, but I bet at this point there are assloads of them in landfills.



Recycling is no gimmie / freebie. It takes energy to run the factory, labor, trucks and transportation. Reusable Bags displace this constant carbon drain.

I'm aware of this, "but I bet at this point there are assloads of [reusable bags] in landfills". But, I am sure there are even more unrecycled plastic bags in landfills anyway.


So, in conclusion, Reusable Bags are fantastic, but Arrogant Reusable Bags are fuckers.

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