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That little yappy dog next door


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music / earplugs / dog for lunch,


seriously though, the easiest way: earplugs, have brought me throu unlucky shared flat combos being a noise sensitive (door slamming) twat I am. You could also have a nice chat with the guy and explain him your situation, that might finally persuade him to send the dog in. A small rescue dog hating ppl lol.


Great call on the earplugs. I'm a huge believer in them. I use them every night.

Unfortunately, my work at the moment is video editing, so I need my senses. I've been editing with noise-cancelling earbuds and it does little good. I can still hear him.



Ugh. He's barking right now.


Wear a set of these over your earbuds



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throw them a steak soaked in sedatives.


damn, you're doing good. i could only afford to solve this problem with discounted pork belly soaked in chlorine.


good topic BTW--what's the best noise-cancelling earbud (no bluky headphones pls)? for under a hunderd bucks?

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throw them a steak soaked in sedatives.


damn, you're doing good. i could only afford to solve this problem with discounted pork belly soaked in chlorine.


good topic BTW--what's the best noise-cancelling earbud (no bluky headphones pls)? for under a hunderd bucks?


realistically, noise cancellation earbud wont work the way you want them too.

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Guest Adjective

buy a used puppet from Critters and put it on your patio facing the dog's patio. that way it doesn't look like the dog is talking to itself.

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music / earplugs / dog for lunch,


seriously though, the easiest way: earplugs, have brought me throu unlucky shared flat combos being a noise sensitive (door slamming) twat I am. You could also have a nice chat with the guy and explain him your situation, that might finally persuade him to send the dog in. A small rescue dog hating ppl lol.


Great call on the earplugs. I'm a huge believer in them. I use them every night.

Unfortunately, my work at the moment is video editing, so I need my senses. I've been editing with noise-cancelling earbuds and it does little good. I can still hear him.



Ugh. He's barking right now.


Wear a set of these over your earbuds




Actually, not a bad idea!





Man. I'm serious. I'm about as physically tolerant to noise as they come, but this dog is something else. Each bark is the perfect tone to feel like a sharp little headache. I may need to buy a crossbow.

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music / earplugs / dog for lunch,


seriously though, the easiest way: earplugs, have brought me throu unlucky shared flat combos being a noise sensitive (door slamming) twat I am. You could also have a nice chat with the guy and explain him your situation, that might finally persuade him to send the dog in. A small rescue dog hating ppl lol.


Great call on the earplugs. I'm a huge believer in them. I use them every night.

Unfortunately, my work at the moment is video editing, so I need my senses. I've been editing with noise-cancelling earbuds and it does little good. I can still hear him.



Ugh. He's barking right now.


Wear a set of these over your earbuds




Actually, not a bad idea!





Man. I'm serious. I'm about as physically tolerant to noise as they come, but this dog is something else. Each bark is the perfect tone to feel like a sharp little headache. I may need to buy a crossbow.


Try that or you could look into you or your neighbour getting an ultrasonic dog deterrent. They sometimes work.



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Not much to tell. Works the same way as one of those dog whistles, cept you can get battery powered ones or plug in ones.


Sometimes, it will shut a dog up.

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Well obedience training of course. And speak to the owners, they'll probably be embarrassed about the whole thing. Be nice to them. And then if that doesn't work, complain to the landlord. As the barking dogs is one of societies as yet unresolved challenges. It'll be a great day when we overcome it. Like beating cancer, or making cold fusion a viable energy solution.


there is a solution. you can have a vet remove their voice box.

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If you overheard something about obedience classes, the owner is most likely responsible and interested in correcting the behavior. Hopefully they do take the classes.


In the meantime or while the poor pup is still learning how to "stay cool", a non-electronic bark collar might be helpful. It uses vibration to interrupt the barking (humane) rather than electric shock.




There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.

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Guest fiznuthian

If you overheard something about obedience classes, the owner is most likely responsible and interested in correcting the behavior. Hopefully they do take the classes.


In the meantime or while the poor pup is still learning how to "stay cool", a non-electronic bark collar might be helpful. It uses vibration to interrupt the barking (humane) rather than electric shock.




There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.


Truth right here.

Anyone who uses shock collars should try using one themselves.. It hurts pretty bad man. And the majority of dog owners simply don't have the patience or willingness to properly train their dogs with one to minimize corrections. I could see maybe using one for invisible fencing and set boundaries (trained properly, positively, and thoroughly), but anything else seems cruel. Positive reward is the best for anything IMO, no shocks necessary.


ya srsly.


they still make sounds but it's more like air escaping that YIP YIP YIP




I swear if I ever meet anyone who did this to their dog, i'm going to put them in the hospital. Lets just hope I don't meet one. :angry:

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I swear if I ever meet anyone who did this to their dog, i'm going to put them in the hospital.


and then what, you gonna devocalize them as well?



ever heard a castrated male cat?



might as well go swallow some more vitamin I's and put yerself in the hospital, willya.

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Guest fiznuthian

I swear if I ever meet anyone who did this to their dog, i'm going to put them in the hospital.


and then what, you gonna devocalize them as well?



ever heard a castrated male cat?



might as well go swallow some more vitamin I's and put yerself in the hospital, willya.


Probably, yeah.


Sorry, but I think that is completely unnecessary except for maybe the handful of difficult cases that just refuse to stop barking. My comment was meant only in regards to people who remove vocal chords because it's convenient and easier than training it.. probably should have specified.

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Those little fluffy lapdogs are pathetic creatures. Pick a mutt in the 40 pound range and have a real cool friend.


But the thing about dogs is that you have to think of it like raising a kid-lite.


Oh, and having a dog in the city is retarded.

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Well obedience training of course. And speak to the owners, they'll probably be embarrassed about the whole thing. Be nice to them. And then if that doesn't work, complain to the landlord. As the barking dogs is one of societies as yet unresolved challenges. It'll be a great day when we overcome it. Like beating cancer, or making cold fusion a viable energy solution.


there is a solution. you can have a vet remove their voice box.


I don't like this because it doesn't fix the root of the problem, it just further absolves the owner of responsibility for poorly treating an animal that they shouldn't own.

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I literally was at home all day working with my own version of


this ...ha-d810_front.jpg plus this... mdr.jpg.


It only helped when there was loud audio playing on the earbuds.

The dog stopped barking around 10pm.

No lie, It was barking from 9 am. I would say a conservative estimate of the collective time it spent not barking was maybe 1 hour. 1.5 hrs max!


I have never imagined anything like this in all of my days. I'm seriously going to kill that little piece of shit.



Never mind. I can hear it barking still. It's just indoors now.



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