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SOPA - Stop Online Piracy Act

Rubin Farr

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America is the source of all evil.


I'm not going to get offended because you're Portuguese, and therefore it's pretty close to a miracle that you're even functionally literate.

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think this will work?

i don't. but i'll probably still do it.


The problem with things like this (as stated by maddox in the link I posted through the "I hope SOPA passes" pic earlier in the thread) is that delaying the buy doesn't mean anything... They know you'll just buy it after and then you'll go back to normal increasing their 2nd quarter profits.

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Do you seriously believe most Portuguese people are illeterate? Look at me writing in a foreign language.

Damn rednecks.


I said functionally illiterate. There's a difference.



Granted, citation needed.


I have nothing against Portugal, I just think it's funny that 2/3 of the active Portuguese people on this particular forum seem to love slagging off any country that isn't their own.


Q: What kind of non-trolling person says shit like "Country X is the source of all evil"? A: jingoistic moron. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and, based on your posting history, assuming you're a troll.

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I think he means the isthmian portion of North America, commonly called Central America, because it's so bio-diverse, containing both Nearctic and Neotropic ecozones, and therefore a logical source for evil organisms.

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Do you seriously believe most Portuguese people are illeterate? Look at me writing in a foreign language.

Damn rednecks.


I said functionally illiterate. There's a difference.



Granted, citation needed.


I have nothing against Portugal, I just think it's funny that 2/3 of the active Portuguese people on this particular forum seem to love slagging off any country that isn't their own.


Q: What kind of non-trolling person says shit like "Country X is the source of all evil"? A: jingoistic moron. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and, based on your posting history, assuming you're a troll.



Well, that 2/3 would be me. If you want I can also look for unsoruced quotes about obesity and education in the USA.

Btw i can tell that quote is absolute bullshit



Every portuguese as read enough football newspapper to count it as a book, and I think the Bible and uncle scorge can count as books too. You probably got that quote from a german far right site, you scumbag nazi.

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Do you seriously believe most Portuguese people are illeterate? Look at me writing in a foreign language.

Damn rednecks.


I said functionally illiterate. There's a difference.



Granted, citation needed.


I have nothing against Portugal, I just think it's funny that 2/3 of the active Portuguese people on this particular forum seem to love slagging off any country that isn't their own.


Q: What kind of non-trolling person says shit like "Country X is the source of all evil"? A: jingoistic moron. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and, based on your posting history, assuming you're a troll.



Well, that 2/3 would be me. If you want I can also look for unsoruced quotes about obesity and education in the USA.

Btw i can tell that quote is absolute bullshit



Every portuguese as read enough football newspapper to count it as a book, and I think the Bible and uncle scorge can count as books too. You probably got that quote from a german far right site, you scumbag nazi.


I got it from Wikipedia.


Yeah. I'm engaged to a Jewish girl, by the way. Watch your tone, you disgusting little child.

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Guest disparaissant

Every portuguese as read enough football newspapper to count it as a book, and I think the Bible and uncle scorge can count as books too. You probably got that quote from a german far right site, you scumbag nazi.

but what does any of that mean?

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I like Kanakori. He is a very lovable little troll. I for one, embrace him in continuance of the White Man's Burden to civilize all non-American nations.

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did someone post this and i missed it? http://mashable.com/2012/01/20/sopa-is-dead-smith-pulls-bill/


Smith (R-Texas) said. “It is clear that we need to revisit the approach on how best to address the problem of foreign thieves that steal and sell American inventions and products.”


it is sad that shit like that is said to appeal to americans.. or does he really think that?

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Watch your tone, you disgusting little child.


lol, oops, which Harry Potter book did I stumble into?




Sorry, I don't like being called a Nazi for a whole variety of personal reasons, even if it's an obvious attempt at trolling. I'm not going to not feed the troll, here, because honestly I'm happy to watch himself get banned in the continuing escalation of stupidity.

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most people from Texas are probably willing to latch on to that, yes.


Americans have been incredibly paranoid about the "Other" for quite some time now. Some people don't know the Cold War is over, others don't want the Cold War to be over.

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Watch your tone, you disgusting little child.


lol, oops, which Harry Potter book did I stumble into?




Sorry, I don't like being called a Nazi for a whole variety of personal reasons, even if it's an obvious attempt at trolling. I'm not going to not feed the troll, here, because honestly I'm happy to watch himself get banned in the continuing escalation of stupidity.


lol makes perfect sense. I just couldn't resist :trashbear:

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Why the fuck does Pfizer support SOPA?


Oh god, I'm sure you get cross-lobby support with a ton of this stuff, with the potential for shoving totally unrelated pork into various bills. A little give and take, here and there. Big Pharma might want its back scratched in the near future.

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most people from Texas are probably willing to latch on to that, yes.


Americans have been incredibly paranoid about the "Other" for quite some time now. Some people don't know the Cold War is over, others don't want the Cold War to be over.


This is so true. Nailed it.

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