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hurricane sandy


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Bridges and Tunnels also suffered major damage with flooding of the Hugh L. Carey Tunnel from end to end and the Queens Midtown Tunnel also taking on water. Six bus depots situated in low-lying areas were also disabled by high water. The MTA and its operating agencies have begun the lengthy process of assessment and repair. Damage has been extremely heavy in downtown Manhattan where several subway lines converge. The South Ferry station is filled track to ceiling with water as are several of the subway tunnels.



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FUCK i just realized i have several days worth of work on my computer in the office...where there is no power. even if management allows me into the building, i'll have to take a car into the city, pick up a fucking imac and bring it home with me. that, or backtrack through three days of animation. neato.



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compson for WATMM News Anchorman.


thanks for all the pics.


had a small blackout here in the middle of the night last night too. woke up at 3:30am in complete pitch black with burglar /car alarms going off outside and a deathly cold still silence everywhere else. thought it was the fucking Apocalypse for a bit, til I checked the radio on my phone... and everything was fine and as normal.

but what a fucked up 24hrs.

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I know right?


I mean I know how far away we are from NY, but it was still fucking weird,

especially after watching and reading news all day long about Sandy...

was totally pitch black outside except for the full Moon. was eerie as fuck.

powercut for about 3hrs. I know it was probably not related at all, but still...

at least it made me realise I need to stock up on much more bottles of

water and baked beans than I currently have stashed. :)

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This person thinks the best thing to way to cope with a hurricane-caused blackout is to take your family to a waterpark so they don't have to read books. I wish I was making this up.

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good christ what a mess. tonight is my 3rd wedding anniversary and the 2nd one in a row with no power. I'm at my inlaws now as they are one of the very few pockets of homes in the area with power. I think there is something like 8 million homes with no power? no idea, I haven't seen much news or even had any cell contact before a couple hours ago.


last night was something else. we hunkered down in the heart of my house, the wife, little guy and myself. the rain and wind were just relentless and I swear at points I thought my windows were going to blow in. I live in a woodsy area and I was really nervous with all the trees around. after it got dark you could hear cracking and bending but had no idea where. I was just hoping nothing was going to split my home in half or land on my sleeping family as I was clutching a flashlight trying to talk myself to sleep.


I lost four trees in the back but nothing hit my house, thankfully. a neighbor down the street had one laying on his roofing and there was roofing shingles from multiple homes all throughout the neighborhood. siding was torn off of houses and there are downed trees and power lines everywhere you look. it was very depressing until I saw the images of NYC and the jersey shore.


I've spent more than my fair share of time in NYC and still have a ton of fam there but it's the jersey shore that's got me all fucked up. I've spent my childhood there, and have had the good fortune to spend part of my summer there every year since the mid 1980s. my parents have friends who own houses in seaside. that stupid fuckin MTV show has done nothing but make it look like a joke there but it really is one of the nicest places I've ever been too. the vibe at the jersey shore is like nothing anywhere else. to see it literally gone is just hard to comprehend. there are total iconic places that my parents took me to that I won't be able to bring my son to. that sucks, as I was looking forward to that. he got his first taste of the beach this year.


anyway, the people talking about over sensationalizing storms because they are in the NYC area can fuck right off. seriously. hope all the east coast watmmers are doing ok, a week without power is nothing to a lifetime of memories washed away like so many people who lost their homes. oh yea that's right, in mantoloking (a jersey shore town) there are 12 homes missing. yea. they can't find them. wtf.


be well folks I will be in and out over the next week as we try to get our lives back to normal. I need my watmm fix but I also need a flushing toilet and Internet porn first so...

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