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Death on Mars


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So some Dutch entrepreneur wants to create a reality TV show where a crew of astronauts live on a Mars colony... until they die. Apparently they expect millions of applicants for a 10 year regime to prepare them for their one way ticket to Mars.


I think it won't REALLY happen but I have to admit I want it to. If we want to visit Mars we have to anticipate people dying for the cause and a human settlement there in 11 years is an exciting prospect to me. But I love all this space colonization shit. Plus it'd be one reality TV show I'd definitely watch.

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Why not, schlusarski? They'd still live, just somewhere else.

But I don't really get why you'd just say goodbye to your earthly life to visit a place that's literally just a huge heap of rock. At least the earth's got nature on it, and humanity. Living on mars would be like living in a space station, but, well, on mars.

On the other hand it'd be a nice first step to actually prepare that piece of rock for further colonization. Can anyone point me to a good text on why you would actually want to colonize mars? It still seems easier to me to just recolonize the earth, should it ever be necessary.

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[E]ven if, at some future date, emigra­tion to Mars should become feasible, even if any con­siderable number of men and women were desperate enough to choose a new life under conditions compara­ble to those prevailing on a mountain twice as high as Mount Everest, what difference would that make? In the course of the last four centuries quite a number of people sailed from the Old World to the New. But neither their departure nor the returning flow of food and raw materials could solve the problems of the Old World. Similarly the shipping of a few surplus hu­mans to Mars (at a cost, for transportation and de­velopment, of several million dollars a head) will do nothing to solve the problem of mounting population pressures on our own planet.


But I have to admit that it would be terribly interesting.

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Can anyone point me to a good text on why you would actually want to colonize mars? It still seems easier to me to just recolonize the earth, should it ever be necessary.


How exactly would you "recolonize" the Earth?

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In the same way you would colonize mars, but without the fancy space travel thing.

Assuming there's still a fair amount of people and technicians left.


Do you mean to move people around on Earth to uninhabited places? I don't think that would help population and resource problems at all, it would be like re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Colonization to other planets is needed since we are currently living well over our means here on Earth and that's not going to last long.

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Guest sirch

amazing! i'd watch it...

sounds like a good idea. but weird tho... instead of evictions people actually die! ? lol

but it'd be interesting, no doubt.

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