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New member-IDM Track I am about to finish

Guest mischjok

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Guest mischjok

Hello everyone, my name is Mischjok and I had been lurking this site for quite a while before I finally decided to register for an account. I wanted to share a tune I am about to finish and which I worked a lot on today. it´s called Anywhen and it´s very atmospheric, but also dense and fast. I hope you like it:



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I'm not a big IDM fan so I won't comment on the tune itself. Production-wise though you seem to need to EQ the drums because there seems to be some frequencies hidden in some of your samples that do nothing but push air. Also when I see the soundwave from Soundcloud (I don't know how reliable it is) it looks like it peaks at certain areas that isn't necessarily very loud. So yeah if the Soundcloud soundwaves are reliable then that means you need to EQ your stuff even more aggressively. Maybe compress it some more as well.


EDIT: Also... some sounds/samples seem to really pop out and they sound don't really seem like the kind of sound that should be THAT loud. Again, EQ.


Great sounds though and the beat seems cool. Very complex.

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Guest mischjok

Thanks for the feedback. I am well aware of the fact that this track is weak in the EQ and mix department. I hope I can mix it in such a way that the music isn´t compromised. Thank you very much for listening :)

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