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School Shooting in Connecticut

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wow....so one cop in CT disagreeing with his superiors=conspiracy?


im so fucking tired of this. we have heavily edited "audition tapes", heresay with regards to characteriziation in post-shooting interviews....and all this for what?



seriously, so the govt. could put PARTIAL bans and additional licensing on assault rifles?



this isn't like the fucking government is knocking door to door to steal guns from people. jesus christ


no one said that the sandy hook shooting was made by satanic zionist freemason illuminatis. it's just that very poor evidence was given by authorities, and many details of the story are odd, or contradictory. we're not talking reptilians here.

while i can understand that you find it very unlikely that the government would plan such a hoax only to take people's guns, i don't get why you don't find the official story itself unlikely. if the government has nothing to hide alright, just show us irrefutable evidence. so far, the story isn't really believable, and very poor information is given by the media.

no one has evidence that the shooting is a hoax, but on another hand, i find the rare evidence given by the media very hard to believe.

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So if the government arranged the sandy hook shootings so they could do the whole gun control thing... How does the government benefit from gun control?

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So if the government arranged the sandy hook shootings so they could do the whole gun control thing... How does the government benefit from gun control?


Depends who you ask:


NWO conspiracy survivalist: "It's harder to shoot a UN black helicopter down with semi-automatics with clip restrictions."


Mainstream Conservative Talk Radio: "Liberal elitists think they are better than you, and regulating guns in flyover states punishes us for loving liberty."


NRA: "We can't sell as many guns and gun-owner accessories, I tell you what."


Typical pissed-off right-wing nutjob: "Cuz Obama doesn't care, he tuk er jerbs and gave us OBAMACARE! MUSLIM KENYAN NAZI SOCIALIST"


Snarky asshole you kinda knew in high school who hates people and claims he's libertarian: "Because the nanny state wants to regulate law-abiding citzens, not criminals. Why not ban cars? Why make laws at all? DERP DERP JOHN GALT"


Rick Perry: "There is evil prowling in the world - it shows up in our movies, video games and online fascinations, and finds its way into vulnerable hearts and minds. As a free people, let us choose what kind of people we will be. Laws, the only redoubt of secularism, will not suffice. Let us all return to our places of worship and pray for help. Above all, let us pray for our children.


In fact, the piling on by the political left, and their cohorts in the media, to use the massacre of little children to advance a pre-existing political agenda that would not have saved those children, disgusts me, personally. The second amendment to the Constitution is a basic right of free people and cannot be nor will it be abridged by the executive power of this or any other president."

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Guest RadarJammer
So if the government arranged the sandy hook shootings so they could do the whole gun control thing... How does the government benefit from gun control?


My instinct doesn't tell me that this is a hoax but my instinct does tell me that if it was a hoax then the purpose probably wouldn't be about gun control but to see how big of a hoax they could pull on Americans. I'm thinking that if it was proved that this was a hoax you would still have the majority of people in denial and thinking that the hoax proof is the real hoax.


If you were a government or some secret shadow government and it dawned on you that you could probably convince society of almost anything then wouldn't you want to test that thoroughly? There are probably think tanks out there devoted to guessing how many loose threads you can give a story before it falls apart.

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if you're going to convert can't you just ask God to destroy the idiots???? how are we going to form our socio-anarchic commune if we're all destroyed and shit


lol good point.



probably because im lazy and self-deprecating.

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So if the government arranged the sandy hook shootings so they could do the whole gun control thing... How does the government benefit from gun control?


what's really sad about this question is that most of these militia survivalist armed people actually BELIEVE that they will band together and stop some kind of tyrannical crackdown of the most technologically advanced military in the entire world. This is part of the reason why they want machine guns and stuff to be legal still since when the army comes breaking down your door, they'll be armed with machine guns so it will be a more evenly matched fight.


It's just one really tragic male ego fantasy based on the 1776 american revolution. There is an interesting debate to be had about the logistics of a situation like this actually arising, but almost all of the ones I've talked to believe in this fantasy pipe dream and don't acknowledge how messy and disastrous most armed rebellions have been against any sitting government. Especially armed rebellions consisting of people who believe the president is a Muslim communist Manchurian candidate.

For someone who hates the US government as much as I do i can say with clarity that I'd be just as scared of a racist militia dude who's armed during some kind of catastrophe, probably more so than a US military member at a checkpoint


and let's just speculate for a second that if the US government did want to take away people's guns and squash the militia movement, they could make all gun owners seem crazy by association by riling up and getting people like Alex Jones and his millions of cult followers to do something really fucking stupid and actually be the catalyst for some kind of series of mass shootings or militia people taking it to the next step.


scroll forward to 9 minutes into this clip for great explanation by Chris Hedges on the danger of militia gun culture

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So if the government arranged the sandy hook shootings so they could do the whole gun control thing... How does the government benefit from gun control?


what's really sad about this question is that most of these militia survivalist armed people actually BELIEVE that they will band together and stop some kind of tyrannical crackdown of the most technologically advanced military in the entire world. This is part of the reason why they want machine guns and stuff to be legal still since when the army comes breaking down your door, they'll be armed with machine guns so it will be a more evenly matched fight.


For someone who hates the US government as much as I do i can say with clarity that I'd be just as scared of a racist militia dude who's armed during some kind of catastrophe, probably more so than a US military member at a checkpoint


I'd be more scared of a racist militia dudes too - makes me almost want to buy a gun myself...lol - personally though, they actual ones committed to that idea don't trouble me because they are so small in numbers.


For me the more troubling notion is the people who dance around the rhetoric but aren't survivalists or militia members: The Oath-Keepers, who are actual law enforcement and military members who declare themselves ready to disobey and fight anything "violating the Constitution." The millions of gun enthusiasts, not even hunters or sportsmen or collectors of historical weapons, but the millions of suburban, middle-class and more often than not very conservative users of AR-15s and semi-automatic handguns. These are the same people who actually support our military and hold vague and misinformed hatred and mistrust of liberals and advocates of regulation. There are the more harmless libertarian-esque dudes who just like shooting things for fun, i.e. your Hunter S. Thompson types, but they are outnumbered by the right-winger gun rights advocates. They are the ones who continue lobbying legislators and have transformed the NRA into a pure business lobbying group for gun manufacturers and gun sellers.


These are the kind of people, both in the GOPers in office or supporters of Tea Party legislators, that have warped the debate into such absurd and irresponsible rhetoric. Yet they hold jobs and live in major cities and communities and have not one iota of actual revolutionary motivation in them. It makes me wonder what their truth anger and fear is driven by: xenophobia, racism, paranoia, economic resentment? Because the "we need to arm ourselves from the Feds" rhetoric pure delusional fantasy. If they really feared our Federal government they would of said something when the Feds nationalized militias and the National Guard in the early 1900s and 1950s respectively, or allowed the greatest and best-armed military grow and be sustained since WWII. But hey, when a biracial Democrat wins office...



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So if the government arranged the sandy hook shootings so they could do the whole gun control thing... How does the government benefit from gun control?


hmm, i don't know. perhaps in case of economic collapse, which could happen someday within the next decades (or not at all), the government would like the people to be easily manageable, and guns could lead to civil war in that case. i really don't know. because on the other hand, taking guns away could also lead to civil war, and revolutions are excellent opportunities for coups d'état. the french revolution and the russian revolution for example are clearly fake revolutions, the people were duped.

maybe this whole thing has nothing to do with gun control, and other interests are at stake. in which case i have absolutely zero clue. i'm more confused than anything at this point.

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So if the government arranged the sandy hook shootings so they could do the whole gun control thing... How does the government benefit from gun control?


what's really sad about this question is that most of these militia survivalist armed people actually BELIEVE that they will band together and stop some kind of tyrannical crackdown of the most technologically advanced military in the entire world. This is part of the reason why they want machine guns and stuff to be legal still since when the army comes breaking down your door, they'll be armed with machine guns so it will be a more evenly matched fight.


For someone who hates the US government as much as I do i can say with clarity that I'd be just as scared of a racist militia dude who's armed during some kind of catastrophe, probably more so than a US military member at a checkpoint


I'd be more scared of a racist militia dudes too - makes me almost want to buy a gun myself...lol - personally though, they actual ones committed to that idea don't trouble me because they are so small in numbers.


For me the more troubling notion is the people who dance around the rhetoric but aren't survivalists or militia members: The Oath-Keepers, who are actual law enforcement and military members who declare themselves ready to disobey and fight anything "violating the Constitution." The millions of gun enthusiasts, not even hunters or sportsmen or collectors of historical weapons, but the millions of suburban, middle-class and more often than not very conservative users of AR-15s and semi-automatic handguns. These are the same people who actually support our military and hold vague and misinformed hatred and mistrust of liberals and advocates of regulation. There are the more harmless libertarian-esque dudes who just like shooting things for fun, i.e. your Hunter S. Thompson types, but they are outnumbered by the right-winger gun rights advocates. They are the ones who continue lobbying legislators and have transformed the NRA into a pure business lobbying group for gun manufacturers and gun sellers.


These are the kind of people, both in the GOPers in office or supporters of Tea Party legislators, that have warped the debate into such absurd and irresponsible rhetoric. Yet they hold jobs and live in major cities and communities and have not one iota of actual revolutionary motivation in them. It makes me wonder what their truth anger and fear is driven by: xenophobia, racism, paranoia, economic resentment? Because the "we need to arm ourselves from the Feds" rhetoric pure delusional fantasy. If they really feared our Federal government they would of said something when the Feds nationalized militias and the National Guard in the early 1900s and 1950s respectively, or allowed the greatest and best-armed military grow and be sustained since WWII. But hey, when a biracial Democrat wins office...





fucking a exactly. Ive been saying this over and over, a machine gun ain't gonna beat a highly tactical airborne drone strike, sorry.


I sincerely see it as more of southern yahoo's fulfilling their racist fantasies of shooting the minority hordes in the name of liberty. its disgusting....and its not hard to read between the lines on this.

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Hm, that was the first I've heard of this Chris Hedges guy (Awepittance's video). Started watching his vids. At first I was nodding my head, but then he got to discussing porn. Hmm. Seems he overstates things a bit - I don't think most women in porn are left "black and blue" at the end of a scene, nor do they all suffer from post-traumatic disorder, and his connection between porn and Abu Ghraib is tenuous at best and laughable at worst. Anyhoo....

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Guest Adjective

i work for Lonestar, but i've nothing interesting to add, other than this appears to be more of a dispute turned violent rather than a premeditated killing spree.

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Hm, that was the first I've heard of this Chris Hedges guy (Awepittance's video). Started watching his vids. At first I was nodding my head, but then he got to discussing porn. Hmm. Seems he overstates things a bit - I don't think most women in porn are left "black and blue" at the end of a scene, nor do they all suffer from post-traumatic disorder, and his connection between porn and Abu Ghraib is tenuous at best and laughable at worst. Anyhoo....


yeah his views on modern sexuality are very disagreeable to me. While i do thin that there is a grey area and undefined line between actual human trafficking and certain pornography and prostitution (the only point of his i agree with), he's acting like all porn is some sort of manifestation of this form of dehumanization and i totally disagree. There is a commentary to be made about how a sexually repressed society breeds a need for more and more porn and porn actresses/actors, but he doesn't make that he just sort of writes it all off as abusive and demeaning to women.


His book 'The Death of the Liberal Class' is genius though and he makes a pretty convincing case about how every notable liberal institution of the last century has been slowly eroded by conservative and capitalistic ideas.

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Just had a shooting in my town at North Harris community college. Someone called someone something and he got mad and shot him then he put his gun in his pocket and shot himself.


Oh Houston...



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Yeah, he seems like quite a mixed bag. Not sure why he feels the need to constantly overstate stuff. I’m still watching his vids, right now he’s rambling on and on about how Michael Jackson and his death were emblematic of how corporations destroy personhood. Eh, sorry, you don’t think his parents had anything to do with how fucked up he was? I feel like Hedges just needs to chill out and get laid.


But, he has a point tracing certain narratives within society and how they probably represent the erosion of the working class. I think his heart’s in the right place, ie., I agree with him that corporate power is the biggest threat to free society (at least I think that’s his point). Just wish he’d tone things down a bit, he looks ridiculous when he takes everything too far.

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yeah, he does need to get laid. He's a very bitter guy on and off camera. My sister interviewed him 2 years ago in person and she asked him what he thought of the writer Glenn Greenwald (who is ideologically speaking very much in line with his mode of thinking) his only response was 'Glenn Greenwald isn't a writer'. wtf?

his background is pretty interesting though, he starting to 'wake up' about the corruption of the system during his on the ground reporting for the NY Times during the NATO bombing of Kosovo. It was a shift in the way the US marketed foreign policy and preemptive warfare post cold-war. Since communism was no longer a threat 'humanitarianism' was the new way to sell wars, and he was right in the middle of it while it was shifting.

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i work for Lonestar, but i've nothing interesting to add, other than this appears to be more of a dispute turned violent rather than a premeditated killing spree.


Hey bud, turns out we actually live close to each other.

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yeah, he does need to get laid. He's a very bitter guy on and off camera. My sister interviewed him 2 years ago in person and she asked him what he thought of the writer Glenn Greenwald (who is ideologically speaking very much in line with his mode of thinking) his only response was 'Glenn Greenwald isn't a writer'. wtf?



his background is pretty interesting though, he starting to 'wake up' about the corruption of the system during his on the ground reporting for the NY Times during the NATO bombing of Kosovo. It was a shift in the way the US marketed foreign policy and preemptive warfare post cold-war. Since communism was no longer a threat 'humanitarianism' was the new way to sell wars, and he was right in the middle of it while it was shifting.


That is interesting. He seems like a somewhat intriguing dude but he has some quite weird ideas. I just found an essay he wrote about why atheism doesn't exist (and apparently, why all atheists want to kill people):



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lol holy shit....im tempted to stay up to read this one.


edit; and the very first sentence of this editorial is a tautology. fuck this guy.


actually, this whole article is complete hypocritical bullshit.


im sure he's written better things, but fuckin lol this is not one of them.

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yeah, he does need to get laid. He's a very bitter guy on and off camera. My sister interviewed him 2 years ago in person and she asked him what he thought of the writer Glenn Greenwald (who is ideologically speaking very much in line with his mode of thinking) his only response was 'Glenn Greenwald isn't a writer'. wtf?



his background is pretty interesting though, he starting to 'wake up' about the corruption of the system during his on the ground reporting for the NY Times during the NATO bombing of Kosovo. It was a shift in the way the US marketed foreign policy and preemptive warfare post cold-war. Since communism was no longer a threat 'humanitarianism' was the new way to sell wars, and he was right in the middle of it while it was shifting.


That is interesting. He seems like a somewhat intriguing dude but he has some quite weird ideas. I just found an essay he wrote about why atheism doesn't exist (and apparently, why all atheists want to kill people):





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