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This Is England 88

Chris Moss Acid

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addendum/alternative ending for woody...


he fucks off exactly as described above but joins the group and makes peace with milky... now he's back in the gang where he belongs so he can be a part of the final new year 's party scene as described above.


you've got to have some happy events for balance! :cisfor:

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top acting from woody guy last night... he won me over at the bit where he bumps into the gang outside the cafe and the fight ensues...


and i was sooo miles out on my plot prediction apart from lol topping herself (trying to) and woody making up with milky. and the slow mo final scene but that was always a given. i'd still like to see my version.


anyway this was a great final episode to the series. i also might have had some water in my eye at one point... probably just a bit of dust.

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