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the great pyramid

Guest skibby

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Guest skibby

..because they were under the illusion that they had some great system, some great answer to everything, and they wanted to preserve that illusion to brainwash future generations :emotawesomepm9:


and they somehow accidentally the speed of light, the circumference of the earth, distance from sun, distance from moon, the meter, mass of the earth, fit megaliths together like laser jelly, drilled and sawed stone with jeweled saw blades. then everybody was all like "lets do the caveman again"

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..because they were under the illusion that they had some great system, some great answer to everything, and they wanted to preserve that illusion to brainwash future generations :emotawesomepm9:


and they somehow accidentally the speed of light, the circumference of the earth, distance from sun, distance from moon, the meter, mass of the earth, fit megaliths together like laser jelly, drilled and sawed stone with jeweled saw blades. then everybody was all like "lets do the caveman again"




we revel in these same achievements now, do we not? history repeats itself in cycles. we take so much pride in the illusion of our great achievement; so much so that we cannot see; see that in the grander scheme of things, we r all bumbling idiots and our most advanced tools, cures for self-inflicted disease and error and funny little tinker-toys r the equivalent of pounding rocks together in comparison with what truly matters and what is truly 'possible'

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well, they are great in that they are great monuments to slavery. being used to build opulent beyond belief 'resting places' for dead bodies of terribly greedy kings and queens who only got what they had by birth.


it's at least cute how left leaning hollywood via that flick 10,000BC simply couldnt resist the urge to suggest that even THOSE slave masters were white


i guess some history is inconvenient. same liberals who praise the pyramids for their awe and greatness would never in a million years praise some similar monument on even 1/100th the scale of one of those pyramids, had it been built by black slaves in 1800s america. but you see these types on tv on retarded shows like the history channel practically sucking off these pharaohs, talking about them with stars in their eyes. turns out, sometimes they love despotism. those ancient kings should be looked at mostly with disgust. think about what all that manpower could have built for the betterment of all of society?

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Guest skibby

well, despite all the evidence found in the actual measurements of the building of the great pyramid having been built for a very good reason, i guess we should just piss on it cause it was supposedly made by slaves, unlike the people of today who build the highways and dig enormous holes in the ground and the rainforest just for fun.


and also



jay z


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what evidence and what purpose? and again, even if there were some evidence of some vague 'purpose' behind a similar monument which had been built by american slaves in the 1800s, it would still be considered a horrible thing that should be tore down.


i keep hearing about how the edges of these things line up perfectly with the stars. heh


i mean, are there any lines at any angle that i could draw on the ground that wouldn't 'line up' with some stars?


and so fucking what?!

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what? what do the maths done on those things show? is it like in ghostbusters, how dana's building turned out to be a huge super-conductive antenna that was designed and built expressly for the purpose of pulling in and concentrating spiritual turbulence?

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unlike the people of today who build the highways and dig enormous holes in the ground and the rainforest just for fun.

you, the ones who believe we're not still all slaves, undeceive yourselves...


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Guest skibby

skibby, the problem is, I'm not likely to believe a website that looks like it was made in the '90s. I'm guessing that page has a blend of true facts, urban legends, and conspiracy theories.


ok, so bad web design indicates possible falseness. i can tell none of you h8rs watched the supplied video.


only a poor judge of intelligence would miss the fact that some intelligent beings made that pile of rocks. not saying you're a poor judge of intelligence.




idm as fuk

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How do you imagine future human geings reacting to the LHC then?
The pyramids of Gizeh are indeed a great achievement of mankind AT THE TIME THEY WERE BUILT!
Let's not forget every other of the 7 wonders of ancient time that were destroyed and we only have writings to try to understand what they were like...

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what? what do the maths done on those things show? is it like in ghostbusters, how dana's building turned out to be a huge super-conductive antenna that was designed and built expressly for the purpose of pulling in and concentrating spiritual turbulence?


If I build a big ass sphere in concrete, will it still be there in 5000 years? And if it is what would the future people think of it? Would they understand that it was just a big show-off of my skills or would they try to put a bigger meaning into it?

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It wasn't slavery though, it was a well looked after specialzed work force, plus billeted citizens helping out in the off farming season. And if the second part of the workforce doesn't sound very glamorous, i'd imagine that for a farmer's son from some no name village along the nile, one seasonal jaunt to help in building a mountain for your god-emperor would make for a story to enthrall your grandchildren.


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well, they are great in that they are great monuments to slavery. being used to build opulent beyond belief 'resting places' for dead bodies of terribly greedy kings and queens who only got what they had by birth.


it's at least cute how left leaning hollywood via that flick 10,000BC simply couldnt resist the urge to suggest that even THOSE slave masters were white


i guess some history is inconvenient. same liberals who praise the pyramids for their awe and greatness would never in a million years praise some similar monument on even 1/100th the scale of one of those pyramids, had it been built by black slaves in 1800s america. but you see these types on tv on retarded shows like the history channel practically sucking off these pharaohs, talking about them with stars in their eyes. turns out, sometimes they love despotism. those ancient kings should be looked at mostly with disgust. think about what all that manpower could have built for the betterment of all of society?


nubian kings also built pyramids.

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Wow Mister E, you really don't know what you're talking about do you?
How do you think the ancient egyptians did to have a civilization lasting thousands of years? Just with greed and slavery? You've got to be kidding...

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Guest Tamochanter

I ain't totally convinced by the slavery theory. The pyraminds seem to be a logical outcome based on the facts at the time. Deity and pharoh worship was unwavering and i think it's quite possible the workss were doing it out of devotion. After all it was a culture totally commited to the pyraminds and thier pharohs. For me they became the only way to instill respect for the ruling calsses. I love the way they evloved the theology as time passed, yet still based all ideas on mathematical facts.

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