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Guest Al Hounos

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Guest theSun

did not read thread, but the fact that this is a "political issue" and is being "debated" is a great example of why i hate us politics.



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guys don't you get it? kanakori is totally right! it's not natural for a man to have a baby, so he shouldn't adopt it. same with infertile women. duh.

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Well this is a very complicated subject and I'm alone here so I'll end my participation in this thread for now.


LOL. You make a dumb post and when people call you out on it, you run away.

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lol, you think that the word "natural" means anything. "natural" has no basis in reality. it's just something people use to support their dogma, whether it be organic foods or prohibiting gays. it's a human construct and a rather weak one at that because we can't seem to agree on a definition.


i can't wait until transhumanism becomes a mainstream issue. now that's a real debate about "natural."

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Jesus living fuck. I have made a commitment not to get upset by things and not get angry. It makes my life better. Hard training at this has made me not get mad at many things. But holy living fuckballs, even in this thread on watmm, there are people with the nerve to decide what's okay or not okay. Natural.


"I'm okay with this, hmm, maybe not so okay with that."


Fuck you, just shut the fuck up. Nobody in their right mind should give a fuck about what YOU think is okay. This is not about YOU. This is about what SHOULD be okay so that other people's existence aren't as miserable as they have to be.


This is the whole problem with humans, that everybody feels so fucking entitled to dictate the terms of all other people's lives, heck, the terms of the fucking universe. Fucking let go of your ego for once so that not everyone else has to have a shit life just so that you might feel OKAY.


"Natural". What the fuck does that even mean? Nature made your sorry ass. Everything is nature. You thinking about nature is nature. You saying something's not natural is nature. That thing that you think isn't natural is nature. It makes no sense.


*walks right back out of thread*

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when the singularity comes and all the nanomachines in our brains will be wirelessly linking together to form one supreme consciousness, the people that bitched about things being "unnatural" will not be invited, sry folks.

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Jesus living fuck. I have made a commitment not to get upset by things and not get angry. It makes my life better. Hard training at this has made me not get mad at many things. But holy living fuckballs, even in this thread on watmm, there are people with the nerve to decide what's okay or not okay. Natural.


"I'm okay with this, hmm, maybe not so okay with that."


Fuck you, just shut the fuck up. Nobody in their right mind should give a fuck about what YOU think is okay. This is not about YOU. This is about what SHOULD be okay so that other people's existence aren't as miserable as they have to be.


This is the whole problem with humans, that everybody feels so fucking entitled to dictate the terms of all other people's lives, heck, the terms of the fucking universe. Fucking let go of your ego for once so that not everyone else has to have a shit life just so that you might feel OKAY.


"Natural". What the fuck does that even mean? Nature made your sorry ass. Everything is nature. You thinking about nature is nature. You saying something's not natural is nature. That thing that you think isn't natural is nature. It makes no sense.


*walks right back out of thread*


I don't give a fuck about what you think. What about that? I just read that because it was in caps, i'm sure the rest is crap too.


Equality isn't about treating everyone the same way.




It's about treating what is diferent, diferently.

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Well this is a very complicated subject and I'm alone here so I'll end my participation in this thread for now.


LOL. You make a dumb post and when people call you out on it, you run away.


Not really, no. Why should I bother? its inevitable anyway. To me it's just really awkward being attacked by all sides for having a diferent opinion on gay adoption, as if you or anyone knew everything about psychology and nature to play an authority on the matter, and change the rules. There is no way to have a healthy debate with such biased people. It's like talking to religious extremists. You've all been brainwashed by the liberals. I could speak about something else equally important that you wouldn't feel as offended however you can't take a fuckin' opinion about gay adoption. That should make you think.

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how is it different? two gay men can't biologically conceive a child. then again, an infertile woman in a heterosexual relationship can't either


edit: curious where you're drawing these conclusions, kanakori, because it sounds like simple prejudice

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As rambo, i think doing a study about how people addopted by gay couples grow should be priority


if kids adopted by gays turn out to be gay, is that okay? is it a "natural" thing?


i know i'm sounding hurrrdurrr but someone has to play this part...

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I don't give a fuck about what you think. What about that? I just read that because it was in caps, i'm sure the rest is crap too.


That's fine, we'll both be dead soon and there will be new generations who won't even lend a single breath debating absolutely shit subjects like this. These debates are just the death spasms of people like you. Soon they'll be laughing at this shit.


I'm ok with healthy debate. And this is not one so yeah maybe I should leave Gordo, but not because I feel embarassed.


Oh yeah, the unabashed idiot just has to make it clear that he really is unabashed, just so that we don't get any ideas.

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Jesus living fuck. I have made a commitment not to get upset by things and not get angry. It makes my life better. Hard training at this has made me not get mad at many things. But holy living fuckballs, even in this thread on watmm, there are people with the nerve to decide what's okay or not okay. Natural.


"I'm okay with this, hmm, maybe not so okay with that."


Fuck you, just shut the fuck up. Nobody in their right mind should give a fuck about what YOU think is okay. This is not about YOU. This is about what SHOULD be okay so that other people's existence aren't as miserable as they have to be.


This is the whole problem with humans, that everybody feels so fucking entitled to dictate the terms of all other people's lives, heck, the terms of the fucking universe. Fucking let go of your ego for once so that not everyone else has to have a shit life just so that you might feel OKAY.


"Natural". What the fuck does that even mean? Nature made your sorry ass. Everything is nature. You thinking about nature is nature. You saying something's not natural is nature. That thing that you think isn't natural is nature. It makes no sense.


*walks right back out of thread*

so is it natural to lock kids in basements and fuck them and have babys with them right?? of course it's natural... it happenned, in the nature... it came out of yo ass :trollface:



EQUALITY - so you want to treat the same person who raped his childrens like you treat me, OK!!!

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so is it natural to lock kids in basements and fuck them and have babys with them right?? of course it's natural... it happenned, in the nature... it came out of yo ass


Yeah, it's natural. Doesn't mean it's sensible. What's sensible is that people should have decent lives provided that they harm no one. How the fuck can someone manage to bring up an example like this on this subject?! Comparing consenting adults with child molestation... Give me a break.

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so is it natural to lock kids in basements and fuck them and have babys with them right?? of course it's natural... it happenned, in the nature... it came out of yo ass


Yeah, it's natural. Doesn't mean it's sensible. What's sensible is that people should have decent lives provided that they harm no one. How the fuck can someone manage to bring up an example like this on this subject?! Comparing consenting adults with child molestation... Give me a break.

it was you who generalized...


consenting adults maybe, but what about the child?

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if you think about it, in both child molestation and childbirth, children are touched by genitals without any of their consent being given. il leave you to think about that for a while.

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Jesus living fuck. I have made a commitment not to get upset by things and not get angry. It makes my life better. Hard training at this has made me not get mad at many things. But holy living fuckballs, even in this thread on watmm, there are people with the nerve to decide what's okay or not okay. Natural.


"I'm okay with this, hmm, maybe not so okay with that."


Fuck you, just shut the fuck up. Nobody in their right mind should give a fuck about what YOU think is okay. This is not about YOU. This is about what SHOULD be okay so that other people's existence aren't as miserable as they have to be.


This is the whole problem with humans, that everybody feels so fucking entitled to dictate the terms of all other people's lives, heck, the terms of the fucking universe. Fucking let go of your ego for once so that not everyone else has to have a shit life just so that you might feel OKAY.


"Natural". What the fuck does that even mean? Nature made your sorry ass. Everything is nature. You thinking about nature is nature. You saying something's not natural is nature. That thing that you think isn't natural is nature. It makes no sense.


*walks right back out of thread*


And last post, you missed the point. I'm worried about the third person, the kid, I don't think his existence should be played with in the name of a happy gay couple and to see if it is "ok" (or whatever that would be). It is even unjustifiable in pratical terms because there aren't that much gay couples even less couples whiling to adopt. The orphanages wouldn't get half empty I'm sure. This would be just the final victory for the gay lobby. I coulnd't careless about gay people, they can spread all the gayness they want if that doesnt conflict with my existence or anyone elses. And don't get me started on the general narcisism and other psychosys that come with the general gay population. I know some and they all match that profile. I'm not saying that there aren't alot of them perfectly normal, which there are - FACT. But if you're not being a moron you will at least admit there is an identifiable behavior amongst a vast part of the group. - And alot of them don't hide it, they are proud of it and they cultivate it.

It doesnt mean a gay person will adhere to movements such as lGBT and Gpride, but it would be dishonest to say this isn't a political faction., because it is one, with alot of power and money at the highest levels. Yes, the third eye - the all seying eye - is a metaphor for buttsecks.







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so is it natural to lock kids in basements and fuck them and have babys with them right?? of course it's natural... it happenned, in the nature... it came out of yo ass


Yeah, it's natural. Doesn't mean it's sensible. What's sensible is that people should have decent lives provided that they harm no one. How the fuck can someone manage to bring up an example like this on this subject?! Comparing consenting adults with child molestation... Give me a break.

it was you who generalized...


consenting adults maybe, but what about the child?


HAHAHAHA! There are children being born to starve to death before they ever reach a year old right now. And you worry about western children. Children don't get to choose their parents. That's the way it goes.

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if you think about it, in both child molestation and childbirth, children are touched by genitals without any of their consent being given. il leave you to think about that for a while.



but there's no other way of putting a baby into the world without genitals touching...


So then, instead of drive-by shit posting, why not explain in clear terms why gay parents should not be able to adopt and raise children?

because i don't own any truth, like you said, i'm just adding fuel to the fire...


so is it natural to lock kids in basements and fuck them and have babys with them right?? of course it's natural... it happenned, in the nature... it came out of yo ass


Yeah, it's natural. Doesn't mean it's sensible. What's sensible is that people should have decent lives provided that they harm no one. How the fuck can someone manage to bring up an example like this on this subject?! Comparing consenting adults with child molestation... Give me a break.

it was you who generalized...


consenting adults maybe, but what about the child?


HAHAHAHA! There are children being born to starve to death before they ever reach a year old right now. And you worry about western children. Children don't get to choose their parents. That's the way it goes.

lol why would you come to my degree??? keep your standars!!!


why are you even talking about cowboys and stuff???


in your own words, people born to starve to death is just natural...

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