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SOPA - Stop Online Piracy Act

Rubin Farr

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Surprised no thread about this yet. Very surprised so many huge companies have basically told the Feds to fuck off. Now we're threatening Spain if they don't jump on board?




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sopa means soup where i come from


edit: therefore i automatically can't take it seriously


in swedish, sopa is a term used for someone who's generally considered a failure (alt. "piece of trash").

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The Internet is the wild west right now, it was a matter of time before the government realizes the internet is basically like another piece of land that they can rule over and tax the shit out of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

please remember to contact your legislation, representatives, SOMEBODY about these absolutely batshit bills. they're PIPA in the Senate and SOPA in the house, and they both need to be crushed ASAP.




http://arstechnica.c...dal-on-sopa.ars -- "Under voter pressure, congress is backpedaling (hard) on SOPA" -- this is the kind of story that shows what speaking up can do, so please take five minutes of your time to contact somebody and let them know this crap is unacceptable. silence is compliance in these situations.


http://americancensorship.org/ <--- easy way to get started helping

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yeah, they're backpedaling... in so far that they're just going to propose another bill and hope it goes under our radar or doesn't make us as upset.


see: the OPEN act. same bullshit, cuter name. also, door in the face phenomenon. politics is so predictable.

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As much as I want to believe it will be quashed, we must z6bJv.jpg when it's only a matter of time before z6bJv.jpg and z6bJv.jpg to the point that even Joyrex & mods might z6bJv.jpg otherwise not even worth worrying about

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