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anti japanese protests in china


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And to think it's all over some uninhabited rocks between the Ryukyu islands and Taiwan.


I'm pretty sure there's speculation of oil reserves being in the area...but other than that it's the usual nationalist historical grievance rhetoric.

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It's current. One thing to understand is protests and organizing in China are officially illegal without permission of the govt. Something to keep in mind when you see a group of protesters surrounded by police: both sides are getting paid by the govt. Lol.

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all the "protests" are bought and paid for by the Chinese govt. The people breaking Japanese car windows are on the govt. payroll. There's no organic grassroots sentiment whatsoever.


yeah. the chinese govt wouldn't be allowing media coverage of these protests unless they were endorsed by them.

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all the "protests" are bought and paid for by the Chinese govt. The people breaking Japanese car windows are on the govt. payroll. There's no organic grassroots sentiment whatsoever.

It's current. One thing to understand is protests and organizing in China are officially illegal without permission of the govt. Something to keep in mind when you see a group of protesters surrounded by police: both sides are getting paid by the govt. Lol.


the van is on its way

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Was talking to my team here this morning and they said the most plausible explanation for why the govt. would want to fan the flames of anti-Jap sentiment at this time, is that this year Hu Jintao is supposed to step down and the Communist party is supposed to name his replacement. They have a "big meeting" when the successor is announced, but so far they haven't even announced when this big meeting is supposed to take place, which is unusual. Apparently the two guys below Hu Jintao are fighting it out to see who gets to take his place. Could be a reason to distract public attention away from the dysfunction in govt...

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Guest Al Hounos

thanks for the insight lumpy. this is the oldest propaganda trick in the book: stir up nationalist hatred against foreigners to draw attention away from domestic problems.


but lest anyone be misled that this is entirely caused by the chinese government manipulating the masses, the whole thing did start because of inflammatory japanese action. they have the exact same beef with korea, a dispute over the Dokdo islets. not blaming japan, but not giving them a pass either. they're doing the exact same thing - inflaming nationalism to distract from domestic problems. korea did the same thing a few weeks ago when the korean president visited Dokdo, a purely inflammatory move that was obviously done to distract the korean public from his own numerous corruption scandals.


both of these island disputes (China-Japan's Diaoyu and Korea-Japan's Dokdo) are insanely convenient political red herrings that corrupt politicians on all sides use whenever they need to distract the public from real problems at home. and of course the right-wing, nationalist morons in all three countries are just gullible tools, to be whipped into a frenzy when needed.

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You're probably more up to speed than I. Good point regarding the very real possibility that the protests could evolve into genuine popular unrest, no matter how they began.


For now, do note the uniform, professional, printed and stapled quality of the signs, flags, and Mao paintings the people are carrying :-)

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all the "protests" are bought and paid for by the Chinese govt. The people breaking Japanese car windows are on the govt. payroll. There's no organic grassroots sentiment whatsoever.


Exactly - otherwise where would the protests over China's various other island disputes be.


The Dokdo/Takeshima dispute is currently over fishing rights.

Blaming that particular clusterfuck on Japan is akin to blaming the "war" in Afghanistan on Obama. It's been an ongoing dispute since the early 1900s. Then was brought back into focus post WW2.

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