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Guest RadarJammer

what do you get when you cross Luke Perry and a paper bag?



a disgusting bag of filth that you should throw in the garbage


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Some of these jokes aren't very funny...


The other night I was laying in bed and starting laughing and when my girlfriend asked me why I told her the truth ,which is that I'd just read that the MiniKorg 700s has 2 oscillators and 3 ring modulators (lol). Anyways she called me a dork and then I lay in silence thinking about all those ring modulators.


Not really a joke but still, 3 ring modulators! lol.

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The other night I was laying in bed and starting laughing and when my girlfriend asked me why I told her the truth ,which is that I'd just read that the MiniKorg 700s has 2 oscillators and 3 ring modulators (lol). Anyways she called me a dork and then I lay in silence thinking about all those ring modulators.


Not really a joke but still, 3 ring modulators! lol.



Some of these jokes aren't very funny...

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Sorry Limpy. :flower:


Here is a joke just for you:


'Knock knock'

'Who's there?'


'Oh you are back from the shop already? Did you get any ring modulators?'


'No I haven't got any.'



Dude i swear to b'jesus I was looking over a cheap local Univox Minikorg yesterday, checking out the specs and all.



Almost pulled the trigger.

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A boy comes home from school one day. His mother notices that he"s got a big smile on his face. She asks, "You look happy, did anything special happen at school today?" "Yes mum - I had sex with my English teacher!" he replied. The mother is stunned. "Get up them stairs now and wait until your father gets home!" The dad comes home and hears the news; he"s as pleased as punch. Beaming with pride, he walks over to his son and says, "I hear you had sex with your English teacher.""That"s right, Dad." "Well, you became a man today - this is a cause for celebration. Let"s get a curry, then I"ll buy you that bike you"ve been asking for.""Thanks, but can I have a football instead? My asshole is killing me."

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A Nigerian businessman is visiting a trading partner in Russia. They get around to drinking some vodka, and the Russian says to the Nigerian: "We have a game in Russia called Russian roulette. Have you heard of it?" The Nigerian replies that he hasn't, and so the Russian explains it to him over a few more glasses of vodka. The Nigerian, after a few more glasses decides, what the hell, and says, "Sure, I'll give it a shot." Well they play, and nobody loses! Hooray.

A few weeks later, the Russian is visiting his trading partner in Nigeria. They get around to drinking, and after a while the Nigerian says, "Hello my fried. In honour of your visit we created a game very similar to your Russian Roulette, would you like to play?" The Russian replies "Sure, i vould love to play!" The Nigerian takes the Russian into a hut where six beautiful Nigerian women are kneeling in a circle. He says to the Russian, "you can have a blowjob from any one of these women." The Russian looks at the Nigerian suspiciously and asks, "Vat's the catch?" The Nigerian answers,


"One of them is a cannibal."


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