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Japanese Navy Releases First Photo Of Downed UFO Off The Coast Of Okinawa


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Guest Starblazer


It's probably the remains of a long distance missile donated by north korea.




Much more likely that alien invaders lol

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oh ok so... a ufo came across, at the very least a long stretch of our own galaxy, and then....



so this super advanced craft, which would probably have cloaking technology, be completely automatically piloted by advanced AI, have advanced sensors that.. well they would be able to SEE the planet, and the the nav computer would do some calculations to uhhh, not fucking crash into it?


seriously, the whole idea of a ufo coming here just to crash. is so retarded. them coming here and just 'ooops' crashing into our planet would be about like einstein coming up with relativity but then forgetting how to do basic math. it would be even more ridiculous than that.


more ridiculous than einstein forgetting basic math. this is not an exaggeration. this is how ridiculous it would be. the aliens would have tech that was based on things well beyond anything einstein conceived of. beyond our own current tech. but you can look at where our stuff is going. everything is being automated. yet they just crash. you might as well go out and look for bigfoot turds in your backyard if you believe this crap. or maybe you should quit watching the 'history' channel.

How do you know Einstein didn't at some point forget his basic math?

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maybe at some point he did, when he got older. there are better examples but i couldn't think of one. einstein i am not. but the point still remains. people who think a ufo would just crash into earth are projecting current human abilities onto these aliens. it's like assuming that they still have to steer the ship, or that it wouldn't have just an insane amount of fail-safes, each level RADICALLY more advanced than anything we have, which would probably make such an event practically impossible. they would know what our atmosphere was composed of before they even got close to it. they would have a simulated model of the air currents before they flew into them. they would probably have advanced stealth/cloaking so it doesn't even make sense when people claim to just SEE a ufo, because how far away from cloaking tech are we (not TOO far)? think about how long it will take us to even consider flying across the galaxy, and how advanced our stuff will be then.


now, yes there ARE possible scenarios where a ufo could get here and crash. someone mentioned battle damage, ok. i would have to admit that there are probably an infinite number of scenarios that could result in it. the problem is the statistics. how likely is it going to be that a space ship which is somehow made vulnerable, would come from somewhere in the galaxy to HERE, then crash. why wouldn't they try to go some place safe for repairs? or to hide out? or to deal with whatever issue put them in that vulnerable state. someone else suggested that i was assuming when i said they would be so advanced. ok fair enough, but the chances of a less advanced craft reaching us would probably plummet drastically to the point of mathematical improbability.


you know what a better likelihood is? this is something i've thought about myself but never specifically saw mentioned anywhere. i'm sure others have thought this also, but i've never seen it said. in my opinion, it's no coincidence that all of these alleged UFO crashes with supposed cover-ups and salvaged wreckages started becoming a big thing right during and after ww2 and through the cold war. i think there are alleged cases from germany, usa, and russia around this time, and the biggest cases were from those 3. what a sweet coincidence that the aliens mostly chose to crash in those countries huh? especially when through the cold war you had USA and russia both trying to scare the other side into thinking they had shit that they didn't. they were shadowboxing with shadows of shadows. they would leave inflatable fake aircraft in military base runways to fool the other side when they were seen by spy satellites (and this is just one example of countless).


i would be willing to bet that if the actual real story could somehow come out, that stuff like Roswell WAS a government thing, the whole point being to trick the USSR into thinking that we had just salvaged some future tech. that's a much higher probability than it actually be a ufo. and it's funny to think about too because it would mean that all those UFO nuts who conglomerated around that Roswell incident, were being played like fiddles to help spread misinformation (which at the risk of sounding a bit evil, i think is beautiful because i'm starting to loathe these non-thinking, automatically believing types more and more as the history channel helps increase their numbers). because if you look at it, there ARE some suspicious things about how the gov handled roswell. their story DID change, and some statements made by high up involved guys were completely contradicted. this would perfectly explain that. it was all probably a rouse to get lots of ninnies to help scare the russians, who were probably biting their nails hoping these stories they were hearing about this recovered craft in America were NOT true. so yeah, my theory here is still kind of insidious on the gov's side, but it's a kind of insidious i can get on board with. some people just don't exercise their brains at all to think critically about anything.

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They are aliens not Gods. Perfection exists in degrees, while their error would be reduced there would still be the possibility of an error no matter how infinitesimal. Therefor, the only way we would know, is if it happened here.

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but if you just look at some statistics regarding how many habitable planets in this galaxy there may be, and if you read into some of the smart people out there have tried to come up with estimates for how many advanced civilizations there may be in a galaxy, you see that this scenario just gets more and more into the realm of improbability. these are only estimates yes, but these people are smart and their logic seems reasonable. it seems like a good bet that there really aren't that many advanced civilizations in this galaxy. if that's the case, then the distance between them would be huge. vast. so yes, you can say that they could still make mistakes and crash all you want, but for them to have come all that way and still crash is just completely f'ing absurd. why didn't they crash into an asteroid while flying at super fast assed speeds through space? all it would take is one rock, assuming that their travel is anything conventional. so how do they avoid all that debris? it would take just insane tech. and you think they will then just come down to earth, and crash.


i'm sorry but that sounds like an idiotic thing to think to me. and like i said, this is assuming their travel is 'conventional', in other words, that they can't somehow 'warp' across the galaxy instantly. in that case they practically do become gods.

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why don't you stop trying to sound smart by quoting/referencing famous dead people you heard about in school, and actually explain who is dumb here, and why? i think that's the cheapest thing you can do, just come up in a thread acting all super-intelligent, and full of yourself, and talking about dumb moterfuckers, without any examples or anything. that's 5th grade level.


Ha! You're a funny little man. I love you. Bye-bye.

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greys-robot automatons sent from higher ups who can't be bothered to actually come down to earth themselves.

higher ups-Anunnaki-[re stichen's translated sumerian texts]

they come from nibaru and created mankind to mine gold

got that?

like the other dude said sometimes it's just some blueberry chronic hash laced spliff smoking teen aliens with an imporperly caliberated zerbitron that fuck up shop


more on stichen here


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maybe at some point he did, when he got older. there are better examples but i couldn't think of one. einstein i am not. but the point still remains. people who think a ufo would just crash into earth are projecting current human abilities onto these aliens. it's like assuming that they still have to steer the ship, or that it wouldn't have just an insane amount of fail-safes, each level RADICALLY more advanced than anything we have, which would probably make such an event practically impossible. they would know what our atmosphere was composed of before they even got close to it. they would have a simulated model of the air currents before they flew into them. they would probably have advanced stealth/cloaking so it doesn't even make sense when people claim to just SEE a ufo, because how far away from cloaking tech are we (not TOO far)? think about how long it will take us to even consider flying across the galaxy, and how advanced our stuff will be then.


now, yes there ARE possible scenarios where a ufo could get here and crash. someone mentioned battle damage, ok. i would have to admit that there are probably an infinite number of scenarios that could result in it. the problem is the statistics. how likely is it going to be that a space ship which is somehow made vulnerable, would come from somewhere in the galaxy to HERE, then crash. why wouldn't they try to go some place safe for repairs? or to hide out? or to deal with whatever issue put them in that vulnerable state. someone else suggested that i was assuming when i said they would be so advanced. ok fair enough, but the chances of a less advanced craft reaching us would probably plummet drastically to the point of mathematical improbability.


you know what a better likelihood is? this is something i've thought about myself but never specifically saw mentioned anywhere. i'm sure others have thought this also, but i've never seen it said. in my opinion, it's no coincidence that all of these alleged UFO crashes with supposed cover-ups and salvaged wreckages started becoming a big thing right during and after ww2 and through the cold war. i think there are alleged cases from germany, usa, and russia around this time, and the biggest cases were from those 3. what a sweet coincidence that the aliens mostly chose to crash in those countries huh? especially when through the cold war you had USA and russia both trying to scare the other side into thinking they had shit that they didn't. they were shadowboxing with shadows of shadows. they would leave inflatable fake aircraft in military base runways to fool the other side when they were seen by spy satellites (and this is just one example of countless).


i would be willing to bet that if the actual real story could somehow come out, that stuff like Roswell WAS a government thing, the whole point being to trick the USSR into thinking that we had just salvaged some future tech. that's a much higher probability than it actually be a ufo. and it's funny to think about too because it would mean that all those UFO nuts who conglomerated around that Roswell incident, were being played like fiddles to help spread misinformation (which at the risk of sounding a bit evil, i think is beautiful because i'm starting to loathe these non-thinking, automatically believing types more and more as the history channel helps increase their numbers). because if you look at it, there ARE some suspicious things about how the gov handled roswell. their story DID change, and some statements made by high up involved guys were completely contradicted. this would perfectly explain that. it was all probably a rouse to get lots of ninnies to help scare the russians, who were probably biting their nails hoping these stories they were hearing about this recovered craft in America were NOT true. so yeah, my theory here is still kind of insidious on the gov's side, but it's a kind of insidious i can get on board with. some people just don't exercise their brains at all to think critically about anything.


lol.. the idea that they'd travel thousands of light years just to crash here is, admittedly, pretty funny to consider. it's just that, when you say UFO people automatically think you're some crazy ass worried about aliens invading. Roswell (despite the initial reports of the fuselage recovered as being an unknown type of metal) was probably some type of prototype weather balloon/ reconnaissance craft created by the Russians or someone related. despite past CIA agents claiming integrated circuits probably came from said craft, i will still say it probably wasn't alien just due to how remote of scenario that would be. but, then i think, why would people who were involved say there is a craft in a hangar that they've seen if it were only a weather balloon? or the fact integrated circuits came out a couple years later? as hard as i've tried to be logical in a scientific approach of negating sources and thinking of all reasons it could have been skewed, it still doesn't add up.

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lol.. the idea that they'd travel thousands of light years just to crash here is, admittedly, pretty funny to consider. it's just that, when you say UFO people automatically think you're some crazy ass worried about aliens invading.
i don't know if you've noticed, but it's the ufo people who are largely responsible for the mental images that other people associate with them. also, the idea of them coming all that way to crash isn't so much funny, as it is absurd.
but, then i think, why would people who were involved say there is a craft in a hangar that they've seen if it were only a weather balloon?
i just gave a scenario that would perfectly explain that. the funny thing is that ufo type people don't want to accept it as a possibility, even though it still fits the criteria of being a big shady government coverup, which is something they seem to love fantasizing about. the government could have had a few men say that stuff to plant the seeds in the public's mind that they (the gov) had something, knowing those stories would reach Russia and everyone else. look up some history on the kind of stuff that the KGB and CIA were doing back and forth with each other. even military types did things to plant false ideas in the other side's head. there's a huge history of this stuff going on, and some of it was pretty sneaky deaky. them planting a story of having a downed alien craft with advanced future tech fits PERFECTLY into that true world history. unfortunately for many people such as yourself, the one thing it DOESN'T have, is UFOs.
or the fact integrated circuits came out a couple years later?
this here is a major logic pitfall and the prime reason i've come to hate the history channel so much. to the history channel, every single great thing that people have accomplished is explained by alien intervention. doesn't that sell us short a little bit? it's also circular logic because the question becomes: if WE can't be expected to ever invent anything on our own, then how did the aliens? did they require some other more advanced aliens to come and give them their shit before they could take off across the galaxy to reach us? why can't we as humans get credit for any one single thing that we did? and as far as integrated circuits are concerned, i'm no expert or even very knowledgeable on the subject, but i'd be quick to wager that the biggest roadblock towards having IC's was the manufacturing process. you need a whole other kind of factory setup to be able to make tiny little things. anyone could have conceived of having tiny circuits, well before it was possible, and i'm sure plenty of people did. only problem- it wasn't possible to actually MAKE them. so the real innovation there, wasn't the IC itself, but the ability to make them. did the UFO that crashed have some blueprints for an advanced factory that could make small circuits? if all it had in it was actual small circuits, then.. that doesn't really help us now does it?


you are taking credit away from real humans who busted their asses and their brains to make the awesome stuff we have, and giving it to aliens who you have absolutely no evidence to show that they exist. how would you like if everything you've worked hard for in your life is credited to aliens right after you die?

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lol.. the idea that they'd travel thousands of light years just to crash here is, admittedly, pretty funny to consider. it's just that, when you say UFO people automatically think you're some crazy ass worried about aliens invading.
i don't know if you've noticed, but it's the ufo people who are largely responsible for the mental images that other people associate with them. also, the idea of them coming all that way to crash isn't so much funny, as it is absurd.
but, then i think, why would people who were involved say there is a craft in a hangar that they've seen if it were only a weather balloon?
i just gave a scenario that would perfectly explain that. the funny thing is that ufo type people don't want to accept it as a possibility, even though it still fits the criteria of being a big shady government coverup, which is something they seem to love fantasizing about. the government could have had a few men say that stuff to plant the seeds in the public's mind that they (the gov) had something, knowing those stories would reach Russia and everyone else. look up some history on the kind of stuff that the KGB and CIA were doing back and forth with each other. even military types did things to plant false ideas in the other side's head. there's a huge history of this stuff going on, and some of it was pretty sneaky deaky. them planting a story of having a downed alien craft with advanced future tech fits PERFECTLY into that true world history. unfortunately for many people such as yourself, the one thing it DOESN'T have, is UFOs.
or the fact integrated circuits came out a couple years later?
this here is a major logic pitfall and the prime reason i've come to hate the history channel so much. to the history channel, every single great thing that people have accomplished is explained by alien intervention. doesn't that sell us short a little bit? it's also circular logic because the question becomes: if WE can't be expected to ever invent anything on our own, then how did the aliens? did they require some other more advanced aliens to come and give them their shit before they could take off across the galaxy to reach us? why can't we as humans get credit for any one single thing that we did? and as far as integrated circuits are concerned, i'm no expert or even very knowledgeable on the subject, but i'd be quick to wager that the biggest roadblock towards having IC's was the manufacturing process. you need a whole other kind of factory setup to be able to make tiny little things. anyone could have conceived of having tiny circuits, well before it was possible, and i'm sure plenty of people did. only problem- it wasn't possible to actually MAKE them. so the real innovation there, wasn't the IC itself, but the ability to make them. did the UFO that crashed have some blueprints for an advanced factory that could make small circuits? if all it had in it was actual small circuits, then.. that doesn't really help us now does it?


you are taking credit away from real humans who busted their asses and their brains to make the awesome stuff we have, and giving it to aliens who you have absolutely no evidence to show that they exist. how would you like if everything you've worked hard for in your life is credited to aliens right after you die?



ok, i was trying to have a rational debate about this but now you're just being condescending. so you want to paint me as the crazy alien guy.. ok i guess that's what i am now. could do without the 'unfortunately, for you' parts, know what i mean? i HOPE you UNDERSTAND that with my CAPITALIZED LETTERS, MAN.


"that doesn't really help us now does it?" fuck if i care anymore. what are you 12? you have the mentality of one. you're no expert on something but please talk down to me anyways.


"the idea of them coming all that way to crash isn't so much funny, as it is absurd" , well no shit, that's what i meant when i said it was 'funny' you asshole.

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Incidentally, CNN ran this story nationally (official video in link) on an actual UFO sighting about a month ago. If you watch it, you'll see that CNN tries to duplicate the footage, and succeeds in filming UFOs of its own. CNN then interviews a baffled expert.




I am almost completely certain that what you're seeing is insects flying close to the camera lens I've taken hot summer day photos with similar results, most assuredly caused by bugs. [i took this terrible picture of what enthusiasts call "Rods" in 2003, with no processing... there were bugs flying around everyfuckingwhere and they look bizarre once an average camera, focused on something else, gets hold of them. LOL guys it's an angelfire link, doesn't that take you back?]


Nobody offers this simple, easily tested hypothesis in the "story." That, on its own, is sort of interesting. Anyway, it would be super cool if more people interested in researching UFOs (and I think UFOs are worthy of researching) would actually, like, apply, you know, the scientific method the way they were taught in 5th grade.

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about this but now you're just being condescending. so you want to paint me as the crazy alien guy.. ok i guess that's what i am now. could do without the 'unfortunately, for you' parts, know what i mean? i HOPE you UNDERSTAND that with my CAPITALIZED LETTERS, MAN.


"that doesn't really help us now does it?" fuck if i care anymore. what are you 12? you have the mentality of one. you're no expert on something but please talk down to me anyways.


"the idea of them coming all that way to crash isn't so much funny, as it is absurd" , well no shit, that's what i meant when i said it was 'funny' you asshole.



i'm being condescending because i took some things you said and said things in response? it's a 100% true fact that the reason why a lot of people view UFO people as cooks, is because a lot of UFO people act like cooks. i didn't say that included you. and i understand that it's an interesting topic and it's a fun thing to think about as a possibility. regardless of everything i've said, i still do count it as a possibility (just a very small one). so yeah there are obviously going to be lots of non-cook UFO uhh.. fans? i don't know what to call them. but when i see them talking about this stuff without any critical thinking or real skeptical approach, that just rubs me the wrong way. it's easy to get a significant % of the population to believe in just about anything- look at cults. so i look and see guys writing books about their ufo experiences and/or research, making appearances and TV shows about it, etc etc etc, and basically making a living off of it just like 'psychics' and fortune tellers, and i see it as people taking advantage of others' willingness to believe in something. it's one thing if they actually believe it themselves.. but i don't know that they do. some do, i'm sure. i'm sure others just enjoy the piles of loot they get from fleecing the rubes.


and why shouldn't i have said "them planting a story of having a downed alien craft with advanced future tech fits PERFECTLY into that true world history. unfortunately for many people such as yourself, the one thing it DOESN'T have, is UFOs. " ?


i laid out this possible scenario that would explain everything as far as the downed/recovered craft stories are concerned, and how/why those stories leaked out, and you just 100% ignored it and continued asking the why's and how's. you don't HAVE to agree with the theory, but if you are going to reply to my post where i laid it out, and just flat out ignore it completely while continuing asking questions that it would perfectly explain, well.. how am i not supposed to assume that it's entirely because of the theory's lack of actual alien UFOs that you ignored it?


you can call me condescending all you want, but don't claim you were "trying to have a rational debate" when you just completely ignore big important aspects of my side of the debate. that's bullshit.

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the idea of them coming all that way to crash isn't so much funny, as it is absurd.
Thousands of years of technological advances may not negate the effects of drunk driving.
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Plus they could be zormphed on future space drugs!
I lol'd but then considered how drug technology has advanced right along with every other kind of tech. I would not at all be surprised if Roswell was just a big LSTUI (lightspeedtravelunderinfluence)
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| 1 | This UFO is shit |


| 2 | At MisterE who subliminally mentioned fermi equation: |

| | astronomers have recently found out there are more planets in the galaxy than stars |

| | "the data shows that planets are more common than stars in our galaxy. We also found |

| | that lighter planets, such as super-Earths or cool Neptunes, must be more common |

| | than heavier ones. |


| 3 | Every-time you try to speak about aliens on a technical/scientifical |

| | level it's pointless. Just comment on their beauty. I remember having posted |

| | a topic about tectonic weapons. More specifically I was talking about |

| | what scientists from the russian academy of science were doing : |

| | - first paper: they crush rocks with electromagnetic waves |

| | - 2nd paper : they trigger weak seisms on an area as vast as western europe |

| | - 3rd paper : they say they could trigger bigger seisms using wells carying the waves |

| | deeper in the ground |

| | Result : nobody gave a fucking damn brick. Too technical. No newspaper articles |

| | about it. I did troll an indian jones look-alike geologist though. |


| 4 | Just tripping with sublime text 2 |


| 5 | Not carrying about people browsing from their mobile or with small screens |


| 6 | VI or emacs ? |


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