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First U.S. drone target


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sort of a cop-out response to use the phrase conspiracy theory as a pejorative If you want to go based on the definition of a conspiracy, it's an act carried out by more than 2 people working in concert. Just isolating the fire incident alone, a form of wild west justice was performed by burning a man alive hiding inside of a cabin by several police working together as heard on the radio communications. Does that make it a 'conspiracy theory' ? or is it a conspiracy? Or does it really matter what you call it, Smetty is understandably wondering and speculating about why the gates of hell were opened just to catch this guy, and clearly they didn't care about taking him dead or alive, there was extra malice in this circumstance.

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It's certainly not unreasonable to feel that the LAPD burned him to death on purpose - even before you get to the radio evidence. It's not a "conspiracy" in the sense that it goes all the way to Obama or whatever. The police are vicious, they work together to protect their own, crush dissent and take revenge, and this has never been secret or a "conspiracy". It's a historical fact of how they operate.


There's no way they ever planned to take him alive and face the embarrassment of a trial with all the dirty laundry he could've aired as a former cop. And I'm sure he knew it.

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It's certainly not unreasonable to feel that the LAPD burned him to death on purpose - even before you get to the radio evidence. It's not a "conspiracy" in the sense that it goes all the way to Obama or whatever. The police are vicious, they work together to protect their own, crush dissent and take revenge, and this has never been secret or a "conspiracy". It's a historical fact of how they operate.


There's no way they ever planned to take him alive and face the embarrassment of a trial with all the dirty laundry he could've aired as a former cop. And I'm sure he knew it.


well said

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Let's not get carried away with definitions. He called the events highly suspect. The question remains: highly suspect of what? Either have an explanation or use a different term instead of suspect. I mean, it can't be a discussion that the LAPD are highly suspect for making mistakes. The mistakes are out in the open and wel established facts. So, highly suspect of what?


edit: ok of burning a man intentionally. potential conspiracy-issues cleared..


thanks for clearing that up, IC.

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sort of a cop-out response to use the phrase conspiracy theory as a pejorative If you want to go based on the definition of a conspiracy, it's an act carried out by more than 2 people working in concert. Just isolating the fire incident alone, a form of wild west justice was performed by burning a man alive hiding inside of a cabin by several police working together as heard on the radio communications. Does that make it a 'conspiracy theory' ? or is it a conspiracy? Or does it really matter what you call it, Smetty is understandably wondering and speculating about why the gates of hell were opened just to catch this guy, and clearly they didn't care about taking him dead or alive, there was extra malice in this circumstance.

first of all, i never used the word/term conspiracy or conspiracy theory as a pejorative. that's just you making assumptions and also ignoring some things i DID say. notice where i said conspiracies actually exist, and that having a 'conspiracy theory' would not outright make someone a nut? or notice where i used the phrase 'by definition' meaning that i understood fully well that a conspiracy is merely several people in on some scheme together? pay attention.

secondly, yes it's true that each singular event in his list of 'highly suspect' events could be, by itself, a 'conspiracy' according to that same definition. another example could be that the 'declaring of this as an act of terrorism' could have been done to justify the use of drones, linking those two parts, and some could call that a conspiracy i guess. BUT i think i made it *abundantly* clear, that i felt that smet's comments were suggesting that there is a LARGER conspiracy that connects each of these events. that they all have the same motive. i said exactly that. and here you come and try to change the subject or distract from it by using some kind of wordplay. the question i'm getting at- do people (like smet) think that this is a massive conspiracy with each of these elements being part of it? it's pretty simple and straight forward to understand.


smet can think that each of those events may be highly suspect by themselves, but i sensed that he was suggesting that they are all linked by a common motive, meaning there would be one large conspiracy. i called him out on it, and he dodged answering directly while laying out a statement that seems to suggest even more clearly, that yes he does believe there is such a conspiracy. if he didn't, all he had to do was say 'no, i don't think these events are tied together, but that each one in and of itself is a suspect event'. he did not say that. i really can't believe that i need to spell this out, it's beyond ridiculous.


he specifically mentioned, for example, that the shooting of the women in the similar vehicle is 'highly suspect'. what does that mean? think about it! is or is that not suggesting that those cops who did that, had some motive for being so trigger happy? meaning that there is some big underlying thing going on here. i really can't believe that i have to dissect it to this extent to show what someone is saying, when it's all clearly right there for everyone to see.

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It's certainly not unreasonable to feel that the LAPD burned him to death on purpose - even before you get to the radio evidence. It's not a "conspiracy" in the sense that it goes all the way to Obama or whatever. The police are vicious, they work together to protect their own, crush dissent and take revenge, and this has never been secret or a "conspiracy". It's a historical fact of how they operate.


There's no way they ever planned to take him alive and face the embarrassment of a trial with all the dirty laundry he could've aired as a former cop. And I'm sure he knew it.

ok this could be a possible explanation for the conspiracy. a conspiracy just means a plot involving multiple people, so yes, this would be a conspiracy. and i could see this as being a possible thing that might have been going on here. a long trial where he could talk out against the police force and make accusations etc. ok, fair enough. but for the shooting of the women in the similar vehicle to be part of that, it would mean that orders to shoot and kill on sight were issued. another thing- to lump everything the LAPD did in with the drone use, as if they are linked, that would require that the conspiracy goes beyond the LAPD alone. it would HAVE to go to the federal government. and this is all beside the fact that this here claims that no drone ever was used. the declaration of terrorism was by the LAPD themselves so i don't know how 'official' that is, and to compare that to the lack of the federal government declaration of Ft Hood as terrorism is comparing apples to peanuts.

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jesus christ.



The only conspiracy theory Im suggesting is that the LAPD is grossly incompetent at best, and abusing their authority at worst. I seriously cannot explain myself more clearly or my head is going to explode.



if this makes it easier for you:


Dorner was a patsy for the current federal administration. He was supposed to take the heat off the Carnival cruise debacle and put it back on gun control. The Carnival cruise didn't stop because of engine failure. It was because aliens had hijacked it, and were demanding enough human feces aka combustible fuel to power up their ship. Obama is a patsy as well; ultimately the citizens of the U.S. are going to turn into poop slaves for the higher alien race. First Obama needs to take away are guns and are freedom. Dorner is helping with that. In addition, the cabin the LAPD burnt down happened to have a secret LAPD/FBI/CIA/Catholic Church archive of alien related materials in its subbasement. So two birds with one stone.



We are through the looking glass.

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Guest Drahken

I think the LAPDs behavior is pretty easy to understand here. Their chief labeled Dorner a terrorist, and they dealt with him like a terrorist. It was deplorable behavior, but not all that surprising.

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yeah, the fact that he killed some of them, one of their daughters, and declared war on them and promised to kill more of them, and their families, probably didn't factor in so much. just like the burning of the house, while being a questionable tactic one way or the other (assuming it was intentional), probably had little to do with the fact that he had just shot 2 more cops, killing one and injuring another, from the house. they should have just sent robocop in to say hi and grab him.


oh wait that's detroit, LA doesn't have robocop.

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Guest Drahken

That is no excuse for wonton disregard of civilian safety and is exactly the reason domestic law enforcement should not engage in military-style shoot to kill manhunts. Too many civilians were needlessly put in harms way because of their approach.

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what are you getting at here? that the LAPD is some sort of undercover wing of the Illuminati military? back up your statements and connect them to something, man.



but yeah its absolutely deplorable, especially considering the Waco incident involved the exact same tear gas canisters. but shit, he shot some cops and threatened people so its only natural to set him on fire.

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That is no excuse for wonton disregard of civilian safety and is exactly the reason domestic law enforcement should not engage in military-style shoot to kill manhunts. Too many civilians were needlessly put in harms way because of their approach.


apparently there are excuses when you worship the state as if it is some sort of inherently good protector. Fully agree with everything you've said by the way and still continue to be astounded by the disregard for proper criminal justice. But i guess when your country has had an illegal Gulag open for over 10 years filled with 'terrorists' who are so 'dangerous' we can't bring evidence against them in court, any level of cognitive dissonance is possible


and fuck anybody who asserts that Smetty was being a 'conspiracy theorist' for making a very basic assumption based on the historical record. Blatantly lazy and pathetic way to have a debate with someone. Or more politely.. intellectually dishonest.

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i don't even understand the causal chain from him saying the police conduct is suspect, meaning questionable, to him being a conspiracy theorist. those posts make no sense to me.

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well apparently me thinking a massive police force responsible for








were also responsible for




TWO incidents of unrestrained and unnecessary force in pursuing Dorner.


Setting Dorner's cabin on fire via the same methods that the Waco debacle received flak for.


oh yeah plus all the ridiculously overbearing shit that Ive mentioned about 5 times by now.


and last but not least, the man who shot and killed cops and others was former LAPD.



Is this seriously a fucking conspiracy theory? Because I might have to look up what that means again. I could have sworn LAPD corruption was so widespread and notorious that the


Seriously, this isn't some communist conspiracy nut bullshit I'm bringing up.




*PS> appreciate awe and Mr.C's goin-on's in here.

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