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Sunset Pig - Everything Is Fake

Guest crowndicey

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Guest crowndicey

Thank you! We're putting out these teaser clips every week until we release. I didn't know if it'd be okay to post these here or not. Seems to be going over alright though. If I do post more of the clips here I wonder if I should just keep them in this one thread? Anyway, it's free so if you enjoy here is the link to where it will be available: bandcamp.sunsetpig.com

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I didn't know if it'd be okay to post these here or not. Seems to be going over alright though.


It's okay, just remember to give other people feedback as well.

Very interesting snippet you've posted. Sounds very well produced. I don't really know what else to say but make sure to keep us updated

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Guest crowndicey

If anyone sees this, I was just wondering if I'm going to post these clips from this ep should I post them all within this thread or new thread for each clip? I don't want to overkill anybody with my bullshit. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if it's intentional, but to me the samples of the slot-machines meeting the melodic pads represents a juxtaposition between of the chaos from the sounds in crowded spaces versus nature.

The second one is completely different and funky as hell, terribly enjoyable :)

On the third one you do some amazing sampling work, I'll be watching you on SoundCloud for when you hit it big, because all of these were truly high quality production both artistically and technically. I'll be looking forward to it drops. Keep up the fantastic work you're doing. :)

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