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But it is amazing...


Do you know where Mars is Y03030? It's pretty far away. So they spent a lot of time and money on this, and it could have failed... the fact that it didn't is good news. Its cool if you don't think its amazing, but you might as well go complain about all of mainstream culture... like Justin Bieber or crap like that, ya know? This is something to be proud about and to encourage.

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Guest sirch



too bad your great scientific mind doesn't extend enough to use a spellchecker, pecker.


yeah sorry about that lol


truth is i wasn't in work, normally would run such scrutinized words into my spell check in outlook or word when in the lab where i work lol, but since at home can only spell check with a good beer and fine quilts, also those spell checks keeps swapping the s's to z's, or s' to zs...


so the mar'z barz arnt on me


no worries . but you might wanna get your ballsack looked at. ;)

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Guest sirch

But it is amazing...


Do you know where Mars is Y03030? It's pretty far away. So they spent a lot of time and money on this, and it could have failed... the fact that it didn't is good news. Its cool if you don't think its amazing, but you might as well go complain about all of mainstream culture... like Justin Bieber or crap like that, ya know? This is something to be proud about and to encourage.


next week, for most people, this will be forgotten about.

at least Justin Bieber will continue to give teenage girls pleasure for the rest of the year, at least.

money could've been spent better. they're not gonna find anything they haven't found/don't know about already.


edit: same goes for the olympics. fucking waste of money.

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Guest Eggylips

I just don't understand why everyone pretends to be sooo excited abut this like they built the fucking trainers themselves. I've read FB posts about people crying when they saw the thing fall over.


most of the time nobody gives a shit about health, rowing, metal coins or london but this one time mainstream news picks it up EVERYBODY all of the sudden is interested in london, health, running.


The reasonable reaction should be "cool they ran pretty fast, and hope they find something interesting to do with their retired lives past 30".


"OMG OLYMPICS YEAH I CRIED WHEN I SAW... WHAT'S HIS NAME?" is not a reasonable reaction.

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I honestly think that mars looks boring (apart from that pic YO303 posted which was SIIIIIICK). I'm more interested in what they find about the history of Mars, and any other new things about it we didn't know before.


More excited about the pictures of Pluto coming in 2015.

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This picture from mars is awesome (from the spirit rover) : 117988main_image_feature_347_ys_4.jpg


This is from curiosity : 20120806_337_MARS-slide-7CIP-blog480.jpg


You got chills when you saw that?? really?? lol

To be fair - I believe that picture from Curiosity is still with the lens/dust cover on. I'm sure we will get some pretty amazing results from this, and it will further our understanding of how to explore outer space.


Oh and chimera slot mom - if you're going to quote bill hicks, at least use the full quote which is:

"Take all that money that we spend on weapons and defence each year, and instead spend it feeding, clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, for ever, in peace."


Anyways this is cool, except I can't that goddamn eyes.nasa site to work on any of my browsers.

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holy fucking shit you people are negative, who cares if people who doesn't usually give two shits about space go wild over this, hopefully some of them will get more interested in and open to space exploration because of all the social media hype etc. the whole thing IS amazing and an incredible thing to pull off. i was probably more impressed with how smooth the whole landing sequence went than the fact that there's another rover on mars. i dunno, i just feel it's something to be happy and proud about as a human being for once, everything else is irrelevant. waaa waaa tax dollars waa fuck off.

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Guest sirch

holy fucking shit you people are negative, who cares if people who doesn't usually give two shits about space go wild over this, hopefully some of them will get more interested in and open to space exploration because of all the social media hype etc. the whole thing IS amazing and an incredible thing to pull off. i was probably more impressed with how smooth the whole landing sequence went than the fact that there's another rover on mars. i dunno, i just feel it's something to be happy and proud about as a human being for once, everything else is irrelevant. waaa waaa tax dollars waa fuck off.


lol. it's too little too late, for me. why didn't they do this shit years ago?

so there's another rover on mars, a lifeless planet millions of miles away. whoopdeedoo.

in other news our home planet earth is fucked.

'yay, look at the mars pics, yay, nasa did something.' 'so what's for dinner?', 'beans on toast again'.


also, people who think this is 'something to be happy and proud about as human beings', are massive suckers!

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holy fucking shit you people are negative, who cares if people who doesn't usually give two shits about space go wild over this, hopefully some of them will get more interested in and open to space exploration because of all the social media hype etc. the whole thing IS amazing and an incredible thing to pull off. i was probably more impressed with how smooth the whole landing sequence went than the fact that there's another rover on mars. i dunno, i just feel it's something to be happy and proud about as a human being for once, everything else is irrelevant. waaa waaa tax dollars waa fuck off.


lol. it's too little too late, for me. why didn't they do this shit years ago?

so there's another rover on mars, a lifeless planet millions of miles away. whoopdeedoo.

in other news our home planet earth is fucked.

'yay, look at the mars pics, yay, nasa did something.' 'so what's for dinner?', 'beans on toast again'.


also, people who think this is 'something to be happy and proud about as human beings', are massive suckers!

They didn't do it years ago because the technology wasn't good enough.

We don't know if it's lifeless. We do know that there is water on the planet.

There are hundreds of thousands of people working on the problems we face on Earth.

Why are people suckers for thinking this is something to be happy and proud about as humans beings? This is a concrete result of what can happen through international cooperation and creativity.


Just because you can't see direct benefits immediately doesn't mean there won't be any.

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Guest sirch

holy fucking shit you people are negative, who cares if people who doesn't usually give two shits about space go wild over this, hopefully some of them will get more interested in and open to space exploration because of all the social media hype etc. the whole thing IS amazing and an incredible thing to pull off. i was probably more impressed with how smooth the whole landing sequence went than the fact that there's another rover on mars. i dunno, i just feel it's something to be happy and proud about as a human being for once, everything else is irrelevant. waaa waaa tax dollars waa fuck off.


lol. it's too little too late, for me. why didn't they do this shit years ago?

so there's another rover on mars, a lifeless planet millions of miles away. whoopdeedoo.

in other news our home planet earth is fucked.

'yay, look at the mars pics, yay, nasa did something.' 'so what's for dinner?', 'beans on toast again'.


also, people who think this is 'something to be happy and proud about as human beings', are massive suckers!

They didn't do it years ago because the technology wasn't good enough.

We don't know if it's lifeless. We do know that there is water on the planet.

There are hundreds of thousands of people working on the problems we face on Earth.

Why are people suckers for thinking this is something to be happy and proud about as humans beings? This is a concrete result of what can happen through international cooperation and creativity.


Just because you can't see direct benefits immediately doesn't mean there won't be any.


thanks, teach.

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great job NASA, billions of dollars to touch down on a lifeless rock. we should all explore inner space instead and become enlightened and have world peace, together forever.


and how the hell do you propose we even begin to explore "inner space?" buddhists have been around for centuries, telling us that they know the path to enlightenment--you can see how much people give a shit.


as evidenced by the history of all the civilizations that ever were, we know that humans are driven by a desire to conquer, expand, control, etc. right now, many people are taking that desire and channeling it into particularly awful activities, like bombing third world countries to gain control of natural resources and manipulating the world's financial system for their personal gain. i propose that space exploration is a healthy way of taking those desires and making them productive. for example, instead of running proxy wars to take control of oil resources, countries could focus on exploiting mineral deposits off-planet. of course, the technology to do that hasn't been made yet--that's why it's so important that we fund organizations like nasa. the sooner we can take this global dick swinging contest and move it off-planet, the sooner we can actually begin to focus on things like "inner space" and what not. until then, the world's gonna be too full of corruption for the average person to care about anything other than surviving. and when your only concern is surviving... well, people can act pretty callous and brutal in those situations. not exactly conducive to world peace.


i'm not saying space exploration will make the world a utopia. i just think that it's the only move that we have left to play. otherwise, we'll just destroy ourselves if we don't have any higher goals than "i want the piece of land that you have and will kill you to take it" (on a national level).

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Guest sirch

we're not gonna learn anything from this planet and our lifestlyes, we're just gonna fuck off to the next rock asap and then fuck that one up aswell !

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Guest sirch

...like a cancer of our solar system... and then next the galaxy.


and only the super-mega rich will survive the jump to the next one anyway. none of us or our children, or our children's children will.

unless they're mega rich, too.

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But it is amazing...


Do you know where Mars is Y03030? It's pretty far away. So they spent a lot of time and money on this, and it could have failed... the fact that it didn't is good news. Its cool if you don't think its amazing, but you might as well go complain about all of mainstream culture... like Justin Bieber or crap like that, ya know? This is something to be proud about and to encourage.


next week, for most people, this will be forgotten about.

at least Justin Bieber will continue to give teenage girls pleasure for the rest of the year, at least.

money could've been spent better. they're not gonna find anything they haven't found/don't know about already.


edit: same goes for the olympics. fucking waste of money.


Since when has 'most people' been relevant to anything on this forum? You don't hear or see a tremendous amount of enthusiasm around the recent higgs boson developments but that doesn't mean it won't lead to great things. Getting an advance telescope on Mars so we can discover even more about our universe seems like nothing but a good thing... And just the fact that we are now able to send these rover robots to Mars and stuff is really cool I think. It reminds me of old computer RTS games or something, where you'll colonize a piece of land and before you know it you'll have a civilization. It's like the Louis CK with flying and cell phones... people are spoiled by media and what not that they don't even recognize how magical flying in the sky or talking to anyone/anywhere is. Complaining about people's enthusiasms for groundbreaking human achievements when (like you said) most people are more enthusiastic over greed driven craptastic achievements, which is fine... I'm not about to start ranting about those things because its out of my control.... but basically I'm just finding it hard to understand how something like space exploration is considered a waste of time and money, especially when so little resources currently go towards it.

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Guest ruiagnelo

But it is amazing...


Do you know where Mars is Y03030? It's pretty far away. So they spent a lot of time and money on this, and it could have failed... the fact that it didn't is good news. Its cool if you don't think its amazing, but you might as well go complain about all of mainstream culture... like Justin Bieber or crap like that, ya know? This is something to be proud about and to encourage.


next week, for most people, this will be forgotten about.

at least Justin Bieber will continue to give teenage girls pleasure for the rest of the year, at least.

money could've been spent better. they're not gonna find anything they haven't found/don't know about already.


edit: same goes for the olympics. fucking waste of money.


Since when has 'most people' been relevant to anything on this forum? You don't hear or see a tremendous amount of enthusiasm around the recent higgs boson developments but that doesn't mean it won't lead to great things. Getting an advance telescope on Mars so we can discover even more about our universe seems like nothing but a good thing... And just the fact that we are now able to send these rover robots to Mars and stuff is really cool I think. It reminds me of old computer RTS games or something, where you'll colonize a piece of land and before you know it you'll have a civilization. It's like the Louis CK with flying and cell phones... people are spoiled by media and what not that they don't even recognize how magical flying in the sky or talking to anyone/anywhere is. Complaining about people's enthusiasms for groundbreaking human achievements when (like you said) most people are more enthusiastic over greed driven craptastic achievements, which is fine... I'm not about to start ranting about those things because its out of my control.... but basically I'm just finding it hard to understand how something like space exploration is considered a waste of time and money, especially when so little resources currently go towards it.


I can totally feel you.

But it gets easy to end up talking alone in such a conversation theme.


People just don't want to take their feet of the ground. Everything above the clouds is just not important, unless it is a plane going for a one week vacation trip in NY or California. Just think of how many people wouldn't care or give an answer when you ask them if we are alone in the universe?


The world sure could use a couple more Carl Sagans', but we have other priorities down here...

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they will continue to be there until we evolve to the point where we give as much as we take.

huh? What does this even mean, should we start teaching English to trees? Every human on the planet gives feces and urine every day. We also give things like the atomic bomb, antibiotics, cell phones, and the internet. How would anyone even begin to quantify the importance of these intangibles? Does a duck "give as much as it takes"?

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