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Crazy Electronic Acid Song!


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- I would remove the first synth (the anthem one) and focus on the acid inspired synth instead and if i was you I would add a heavy 4/4 kick.

- There seems to be something wrong with the transition into the drums? It kinda stumbles over its own feet.

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Imma be honest witchu - the start's real boring because it's just a basic hihat metronome thing. Generally with beat solo intros you're gonna want a unique beat or some interesting tones to set a mood, & when I hear that intro I feel like I'm about to hear a mid-90s keyboard trombone preset tryinta play the Darth Vader music at 50bpm for the first time


The rest of the song doesn't really have a sense of flow for me. Part's don't feel together, don't get a feeling of plot progression, etc


I did listen to the other two tracks on your SC. Liked those ones better because they have sortuva groove to them, though they were a bit on the long side & I found myself wondering if some parts were sourced straight from samples.

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Thanks alot, everyone! Now I know I shouldn't use it if I have an idea of making an album.:smile:



Imma be honest witchu - the start's real boring because it's just a basic hihat metronome thing. Generally with beat solo intros you're gonna want a unique beat or some interesting tones to set a mood, & when I hear that intro I feel like I'm about to hear a mid-90s keyboard trombone preset tryinta play the Darth Vader music at 50bpm for the first time


The rest of the song doesn't really have a sense of flow for me. Part's don't feel together, don't get a feeling of plot progression, etc


I did listen to the other two tracks on your SC. Liked those ones better because they have sortuva groove to them, though they were a bit on the long side & I found myself wondering if some parts were sourced straight from samples.


There were not samples on this one, but there were on the Ambient one, the fast one didn't include them.

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