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Being nice to assholes.


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Yeah. You guys are right. I should probably stop trying to make throat babies with their women.


Is that like an obtuse way of saying "eat a dick"? lol


Thats the 2nd time you've used obtuse in that context.


Ive only ever heard obtuse in reference to a fucking angle in a triangle.

pretty sure he means oblique, very common mistake. People seem to prefer saying obtuse. Poor oblique..


In regards to op: check for spinach in your teeth?


If you take "obtuse" as a synonym for blunt or tactless then it's not a mistake.

Or if you use the meaning "clumsy" as prescribed by the OED (see entry 2):


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Try living here... in case you don't already. I miss NYC. Sure, it has it's fair share of cunts, but considering that you are face to face with exponentially more people at any given moment in NYC and are not as overwhelmed by the sheer cuntishmess of EVERYONE, that is a testement to its people. If LA was confined to the same space and topography of NYC, everyone would have murdered each other by now. No question.

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Yeah Jefferoo... I was around the Fairfax District yesterday meeting my client and we went out for lunch and it seemed like everyone we came across at the restaurant were inconvenienced. the table beside us kept sneering at us while we were talking business, the waitress was a bitch, even the busser seemed like he had something up his ass. This is weird because I never noticed this when i lived there a few years ago. Seemed like the only nice people we came across was at some little record store, that was only because my client new the people there. We went to the guitar center at sunset(?) and my client was asking about some monitors and the dude was like "I can't help you right now... I'm going on my smoke break!" he was like "fine... go on your smoke break... I'm just a customer... no biggie!"


I know this exists everywhere, but it seems to be amplified in L.A.

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