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Tribute to the rogue planet named CFBDSIR_2149-0403 freely drifting in outer space after being ejected from orbit


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I just started mine.


Edit: The working title is 'Impending Collision' so I hope that title isn't too close to anyone else's for this project; I figure it's a fairly prominent notion when considering Rogue Planets and all.

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Just got another track, and I'm sure more are on the way.


I've been making progress on my submission(s) this weekend. If you're planning on submitting but havn't started yet, now'd be a good time to start!

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I made a track but I didn't want to submit it so I'm gonna make another one and submit that instead.



here it is btw lol

The sense of terror as the Rogue Planet breaches our horizon on its collision course is palpable in this here track!

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Does the deadline really have to be June 1st? I'm handing in my master's thesis on June 5th and I REALLY want to make something for this compilation.

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No, the deadline doesn't have to be June 1st, and people handing in theses is a pretty good reason to change it.


Would anyone else care for a later deadline? Perhaps July 1st?

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I might try and do something... It might be shit.


There's a chance it will be shit..

A high chance..


I'll hand in something really bad. Be ready.


IMO your output is constistent and solid

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No, the deadline doesn't have to be June 1st, and people handing in theses is a pretty good reason to change it.


Would anyone else care for a later deadline? Perhaps July 1st?

Fine by me.

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I too would like it to be July 1st cause i have state exam at the end of this mouth.



No, the deadline doesn't have to be June 1st, and people handing in theses is a pretty good reason to change it.


Would anyone else care for a later deadline? Perhaps July 1st?

Fine by me.


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Guest Rulohead32

I might try and do something... It might be shit.


There's a chance it will be shit..

A high chance..


I'll hand in something really bad. Be ready.

ERROR 404 User:FriendlyFoil

Error description: User is not allowed to underestimate itself.

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Okay, thanks for the feedback. I've officially changed the deadline.


Sorry if such a dramatic extension on the deadline interferes with anyone's motivation. I know a looming deadline is a good incentive to write music. I gave early notice on this extension so that the people finishing up their school terms will know that they have some time, and not write this compilation off. For any future compilation albums, I'll try to keep people's school schedules in mind from the beginning.

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