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Im afraid to head down into the Depths right now...ive heard all the horrible things about Blighttown and poison, etc.

I've actually just finished Blighttown and I don't know if it's just that I'm getting used to the game but I actually found it the easiest section so far. I started to tackle the Dark Root garden before heading there but gave up as I was underpowered, but it gave me a massive stock of herbs that I used for when I got poisoned or toxic in Blighttown. What's more, the creatures that shoot the poison darts remain dead even when you go to back the fireplace and heal.
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focus on its tail first (when he does his slam attack) you get a weapon if you cut it off and it takes a chunk out of his health. If i remember correctly....i ONLY attacked when he was immobilized from slamming into the ground. Def a boss that is easier if you don't lock on constantly. but 20 times is nothing lol I think i tried quelaag like 1000 times before i beat her. Now I think she is one of the easiest bosses...


A lot of the bosses are hard just because it takes awhile...I get impatient and want to whittle the hp down further but then end up being slammed with some obvious attack I should have avoided.


Blighttown isn't that bad as long as you are playing on pc or a new xbox. On my older wheezing xbox it was a nightmare only because it lagged so much but when on my PC it was fine. Navigating the platforms is just a pain in the ass but take it slow cause you can be overwhelmed by the jumpy dudes pretty quickly. Once you are at the bottom its easy but still annoying....only really hard part is the scaffolding section. Where whatever you have that has the most poison resist.

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Dark Souls is a memorization game really. Just toy with enemies until you know what they are capable of and strategize how to defeat them.

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oh how i fucking hate blightown. make sure you get the spider shield from dephts or lots of mosses before heading there..



Also elite knight armor is one of the best medium armors when fully upgraded imo.

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Died about 20 times so far at the Gaping Dragon. I officially suck at this game.


Summon a bro or 2 at the depths bonfire. There's also a Solaire summon sign near the boss gate as well. You WILL get better.

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Died about 20 times so far at the Gaping Dragon. I officially suck at this game.


Keep away from him and watch what he does. He has a very clear routine, I kill Gaping Dragon every playthrough without taking a hit. I know it doesn't seem like it, but he's the easiest boss in the game by far. Doesn't require any amazingly timed rolls either, I'd tell you what to do but I don't want to ruin the satisfaction of killing him. I was well happy when I figured out how to kill Gaping :)

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You can summon Lautrec for the gaping dragon fight too.


Should be mentioned, the bosses health increases for each summon, so unless the people do something meaningful its probably not worth it.

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There's a weird phenomena I'm getting when I'm playing the game - the more I'm learning, the more I'm getting overwhelmed by it all.


When I started my thought was: Hit things, collect souls, get stronger


Now it's like: Hit the things, ensure the weapons and armour are kept repaired, which stats do I need to boost, am I going for raw or enchanted weapons, heavy armour stuff to increase physical protection or light stuff to reduce load, if I wear this thing some of my stats go up several points and some go down others, what covenants to I join, is this ring gonna screw me over, which is better this big heavy but slow sword or light but weak axe, which route shall I take, shall I consume the souls from that boss or use them for weapons later, shall I give this item to someone or will they fuck me over. AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaggghhhhh


Despite being 30 hours in I'm still not really sure what to do with humanity, apart from use 2 humanities to make the fires give me 10 health flasks instead of five. I've found a spider lady who seems to accept them but I have no idea what they do when I give it to her.

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I'll tell you this much about humanity. If you have humanity used (not necessary to be human) you'll have an increased chance of receiving items from dead enemies up to a maximum of 10 humanity.


Use one and watch the rate increase in the status screen.

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Died about 20 times so far at the Gaping Dragon. I officially suck at this game.


Keep away from him and watch what he does. He has a very clear routine, I kill Gaping Dragon every playthrough without taking a hit. I know it doesn't seem like it, but he's the easiest boss in the game by far. Doesn't require any amazingly timed rolls either, I'd tell you what to do but I don't want to ruin the satisfaction of killing him. I was well happy when I figured out how to kill Gaping :)





I was yelling like this last night at 1am.






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Guest Pennywise

28 hours in. Finished Blightown and killed the spider bitch in her domain. Really enjoyed the game at the beginning but now I'm not finding it so fun. What later in the game is worth playing for? I'm getting pretty bored of the formula. Maybe I overplayed it. I'm not getting the feeling of reward through progression that I did earlier on. I was so glad to kill the bell tower Demon. What's up with that fucking bonfire behind the wall by the forest gate. What cunt had that idea? Died so many times.

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What's up with that fucking bonfire behind the wall by the forest gate. What cunt had that idea? Died so many times.

As in the dark root place ? Get 20,000 souls and go to the blacksmith from Undead Parish and he'll give you a crest thing that'll open the gate and you can clout down the wall to reach the fireplace.

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What's up with that fucking bonfire behind the wall by the forest gate. What cunt had that idea? Died so many times.

As in the dark root place ? Get 20,000 souls and go to the blacksmith from Undead Parish and he'll give you a crest thing that'll open the gate and you can clout down the wall to reach the fireplace.



lol yeah just hit the wall

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Guest Pennywise
What's up with that fucking bonfire behind the wall by the forest gate. What cunt had that idea? Died so many times.

As in the dark root place ? Get 20,000 souls and go to the blacksmith from Undead Parish and he'll give you a crest thing that'll open the gate and you can clout down the wall to reach the fireplace.

lol. ok. had no idea you can break walls.

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I've found two so far - One there and the other just after Quelaag's domain boss room leading to that weird spider lady thing I mentioned above that you seem to be able to feed humanities to (why you do that I'm not sure yet)


When you get the crest in Dark Root you can do this cheeky thing:



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Guest Drahken

I went and saw the Hobbit last night and thought the goblin city scene was awfully similar to Blighttown, including that part where they run across a moving ramp path.

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Guest cult fiction
I went and saw the Hobbit last night and thought the goblin city scene was awfully similar to Blighttown, including that part where they run across a moving ramp path.

Not to mention the Goblin King looking like one of its cancerous denizens, goiter flapping around with appropriate jiggle physics.

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What's up with that fucking bonfire behind the wall by the forest gate. What cunt had that idea? Died so many times.

As in the dark root place ? Get 20,000 souls and go to the blacksmith from Undead Parish and he'll give you a crest thing that'll open the gate and you can clout down the wall to reach the fireplace.

You don't need to get the crest to enter that place, you can reach it from darkroot basin (there's a ladder on the left side of the lake the hydra is in). But it's good to have it because yea, that's a really good spot to farm soulds, so even though you lose 20000 souls you can farm them back in like 10 minutes.

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What's up with that fucking bonfire behind the wall by the forest gate. What cunt had that idea? Died so many times.

As in the dark root place ? Get 20,000 souls and go to the blacksmith from Undead Parish and he'll give you a crest thing that'll open the gate and you can clout down the wall to reach the fireplace.

You don't need to get the crest to enter that place, you can reach it from darkroot basin (there's a ladder on the left side of the lake the hydra is in). But it's good to have it because yea, that's a really good spot to farm soulds, so even though you lose 20000 souls you can farm them back in like 10 minutes.



yup. my plan now is to save up 20000 and then exploit that for another few levels...im taking it hella fucking slow with this game.

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It's cheap (and really kinda tedious) but the grinding spot I used to get the 20k was with the dragon on the bridge. Go from the bonfire in Undead Burg, up the ladder and staircase - get the dragon to kill all the people on the bridge for 555 souls, run back down and fall off the area where the ladder is (you'll lose health but it'll obviously recharge again) and back to the bonfire. Rinse, repeat.


Took me about 15-20 minutes in all.

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RE: spider lady humanity


ok if you join her covenant and give her 30 humanity, you'll get a couple new pyromancies, and there will be a door in demon ruins that you can open for a shortcut into lost izalith, and if you go that way 1st rather than entering lost izilith after the centipede demon, you will save solaire from getting driven mad by the sunlight maggot, and he will be available to summon against the final boss gwyn.




also, my favorite way to farm souls/humanity is to place my white summon sign down and help people kill bosses. Tons of souls, and 1 soft humanity. Shit, you can get that 20k crest by killing gaping dragon just twice. maybe once if you already have some souls. Also helping people blah blah blah


sorry about spelling im in a rush to finish post gotta pick up the kid from school in 5 min

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RE: spider lady humanity


ok if you join her covenant and give her 30 humanity, you'll get a couple new pyromancies, and there will be a door in demon ruins that you can open for a shortcut into lost izalith, and if you go that way 1st rather than entering lost izilith after the centipede demon, you will save solaire from getting driven mad by the sunlight maggot, and he will be available to summon against the final boss gwyn.




also, my favorite way to farm souls/humanity is to place my white summon sign down and help people kill bosses. Tons of souls, and 1 soft humanity. Shit, you can get that 20k crest by killing gaping dragon just twice. maybe once if you already have some souls. Also helping people blah blah blah


sorry about spelling im in a rush to finish post gotta pick up the kid from school in 5 min


question, you seem to have a really good handle on this...do you place the summon sign near the boss, or just anywhere? I wouldn't mind giving the Capra Demon or Gargoyles a try with someone....the Gaping Dragon was a little too much for me..i need a break from that one.

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