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The Post Your Most Recent Poetry Thread

Plarkreluke Banloboh

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Here's a thread to post your word based art (if there's an existing thread I haven't seen it come up recently).


To start things off I'll post some of my absurdist stream of consciousness stuff (but all different kinds of poetry should be welcome [within the rules]).



Rippled indigo tar-sands from the offical Sponge-Henge replica site can actually funnel the vibraphonic sneer energies of agitated lolgif communities onto/into the Balkanised frothy wind-farm tropics of intrauterine cancer where the lost wandering design consultancies rapidly swing their labido enzyme pink-lists north-easterly over the faulty tooth-beds in keeping with the gummy share-a-like project 2.0 standard without any need for verifiable black-forest proof puddings from the oven-mud dream-wizard crime-units known for handing out their reasonably accurate gnome-bubble solution diagrams in ornamental zip-locked floppy beagle guitar cases from the Rastafarian casino dome dimension.

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To all the deep thinker and Hemingway drinkers

Fuck you

To all the lovers and overbearing mothers

Fuck you

Fuck you famous. Fuck you homeless.

Fuck the latest. Fuck the oldest.

Fuck me. Fuck she. Fuck benevolence.


Fuck your prayers and all your dreams.

Fuck all your players and fuck all your teams.

Fuck the buildings in which you worship.

Fuck sex and fuck courtships.

The kids will soon be fucked from the lies that you told them.

Fuck opinions and fuck this poem.

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Iphone gibberish-to-text:

Fatima hey custom-built equipment to Cushon look at it Kmick? Or some of that in "to" smectic going to come by take something.

Heh I love that shit. The other day I typed a gibberish reply to a scam email which the auto-correct function appropriately replaced with "I buyers hiccup ugly" which I've used again several times since. :)

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Iphone gibberish-to-text:

Fatima hey custom-built equipment to Cushon look at it Kmick? Or some of that in "to" smectic going to come by take something.

Heh I love that shit. The other day I typed a gibberish reply to a scam email which the auto-correct function appropriately replaced with "I buyers hiccup ugly" which I've used again several times since. :)
Zole nice. Here's another from today that made me completely lose my shit:


Hey goal and post somebody Google simple but you could call him "Bonikell Shamouti" but it was like the question.

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Dark Matters


There are always, in every moment, a series of duplicitous occurrences. I'll admit, that's not exactly the most catchy opening to a story but 'twice upon a time 'doesn't sound right either. Such is the fraught nature of discussing anti-matter and the denizens of Dark Space. As of this moment, my dark doppelgänger versucht, mich zu beschreiben..


excuse me.. that word does it to me every time..


As I was saying, my dark doppelgänger is trying to describe me as if I was an impostor, a phoney, a phantom, a pretender! I tell you, the nerve of that guy! I'd like to confront him about these wild allegations. The very notion calls into question the very validity of my very materiality! I really don't want to create suspicions amongst boffins in high places, or else I might vanish into a puff of quantum foam. This happened to a girl I knew who wasn't careful, now she's a kind of detergent used to clean interstellar satellites.


I say I'd LIKE to confront him but this has proven difficult. Getting into Dark Space is like trying to catch a glimpse of the back of your head by turning it very quickly. Not easy. Also it has to do with knowing the right people. Since I have about as many connections as a Mountain Yeti, I decided instead to hone my ability turn my head. Daft you say? Well, when I say turn my head I mean actually mean change my mind. To oscillate my point of view and have it frequency modulate my position of reference.


To be continued..

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Stream of non-conciseness.


Smoke the signals. Oozing cream of out-of-office-reply from the orifice supply chain.



D o o d a d.


Kept in hidey parallax domains, tinted by stage-lights like the tidy teasing hints of wax-paper taint.



Leather appeal.


The lonesome Lycra cowboy dancing the yield. Performing in heaped teaspoons, one per happy mushrooming head of geese bloomed goose bottoms.



Shrift shorts.


Where the savings are our gift to you, the bald-faced consumer.





Confidence is at an all-time 'okayishness' level. A level that has the Secretary of Furrowed Brows sweating tiny black beads of nihilism into his Wheaties.



The Wheaties Prospectus.


Funny bones are never at a loss for brown marrow. Down low.



Loud spiders.


I hate loud spiders.

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