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It's a mistake to armour up too heavily. Concentrate on dodging and avoiding hits rather than tanking armour, at least until your character has enough endurance to handle the heavier stuff.

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Level your armour and weapons up every chance you get-- it's generally far more effective than levelling your stats is



Is that a fact? One thing I never do is upgrade my armour as it seems to be cosmetic more than actually defensive. The only time I wear big armour is Bed of Chaos so he can't easily swipe me. Otherwise I tend towards light armour so the movement speed, because I never see a difference in damage taken!


You're right, armour doesn't make a huge difference. With upgraded armour you'll generally be able to take one or two more hits in a tough fight, but that really doesn't matter if you're good at dodging and have a decent shield.

Weapons, on the other hand, make a huge difference. One point in Dex or Str might amount to an additional 4 damage or so with high scaling, but one weapon level will give 8 or 9 points of damage.

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Man, so I can see how you can pour a ridiculous amount of time into this game....im still pretty horrible...but getting better.



Im basicalyl investing in order:








is that about right?


I also got the Drake Sword by complete fucking accident (i actually tried to fight the dragon)...but i wouldn't say its made anything that much easier....i think i might farm some souls for the first set of armor that guy in undead berg sells...also need to get some more firebombs...those things are hella useful.


Is it normal to get your ass handed to you by the knight at the top of the tower, right before you enter Undead Parish? I can't figure out how to hurt the guy


If you mostly investing in dex, don't bother with strength unless you want a halberd build. Or need to meet the min requirements for a specific weapon.


Don't bother with that guy in the tower until you know you can kill those types of enemies.

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wow...sorta got pretty far today!!! lots and lots of stuff to do..i think i might grind a while



I just beat the Gargoyle bosses with the summoned knight...they were pushovers once you avoided the fire.


Visited the blacksmith and upgraded my Heater Shield to +3....should I upgrade my Wanderer's Coat as well, or would it be a waste of time?


I then got cocky and tried to tackle that lightning thrower in the basement...thought i was fucking him up pretty good and had him down to less than 1/4 of his lifebar....then he one-shotted me...guess ill have to lvl up a bit more against that asshole.


but this game is making me more anxious than the Silent Hill series....seriously when I was killing that archer and two swordsmen, and THEN a fucking HUGE black knight comes storming out of the cathedral I almost shit my pants.


I think Im at Lvl 21-23 right now...is that good for now? Also fought my first knights...they aren't nearly as hard as I thought they would be.

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wow...sorta got pretty far today!!! lots and lots of stuff to do..i think i might grind a while



I just beat the Gargoyle bosses with the summoned knight...they were pushovers once you avoided the fire.


Visited the blacksmith and upgraded my Heater Shield to +3....should I upgrade my Wanderer's Coat as well, or would it be a waste of time?


I then got cocky and tried to tackle that lightning thrower in the basement...thought i was fucking him up pretty good and had him down to less than 1/4 of his lifebar....then he one-shotted me...guess ill have to lvl up a bit more against that asshole.


but this game is making me more anxious than the Silent Hill series....seriously when I was killing that archer and two swordsmen, and THEN a fucking HUGE black knight comes storming out of the cathedral I almost shit my pants.


I think Im at Lvl 21-23 right now...is that good for now? Also fought my first knights...they aren't nearly as hard as I thought they would be.


Yep the gargoyles aren't tough at all when you summon Solaire :)


21-23 sounds about right for where you're at.


Upgrading your coat isn't a terrible idea.... I remember having the wanderer's gear for a very, very long time. Armour is mostly an aesthetic choice, so if you have some extra souls it's definitely a good idea to level it up a bit; at the worst you'll just have to farm souls for a few minutes to get more titanite if you decide you don't like it. take a look at what the upgrades will do though; on some armours, you won't see much of an increase until you get it to +3 or 4, especially on gloves.

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Why is everyone such a shit in Multiplayer land, I occassionally get a thing saying that someone has 'invaded' and there's some brightly coloured weird armoured twat with a username like 'p4wnedXX1993' that just clouts me to death within about 10 seconds. Journey clearly spoiled me with it's view that multiplayer co-op should be about assisting one another.

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I was in the Darkmoon covenant kneeling and listening to the dialogue when I got invaded and the cunt ran down and murdered the shit out of me.


NG+ while human at Anor Londo is just fucking shit to be fair.

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Yeah, those cunts - every single element visually and sonically of that video instils anger in me. It's why the last multiplayer game I played (aside from Journey) involved me editing the autoexec.bat and config.sys to get enough EMS memory to play.

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Smet if you want to farm souls easily, but down your white summon sign just outside the side entrance to the parish church (the one by the path to the blacksmith) and get summoned to help other people beat the gargoyles. You do not need to be human to use the white soapstone, and if you die as a summon, you won't lose anything. Jolly co-op!

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quick question, is magic an absolute must have? so far I havent put anything into Faith or Intel whatsoever.



I'd argue nothing is a absolute must have.

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quick question, is magic an absolute must have? so far I havent put anything into Faith or Intel whatsoever.


Not in the slightest. Pyromancy can give you some cheap 'n' cheesy ways to win, if you're a coward, but real Soulspeople play melee only.

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quick question, is magic an absolute must have? so far I havent put anything into Faith or Intel whatsoever.


Not in the slightest. Pyromancy can give you some cheap 'n' cheesy ways to win, if you're a coward, but real Soulspeople play melee only.




I seem to be doing alright relying on melee...maybe if i start lvling up late game ill invest a bit in it? I plan on using one of these soul exploit areas...my opinion is there is no such thing as cheesing in a game like this.


To be honest its hard, but not nearly as hard as I thought it would be...reminds me a LOT of devil may cry combat mechanics to be honest.


Its pathetic, I have a huge stack of exams to grade, I have to be thorough but there is this constant gnawing in the back of my head (GIVE EVERYONE A's SO YOU CAN GO SOUL HUNTING)


edit: briefly considered filming a let's play so everyone can hear me scream like a pansy everytime a big enemy shows up, but im too lazy.

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Typically, Dark Souls characters usually go faith or intellect or none, but not all of them.


The real key is to look around on a wiki for what weapons you want to use end game, and then build your spec around that. If you are not interested in PVP then it really does not matter beyond time invested to get your spec the way you want.


I will say, intellect builds are OP at the moment due to the new dark spells in the DLC.

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spent most of the time lvling up my armor (i guess the Drake Sword can't be leveled up for a while?) ..have my Heated Shield +5 and Wanderer Robes at +3


Ive been told that the spear might be worth leveling up as you can block simultaneously when you hit? that could be VERY worthwhile.


Starting to put all my next pts. into Endurance...i need enough stamina to withstand a couple of those fucking Black Knight hits.


basically i unlocked the sewers connecting into lower Undead Burg....I was cautiously able to beat the shit out of those theving ambushers...but flaked out when I couldn't find a flame to kindle and ran back towards the Undead Shrine. Tomorrow ill be advancing further.



Oh yeah, other moment I was pretty damn proud of today...I beat the everloving shit out of that lightning monster near the blacksmith! Took me forever and I died about 5 times in the process but I did it.

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Spears are highly effective weapons. Damage output is good, they're relatively fast, and you can attack while blocking, though you need to keep a close eye on your stamina when you use it.


Drake Sword is a dragon weapon, meaning it can only be levelled up by using dragon scales instead of titanite, and good luck finding those... they drop rarely off of drakes in Valley of the Drakes and can be found in a few chests throughout the game/ drop off the various dragons, but unless you plan on joining the Path of the Dragon covenant they're such a pain to get that it makes weapons needing them damn near useless after a short while.



Anyone here tried a Str/Faith smash-everything-and-pray build? Smashing faces in with Grant and throwing lightning spears around sounds kinda fun.

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So I saw this game is now around $20 in most stores, and I'm debating whether I should give it a chance or not. I've heard tons of people talking about how awesome and fun it is, but... I've also heard it's an extremely difficult game, which to me doesn't seem like much fun. I'm also not too huge into RPG's to begin with (Skyrim and Mass Effect and some Diablo are really about the extent of my RPG gaming). Is it really THAT difficult of a game, and if so is it worth the hassle it seems to take to master? If it's just a grind-fest to slowly make progress through, I'll probably just stick to avoiding it. What's so great about this game?

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So I saw this game is now around $20 in most stores, and I'm debating whether I should give it a chance or not. I've heard tons of people talking about how awesome and fun it is, but... I've also heard it's an extremely difficult game, which to me doesn't seem like much fun. I'm also not too huge into RPG's to begin with (Skyrim and Mass Effect and some Diablo are really about the extent of my RPG gaming). Is it really THAT difficult of a game, and if so is it worth the hassle it seems to take to master? If it's just a grind-fest to slowly make progress through, I'll probably just stick to avoiding it. What's so great about this game?



well, ill tell you that i had the same fears and ive been converted..


its the atmosphere of the game, the combat mechanics, the satisfaction of beating a tough enemy, and the frustration at knowing you fucked up against a simple enemy, and that's why you are dead.


heres the thing from what i can tell....if you die, its because you messed up, not because the game cheated. you have to take everything rather slowly.

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Don't bother upgrading the Drake sword. Find another weapon that actually scales with your stat points that you enjoy the moveset for. I usually use the Drake sword until Blighttown, and by the end of Blighttown, I'll have upgraded my primary weapon to at least a +7 before hitting Sen's fortress.

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following your advice and upgrading a spear to +5.



Ended up powerleveling to lvl 33 last night, buying all the repair/reinforce boxes from the smith, etc.


Goddamn Im doing pretty good against the regular enemies but the bosses just fuck me up in one hit...I have no idea what Im doing wrong.


I beasted on the Capra Demon with the help of a summon..basically just distracted the capra demon until I could kill those annoying fucking dogs. Then he was a complete joke.


Im afraid to head down into the Depths right now...ive heard all the horrible things about Blighttown and poison, etc.


Ive been told by a friend I should start thinking about avoiding Curse status from upcoming enemies...how many of those Purging Stones should I stock up on? Cuz goddamn theys expensive.


So instead of that I ventured past the Lightning Demon deep into the bowels of the Darkroot Garden...awesomely handled those iron knights and got the Elite Knight armor...which looks really cool but im doubtful as to its usefulness?

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