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Make A Chick-Fil-A Chicken Sandwich At Home


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All those black people really piss me off. They should only be allowed to buy chik-fil-a at a separate, but equal chik-fil-a. If they want to support chik-fil-a on national bigotry day they should be allowed to, just not in the same establishment that real, true, white Christians eat at.
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I don't even understand the anti-gay point of view, really. The Bible is fairly clear about homosexuality being wrong from a Christian perspective, but I fail to see how this should impact non-Christians on a political level. I've heard it said that it will lead to other, worse things like legalization of bestial pedophilia, but it obviously won't. Shouldn't conservatives want gay marriage to be legalized since that would, in theory, lower homosexual promiscuity?

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I don't even understand the anti-gay point of view, really. The Bible is fairly clear about homosexuality being wrong from a Christian perspective, but I fail to see how this should impact non-Christians on a political level. I've heard it said that it will lead to other, worse things like legalization of bestial pedophilia, but it obviously won't. Shouldn't conservatives want gay marriage to be legalized since that would, in theory, lower homosexual promiscuity?


christianity in the united states has a long history of trying to make people feel shame and self-hatred using sexuality. it serves them to make homosexuality "forbidden" because it makes a convenient outgroup that they can demonize and allows manipulation of parishioners through promises of redemption for the filthy sin of having you privates tingle when you look at someone of the same sex. tsk tsk.

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I don't even understand the anti-gay point of view, really. The Bible is fairly clear about homosexuality being wrong from a Christian perspective, but I fail to see how this should impact non-Christians on a political level. I've heard it said that it will lead to other, worse things like legalization of bestial pedophilia, but it obviously won't. Shouldn't conservatives want gay marriage to be legalized since that would, in theory, lower homosexual promiscuity?


christianity throughout the entire world has a long history of trying to make people feel shame and self-hatred using sexuality. it serves them to make homosexuality "forbidden" because it makes a convenient outgroup that they can demonize and allows manipulation of parishioners through promises of redemption for the filthy sin of having you privates tingle when you look at someone of the same sex. tsk tsk.


minor fix.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

I don't even understand the anti-gay point of view, really. The Bible is fairly clear about homosexuality being wrong from a Christian perspective, but I fail to see how this should impact non-Christians on a political level. I've heard it said that it will lead to other, worse things like legalization of bestial pedophilia, but it obviously won't. Shouldn't conservatives want gay marriage to be legalized since that would, in theory, lower homosexual promiscuity?


christianity throughout the entire world has a long history of trying to make people feel shame and self-hatred using sexuality. it serves them to make homosexuality "forbidden" because it makes a convenient outgroup that they can demonize and allows manipulation of parishioners through promises of redemption for the filthy sin of having you privates tingle when you look at someone of the same sex. tsk tsk.


minor fix.

damn you beat me to it smetti. lol
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Guest yikes

i am a vegetarian/mostly vegan and i am pro gay marriage though i am not gay.

if you habitually eat this crap and other fast food…. you deserve whatever bad health comes your way.

but who am i to judge or tell anyone what to eat?

and who are they to proclaim who should love who?


i just read the op's link

i've read reverse engineered articles on serious eats before out of curiosity.

My take is that Kenji is a cool dude and a whiz at reverse engineering fast food stuff.

Even though I will never ever eat any of it I marvel at his articles.

As for the right wing being dick's about same sex marriage,feminism,etc …..is it really any surprise?…..zzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Guest yikes

lol this is getting insane



sheeple report to the slaughter!

the look on their collective face screams….

"we're morons and we're proud!"

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most people don't have the capacity to hold beliefs that aren't dictated to them by priests/presidents. remember that, always.


how does that graph provide conclusive evidence to your statement? What is the correlation between performance on an IQ test (which is mostly analytical) versus capability in holding a unique belief system?

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most people don't have the capacity to hold beliefs that aren't dictated to them by priests/presidents. remember that, always.


how does that graph provide conclusive evidence to your statement? What is the correlation between performance on an IQ test (which is mostly analytical) versus capability in holding a unique belief system?


50% of the population is at or underneath an iq of 100. have you met people that have an iq of 100? not the most critical thinkers. now, i'm not that experienced in the mechanism behind iq tests. you mentioned it's analytical. does that mean it measures analytical intelligence? isn't an important part of forming beliefs the ability to analyze information and determine whether or not to incorporate it into one's belief system? feel free to correct me though, like i said, i don't know much about iq tests. just used the graphic because, personally, it helps remind me that most people are pretty stupid and we shouldn't blame/hate them for holding misguided beliefs.

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I consider myself a critical thinker and my IQ is pretty low (I took an IQ test once). I like to think those test are bullshit and not a measurement of intelligence but a measurement of knowledge.


If I took of an IQ test on like Game of Thrones I would score high , does that make me intelligent or just knowledgable on Game of Thrones?


I dropped out of high school and suffered from chronic fatigue/ADHD all of my life, I don't know much about math and grammar (which is what IQ test are for the most part) there is no way in hell for me to score high on a test.


I guess what I'm saying judging people based on their IQs test results could lead to misjudgment.

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Because gay marriage is about the most conservative position imaginable. It defangs the entire LGBT rights movement by attempting to assimilate the most powerful people within it - ie largely middle class, white gays - into the heteronormative mainstream.


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Wow I didn't see that this turned into an IQ thing.


I think a lot of people have the arrow of causality backwards here. Hoodie, you think that low IQ causes people to be dictated by prejudicial and/or authoritarian beliefs? I claim that the reverse is true. To say that people who score low on IQ tests (whatever this actually indicates) are "incapable" or thinking critically is an unjustified and enormous leap.

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Guest RadarJammer

They broke the ignorance is bliss rule. If all business owners fessed up to their weird opinions or fetishes then people would be forced to let go of their grudges and misgivings or else the world be so offended would we fold up our cities and live off pine cones and make clothes from squirrels? You probably can't sip water without somehow supporting one offensive thing or another.

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Guest Iain C

Because gay marriage is about the most conservative position imaginable. It defangs the entire LGBT rights movement by attempting to assimilate the most powerful people within it - ie largely middle class, white gays - into the heteronormative mainstream.



It's true, and if US Conservatives could get their heads out of the Bible for one minute they'd realise it too. The idea that marriage is THE goal for LGBT people, that this is the last social hurdle and that once it's attained they'll shut up and sit down - it's a Tory dream.

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Guest Iain C

Of course, if you believe (like I imagine many Americans might, correct me if I'm wrong) that there can be no secular conservatism - if you see it as a political viewpoint intimately tied to evangelical Christianity - then naturally you won't see gay marriage as a conservative position because it's incompatible with your religious beliefs. But it is, and that's how most secular conservatives see it in Europe today.

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Guest Iain C

i wonder what the bible bashers will make of trans people


They probably consider them to be mentally ill or sexual fetishists or both, as do many bigoted people of all faiths and sexualities.

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i wonder what the bible bashers will make of trans people


They probably consider them to be mentally ill or sexual fetishists or both, as do many bigoted people of all faiths and sexualities.


What of the followers of Enoch?

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Guest Iain C

They're the worst, fucking Enoch followers. All they ever do is walk around behind Enoch. Hey, Enoch followers, what's so good about Enoch's backside? You like the smell of his farts or something? FUCK YOU.

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It's true, and if US Conservatives could get their heads out of the Bible for one minute they'd realise it too.

I don't think that most conservatives actually read or know much about the Bible. They'd probably be more liberal if they did. I guess I don't read the Bible much either, but I am a Liberal.


Of course, if you believe (like I imagine many Americans might, correct me if I'm wrong) that there can be no secular conservatism - if you see it as a political viewpoint intimately tied to evangelical Christianity - then naturally you won't see gay marriage as a conservative position because it's incompatible with your religious beliefs. But it is, and that's how most secular conservatives see it in Europe today.

This is not necessarily true, especially if you consider Ron Paul a conservative (he's really not, though). Conservatives can think, for example, that there should be heavy tax cuts and limited federal spending and intervention because this will help competition and actually lower costs. This is not an explicitly Christian view.

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